6 research outputs found

    Salt inactivation of classical swine fever virus and African swine fever virus in porcine intestines confirms the existing in vitro casings model

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    Natural casings, to be used as sausage containers, are being traded worldwide and may be contaminated with contagious viruses. Standard processing of such natural casings is by salt treatment with a duration of 30 days before shipment. Since information is lacking about the efficacy of these virus inactivation procedures, an in vitro 3D collagen matrix model, mimicking natural casings, was developed previously to determine the efficacy of salt to inactivate specific viruses. To validate this model, a comparison in vivo experiment was performed using intestines of pigs experimentally infected with African swine fever virus (ASFV) and classical swine fever virus (CSFV). Decimal reduction (D) values, were determined at 4 °C, 12 °C, 20 °C and 25 °C. The standard salt processing procedure showed an efficient inactivation of ASFV and CSFV over time in a temperature dependent way. Dintestine values of both viruses, treated with the standard salt treatment, were in line with the Dcollagen values. It was concluded that these results underline the suitability of the 3D collagen matrix model to determine virus inactivation and to replace animal experiments. Furthermore, an increase in storage time for standard salt processed casings derived from CSFV endemic regions is highly recommended for an efficient inactivation of CSFV.</p

    Application of a new, universal DNA labeling system in the PCR mediated diagnoses of Chlamydia trachomatis and human papillomavirus type 16 infection in cervical smears

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    Non-isotopic DNA labeling procedures are essential for integration of DNA diagnostics into the clinical laboratory. A newly developed reagent was tested for use in reversed hybridisation identification of DNA fragments generated by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification of Chlamydia trachomatis or human papilloma virus type 16 (HPV16) DNA isolated from cervical smears. The platinum-containing chemical compound, equipped with a biotin hapten, enables versatile 'one tube' labeling of amplified DNA. A HPV16-specific probe was immobilised on a nylon strip and reverse hybridisation with the biotin labeled DNA took place. To determine the value of this new, nonisotopic label in combination with clinical material, 98 cervical smears 54 of which contained HPV16, and 51 cervical smears 26 of which contained C. trachomatis, were analysed. The novel type of non-radioactive analysis appeared to be as sensitive as its isotopic counterpart. The DNA isolation and purification method require modification only in samples of poor quality. The labeling procedure is simple, versatile and can be included as a universal linkage system in any PCR test for the detection and identification of DNA molecules

    Pre-screening of crude peptides in a serological bead-based suspension array

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    Most serological assays detect antibody responses in biological samples through affinity of serum antibodies for antigens provided in the assay. Certain antigens, however, may be difficult to produce and/or may contain unwanted epitopes. In these cases, a practical alternative may be the use of peptides as representatives for specific epitopes. Peptides can be obtained after purification in large quantities for a modest price, but screening of a large set of peptides during development may be relatively expensive. To cut costs of screening peptides for a new serological assay, the concept was investigated of using cheap non-purified (crude) peptides instead of purified peptides.Peptides were selected that represent three well-described linear epitopes of viral proteins: VP2 of canine parvovirus (CPV), gp41 of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and E2 of classical swine fever virus (CSFV). Crude and purified biotinylated peptides with either a short or long spacer between the biotin and the epitope were used to test their capability to bind antibodies in a bead-based suspension array.The results show that, in a bead-based suspension array, crude peptides can function as antigen for specific monoclonal antibodies, and that the acquired signals are less than with purified peptides. CSFV-derived crude peptides were also able to detect specific antibodies in swine serum, indicating the applicability of crude peptides for pre-screening large numbers of different peptides during the development of serological peptide-based assays.</p

    Rapid genotyping of blood group antigens by multiplex polymerase chain reaction and DNA microarray hybridization

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    BACKGROUND: In the Netherlands, 500,000 blood donors are active. Blood of all donors is currently typed serologically for ABO, the Rh phenotype, and K. Only a subset of donors is typed twice for a larger set of red cell (RBC) and/or platelet (PLT) antigens. To increase the direct availability of typed RBCs and PLTs, a high-throughput technique is being developed to genotype the whole donor cohort for all clinically relevant RBC and PLT antigens. STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: A multiplex polymerase chain reaction was developed to both amplify and fluorescently label 19 gene fragments of RBC and PLT antigens in one reaction. To test the setup of the genotyping method by microarray, a pilot study with human PLT antigen (HPA)-typed donor samples was performed. On each slide, 12 arrays are present containing 20 probes per PLT antigen system (28 for HPA-3). The allele-specific oligohybridization method was used to discriminate between two different alleles. RESULTS: Two blinded panels encompassing 94 donors were genotyped for HPA-1 through -5 and -15; no discrepancies were found compared to their serologic typing (HPA-1, -2, -3, -4, and -5) and genotyping (HPA-15; TaqMan, Applied Biosystems). CONCLUSION: This study shows that the HPA microarray provides a reliable and fast genotyping procedure. With further development an automated throughput for complete typing of large donor cohorts can be obtaine