8 research outputs found

    Humán tér-kép. A humán és fejlesztéspolitikai tényezők földrajza Magyarországon

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    I. fejezet Bevezetés: a kreativitás földrajzi eloszlása II. fejezet A kreativitás térszerkezeti változása Magyarországon az ezredforduló után III. fejezet Fejlesztéspolitika térben és időben: az Európai Unió fejlesztési célú támogatásai Magyarországon – 2004-2015 IV. fejezet Magyarország deviancia-térképe területi előrejelzésekke

    A kalcium tranziens kialakulásának mechanizmusa működő szívben = Development of the calcium transient in the beating heart

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    Kutatásaink a ciklikus intracelluláris kalciumion koncentráció (Ca2+i) változásait kialakító transzport folyamatok felderítésére irányultak normál és kardiomiopátiás szívben. A mért primer jel a Ca2+i tranziens volt, melynek kvantitív analízisére matematikai modellt fejlesztettünk ki. Ennek segítségével lehetővé vált a rianodin csatorna és a SERCA2a kinetikai paramétereinak kiszámítása. Megfigyeléseink szerint a posztiszkémiás szívben a tartósan megemelkedett Ca2+i szint kontraktúrát, valamint a PLA2 aktiválásával membrán degradációt okoz. Ezek a károsodások hő-sokk előkezeléssel részlegesen kivédhetők. További megfigyelésünk szerint a diabéteszes és toxikus kardiomiopátia Ca2+i felszabadulási és szekvesztrációs zavarokat okoz, valamint a nukleáris poli(ADP-ribóz)polimeráz enzim gátlásával a toxikus kardiomiopátia ezen hatásai a Ca2+i homeosztázisra mérsékelhetők. Összefoglalva; a T038121 sz. OTKA támogatás segítségével jelentős előrelépést tettünk a myocardium Ca2+i tranziensét kialakító mechanizmusok feltérképezésében mind normál, mind patofiziológiás körülmények között. | During the grant period of 2002-2005 our research focused on the delineation of the processes responsible for the cyclic changes of the intracellular calcium concentration (Ca2+i) in the normal and diseased heart. A mathematical model was developed to allow the quantitative analysis of the observed Ca2+i signal. Using this novel mathematical approach we have calculated the kinetic parameters of the sarcoplasmic reticulum calcium release channel (RyR2) and SERCA2a. We have observed that the persistent increase in end-diastolic Ca2+i is associated with contracture of the myocardium and activation of PLA2 resulting in membrane degradation. These pathological events can be ameliorated with heat shock pretreatment. We have found that cardiomyopathy of either diabetes or toxic origin results in malfunction of Ca2+ release and sequestration. We have also shown that the disruptive effects of toxic cardiomyopathy on Ca2+i handling can be suppressed with the inhibition of the nuclear enzyme ply(ADP-ribose)polymerase. In summary; funds provided by OTKA T038121 spawned major progress in our research to delineate the processes involved in Ca2+i handling both under normal and pathological circumstances

    Solid state treatment with Lactobacillus paracasei subsp. paracasei BGHN14 and Lactobacillus rhamnosus BGT10 improves nutrient bioavailability in granular fish feed

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    The aim of this research was to improve nutritive value of fishmeal-based feed by lactobacilli in order to achieve satisfactory nutrient availability needed to support fish development. Feed was solid-state treated at a laboratory scale with the combination of Lactobacillus paracaseisubsp. paracasei BGHN14 and Lactobacillus rhamnosus BGT10 in different experimental settings, which included the variation of strain ratio, total lactobacilli concentration, percentage of moisture and duration of incubation. Short peptides, soluble proteins, phospho-, neutral and unsaturated lipids were quantified. Differences among treated and control feeds were evaluated by Student t-test, while Gaussian process regression (GPR) modeling was employed to simulate the incubation process and define the optimal treatment combination in the context of overall feed nutritional profile. Treatment duration was shown to be the critical determinant of final outcome, either as single factor or via interaction with strain ratio. Optimal nutrient balance was achieved with 12 h incubation period, 260% moisture, 75:25 and 50:50 BGHN14:BGT10 ratios and 200 mg of lactobacilli per g of dry feed. This study should serve as the basis for large-scale tests which would simulate on-farm production of both fishmeal-based and unconventional, lower cost aquafeed with added value

    Supplementation of lactobacilli improves growth, regulates microbiota composition and suppresses skeletal anomalies in juvenile pike-perch (Sander lucioperca) reared in recirculating aquaculture system (RAS): A pilot study

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    This research aimed to test the effects of lactobacilli, applied to cultured pike-perch, either through hydrolyzed OTOHIME fish diet, or through Artemia nauplii, on fish growth, microbiota balance and skeletal development. On the 12th Day Post Hatching (DPH) fish were divided into following treatment groups: two groups received the combination of OTOHIME and nauplii enriched either with Lactobacillus paracasei BGHN14 + Lactobacillus rhamnosus BGTH or with Lactobacillus reuteri BGGO6-55 + Lactobacillus salivarius BGHO1, and one group received OTOHIME hydrolyzed by BGHN14 + BGT10 and non-enriched nauplii. Control group received non-enriched nauplii and non-hydrolyzed OTOHIME. The treatment lasted 14 days and fish were sacrificed on the 26th DPH for the assessment of digestive enzyme activity and microbiota composition. Individual total lengths and individual body weights were recorded at the end of the treatments, on the 26th DPH, and also on the 45th DPH, in parallel with the evaluation of skeletal deformities and fish survival. Our results indicated positive effect of Anemia enriched with BGGO6-55 + BGHO1 on fish growth, skeletal development and trypsin to chymotrypsin activity ratio (T/C), as an indicator of protein digestibility. Hydrolysis of OTOHIME was also associated with better skeletal development, higher T/C values and lower levels of Aeromonas and Mycobacterium spp., which are important fish pathogens. Though additional testing in larger cohort studies is needed, these observations are promising in terms of usage of probiotics for improved environmentally friendly production of pike-perch in Recirculating Aquaculture System (RAS)

    Expression and Prognostic Examination of Heat Shock Proteins (HSP 27, HSP 70, and HSP 90) in Medulloblastoma

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    Expression of heat shock proteins (HSPs) is of prognostic significance in several tumor types. HSP expression levels were determined in medulloblastomas and tested whether HSPs expression was associated with prognostic parameters. Expression of antiapoptotic HSP 27, HSP 70, and HSP 90 was investigated by immunohistochemistry, on paraffin-embedded sections from 65 patients. Expression of HSPs was validated on internal vascular controls and by Western blotting analysis. Sample evaluation was based on the estimated percentage of HSP positive tumor cells. For survival analysis Kaplan-Meier method, for statistical analysis χ2 test, univariate analysis, and log rank test were applied. Expression of HSPs varied in medulloblastomas. On the basis of the average expression rate of HSPs, at HSP 27 and HSP 90 with a 10% cut off, and at HSP 70 with a 70% cut off 2 groups were created. The amount of expression of any of the HSP types was not significantly associated with known prognostic factors (age of patient, extent of resection, presence of metastasis) and histologic subtype. After an average follow-up period of 4.30 years, no significant difference was observed in survival depending on the expression of HSP 27 or HSP 70 or HSP 90. The high expression of HSPs indicates that these proteins are potential therapeutic targets

    The Value of a Novel Panel of Cervical Cancer Biomarkers for Triage of HPV Positive Patients and for Detecting Disease Progression.

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    In the era of primary vaccination against HPV and at the beginning of the low prevalence of cervical lesions, introduction of screening methods that can distinguish between low- and high-grade lesions is necessary in order to maintain the positive predictive value of screening. This case-control study included 562 women who attended cervical screening or were referred for colposcopy and 140 disease free controls, confirmed by histology and/or cytology. The cases were stratified by age. Using routine exfoliated liquid based cytological samples RT-PCR measurements of biomarker genes, high-risk HPV testing and liquid based cytology were performed and used to evaluate different testing protocols including sets of genes/tests with different test cut-offs for the diagnostic panels. Three new panels of cellular biomarkers for improved triage of hrHPV positive women (diagnostic panel) and for prognostic assessment of CIN lesions were proposed. The diagnostic panel (PIK3AP1, TP63 and DSG3) has the potential to distinguish cytologically normal hrHPV+ women from hrHPV+ women with CIN2+. The prognostic gene panels (KRT78, MUC5AC, BPIFB1 and CXCL13, TP63, DSG3) have the ability to differentiate hrHPV+ CIN1 and carcinoma cases. The diagnostic triage panel showed good likelihood ratios for all age groups. The panel showed age-unrelated performance and even better diagnostic value under age 30, a unique feature among the established cervical triage tests. The prognostic gene-panels demonstrated good discriminatory power and oncogenic, anti-oncogenic grouping of genes. The study highlights the potential for the gene expression panels to be used for diagnostic triage and lesion prognostics in cervical cancer screening