12 research outputs found

    The clash of tradition and modernity in the Arab world. The novel Voices by Sulayman Fayyad

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    Arabizi — Arabic for the 21st Century?

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    The Image of Sexuality in Modern Arabic Novel

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    The intention of this doctoral thesis is to present a comprehensive account of the evolution of the way sex and sexuality are portrayed in modern Arabic novel and put it in the context of given era, culture and religion. On a selected sample of 30 novels printed between 1934 and 2009 we can trace clear evolution of the central themes, all of which are constantly present throughout the hundred-years-existence of modern Arabic novel. For the sake of greater comprehensibility the thesis is split in two big parts, i.e. female and male sexuality, and further arranged into thematic subchapters all of which discuss specific issues related either to male or female sexuality. Furthermore, individual chapters deal with the topic in general, put it in proper cultural-religious framework and fill in all available historical and statistical data. Next comes the part dedicated to analysis of selected novels portraying sex a sexuality with excerpts translated directly from primary sources. Aside from peculiar themes typical for Arabic culture such as honor, virginity and related issue of honor killings this thesis discusses the way modern Arabic novels deals with both female and male homosexuality, discovering one's body and masturbation, abortion, sexual violence, impotence, infertility and prostitution. Also it...Předkládaná práce si kladla za cíl přinést ucelený obraz vývoje ztvárnění sexu a sexuality v moderním arabském románu a zasadit jej do kontextu doby, kultury a náboženství. Na zvoleném vzorku třiceti románů vydaných mezi lety 1934 a 2009 je jasně patrný vývoj jednotlivých ústředních témat, která se během století existence moderního arabského románu neustále opakují. Práce je pro větší přehlednost rozdělená do dvou velkých částí, na ženskou a mužskou sexualitu a dále pak do tematických podkapitol, jež vždy pojednávají konkrétní, s mužskou či ženskou sexualitou související, téma obecně, zasazují jej do kulturně- náboženského rámce, který, pokud je to možné, doplňují historická a statistická data. Následuje pasáž věnovaná analytickému rozboru děl, jež nějakým způsobem sex a sexualitu zachycují, doplněnému překladovými ukázkami z primárních zdrojů. Vedle specifických témat vlastních arabské kultuře jako jsou otázky cti, panenství a s nimi související vraždy ze cti, se text věnuje způsobům pojímání ženské a mužské homosexuality, poznávání vlastního těla a masturbaci, potratu, sexuálnímu násilí, impotenci, neplodnosti a prostituci. Zabývá se také ženskou obřízkou, jakožto lokálním jevem spjatým v arabské oblasti výhradně s Egyptem a Súdánem. Z předkládaných textů je patrný vývoj k četnějšímu a...Department of Middle Eastern StudiesKatedra Blízkého východuFilozofická fakultaFaculty of Art

    Experimental verification of the efficiency of selective non-catalytic reduction in a bubbling fluidized bed combustor

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    Controlling nitrogen oxide (NOX) emissions is still a challenge as increasingly stringent emission limits are introduced. Strict regulations will lead to the need to introduce secondary measures even for boilers with bubbling fluidized bed (BFB), which are generally characterized by low NOX emissions. Selective non-catalytic reduction has lower investment costs compared to other secondary measures for NOX reduction, but the temperatures for its efficient utilization are difficult to achieve in BFBs. This paper studies the possibility of an effective application of selective non-catalytic reduction (SNCR) of nitrogen oxides in a pilot-scale facility with a bubbling fluidized bed. The effect of temperatures between 880 and 950 °C in the reagent injection zone on NOX reduction was investigated. For the selected temperature, the effect of the amount of injected reagent, urea solution with concentration 32.5%wt., was studied. The experiments were carried out using 500 kWth pilot scale BFB unit combusting lignite. In addition, an experiment was performed with the combustion of wooden pellets. With reagent injection, all experiments led to the reduction of nitrogen oxides and the highest NOX reduction of 58% was achieved

    Experimental verification of the impact of the air staging on the NOx production and on the temperature profile in a BFB

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    The results of an experimental research on air staging in a bubbling fluidized bed (BFB) combustor are presented within this paper. Air staging is known as an effective primary measure to reduce NOX formation. However, in the case of a number of industrial BFB units, it does not have to be sufficient to meet the emission standards. Then selective non-catalytic reduction (SNCR) can be a cost-effective option for further reduction of the already formed NOX. The required temperature range at the place of the reducing agent injection for an effective application of the SNCR without excessive ammonia slip is above the temperatures normally attained in BFBs. The aim of this paper is to evaluate the impact of staged air injection on the formation of NOX in BFB combustors and to examine the possibility of increasing the freeboard temperature. Several experiments with various secondary/primary air ratios were performed with a constant oxygen concentration in the flue gas. The experiments were carried out using wooden biomass and lignite as fuel in a 30 kWth laboratory scale BFB combustor. Furthermore, the results were verified using a 500 kWth pilot scale BFB unit. The results confirmed that the air staging can effectively move the dominant combustion zone from the dense bed to the freeboard section, and thus the temperatures for an effective application of the SNCR can be obtained

    Experimental verification of the efficiency of selective non-catalytic reduction in a bubbling fluidized bed combustor

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    Controlling nitrogen oxide (NOX) emissions is still a challenge as increasingly stringent emission limits are introduced. Strict regulations will lead to the need to introduce secondary measures even for boilers with bubbling fluidized bed (BFB), which are generally characterized by low NOX emissions. Selective non-catalytic reduction has lower investment costs compared to other secondary measures for NOX reduction, but the temperatures for its efficient utilization are difficult to achieve in BFBs. This paper studies the possibility of an effective application of selective non-catalytic reduction (SNCR) of nitrogen oxides in a pilot-scale facility with a bubbling fluidized bed. The effect of temperatures between 880 and 950 °C in the reagent injection zone on NOX reduction was investigated. For the selected temperature, the effect of the amount of injected reagent, urea solution with concentration 32.5%wt., was studied. The experiments were carried out using 500 kWth pilot scale BFB unit combusting lignite. In addition, an experiment was performed with the combustion of wooden pellets. With reagent injection, all experiments led to the reduction of nitrogen oxides and the highest NOX reduction of 58% was achieved

    Applicability of Secondary Denitrification Measures on a Fluidized Bed Boiler

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    This article compares performance of selective catalytic reduction (SCR) and selective non-catalytic reduction (SNCR) applied on the same pilot unit, a 500 kW fluidized bed boiler burning Czech lignite. Correlation of the denitrification efficiency on the normalized stoichiometric ratio (NSR) is investigated. The fundamental principle of the SCR and SNCR is similar with the same reaction scheme. The difference is in the use of the catalyst that lowers the activation energy of the key reaction. As a result, the reduction is performed in the SCR method at lower temperatures. During experiments, the NSR was up to 1.6 for the SCR method. For the SNCR method, which has a higher reducing agent consumption, maximum denitrification efficiency was reached for NSR about 2.5. The efficiency of both secondary methods was investigated. The denitrification efficiency during experiments exceeded 98 % for the SCR method, and the SNCR method, together with the primary measures, reached an efficiency of 58 %

    Střet tradice s modernitou v arabském světě. Román Hlasy Sulajmāna Fajjāda // The clash of tradition and modernity in the Arab world. The novel Voices by Sulayman Fayyad

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    The clash of traditional Arab society with the modernity in a form of colonization served as a source of tremendous confusion. The novel Voices (1972) by Egyptian writer Sulayman Fayyad is the first Arab novel which approaches the topic of the interaction between “Us” and “The Others” in a completely different way. The Voices are unprecedented metaphor of the relationship between “Us” and “The Others” and unlike any other novel before it harshly criticizes the backwardness and the obscurantism of some Arab-Egyptian traditions and celebrate the advancement of “The Others”. It is also a rare testimony of the atmosphere in Arab world after the defeat of the united Arab armies in so called Six Day War in 1967

    The Image of Sexuality in Modern Arabic Novel

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    The intention of this doctoral thesis is to present a comprehensive account of the evolution of the way sex and sexuality are portrayed in modern Arabic novel and put it in the context of given era, culture and religion. On a selected sample of 30 novels printed between 1934 and 2009 we can trace clear evolution of the central themes, all of which are constantly present throughout the hundred-years-existence of modern Arabic novel. For the sake of greater comprehensibility the thesis is split in two big parts, i.e. female and male sexuality, and further arranged into thematic subchapters all of which discuss specific issues related either to male or female sexuality. Furthermore, individual chapters deal with the topic in general, put it in proper cultural-religious framework and fill in all available historical and statistical data. Next comes the part dedicated to analysis of selected novels portraying sex a sexuality with excerpts translated directly from primary sources. Aside from peculiar themes typical for Arabic culture such as honor, virginity and related issue of honor killings this thesis discusses the way modern Arabic novels deals with both female and male homosexuality, discovering one's body and masturbation, abortion, sexual violence, impotence, infertility and prostitution. Also it..

    The theme of the homosexuality in the modern Arabic prose

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    This thesis deals with the theme of the homosexuality in the modem Arabic prose, that is to say with the books written in the Arabic cultural environment since the beginning of the twentieth century. The aim of this thesis was to provide a so1id view of the way the homosexuality is presented in the Arabic literature, because the interpretation of different sexual orientation is in the world Arabic studies, let alone in the Czech Arabic studies, really rare. This thesis is divided into two major parts. The first one offers a brief abstract of the historical development of the view on the homosexuality in the Arab world, both from the religious and cultural social point of view. We've tried to show the roots from which grew up the attitude of the reIigious and legal authorities, the way IsIam deals with the homosexuality and the contradictions between the approaches of the society and the religion towards the homosexuality. In the second part we've analyzed eight narrative units written by authors coming from the different regions of the Arab world or of Arabic descent. The authors of those books are both men and women and aH of them deal with the issue of the homosexuality in their works. The primary objective here is to create a holistic view of the way in which a different sexual orientation is treated in..