15 research outputs found

    Bridging the Gap for Seabed Mining: Preparatory Instruments for the New Law of the Sea Convention

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    This Article discusses the need for, and structure of, a temporary preparatory commission to begin work on the International Seabed Authority once the Draft Treaty on the Law of the Sea has been ratified. Acknowledging that the Authority will require a preparatory commission to pay the way for their early stages, the author examines the possible permutations of such an authority and concludes that the debate over the structuring of the Preparatory Commission will be another obstacle to convention ratification

    Neue Regeln für den Tiefseebergbau - Draft Exploitation Regulations 2018

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    World Ocean Review 2015 : living with the oceans 3. Marine resources - opportunities and risks

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    The third issue of the World Ocean Review, WOR 3, is devoted to marine resources – metals and energy – and their utilization. It gives the facts about the extraction of known oil and gas deposits below the ocean floor and examines the impacts upon flora and fauna. It explains how gas hydrates form on continental shelves and what potential they hold. The review further explores in detail the opportunities and risks presented and posed by extracting mineral resources from the seabed: manganese nodules, cobalt crusts and massive sulphides

    World Ocean Review 2015 : Mit den Meeren leben 3. Rohstoffe aus dem Meer - Chancen und Risiken

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    Die dritte Ausgabe des „World Ocean Review“ widmet sich den metallischen und energetischen Ressourcen des Meeres und ihrer Nutzung. Er liefert Fakten über den Abbau der bekannten Öl- und Gasvorkommen unterhalb des Meeresbodens und beleuchtet die Auswirkungen auf Flora und Fauna. Er erklärt die Entstehung und Potenziale der Gashydratvorkommen an den Kontinentalrändern und liefert detaillierte Informationen über Chancen und Risiken der Nutzung mineralischer Rohstoffe: Manganknollen, Kobaltkrusten und Massivsulfide

    The Baltic

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    Seerecht und Klimawandel

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