646 research outputs found

    Važnost kontrole muznosti za podizanje proizvodnje mlijeka

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    Odvajkada je interesiralo teoretičare i praktičare ne bi li se moglo na temelju nekih vanjskih znakova na kravi utvrditi hoće li biti dobra muzara. Tako su praktičari pa i teoretičari postavili tzv. mliječne znakove. Koja krava ima mliječne znakove moglo bi se zaključiti da je i dobra muzara. Jedan od mliječnih znakova svakako je dobro razvijeno vime s dobro razvijenom mliječnom jamicom. Kao drugi mliječni znaci na kravi smatraju se: mliječno ogledalo, mliječna guka, prekobrojne sise na vimenu, veći razmak između rebara, pa opći tip mliječne krave. No navedeni mliječni znaci na kravi nisu tako važni da bi se na temelju njih moglo utvrditi da ona mora biti vrlo dobra muzara

    Uzgojno-selekcijski rad u govedarstvu te proizvodnja mlijeka na druŔtvenim gospodarstvima i govedarskim ograncima u god. 1963. u SR Hrvatskoj

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    Poslije II svjetskog rata kako su se formirala socijalistička gospodarstva na području Hrvatske nabavljala se i rasplodna goveda i to pretežno iz govedarskih organizacija. Tako se postepeno uvađalo i na druÅ”tvena gospodarstva potrebno uzgojno knjigovodstvo kao. oslonac uzgojno-selekcijskom radu


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    The fruits of the digital age have become a key part of everyday life in hundreds of millions of households, offices and schools around the world. Our communication takes place far more via text messages and e-mail than face-to-face, and the first place we look for information is Google. The consequences of this technological ubiquity and electronic flood are significant shifts in the attitudes as well as in the behavior of students and teachers, and the goal of this paper is to examine these shifts. How is the digital age changing the opportunities, values and lives of students and teachers - what is happening now, what awaits us in the future? Can digital achievement really change the way students and teachers think or behave? Do both students and teachers learn a new alphabet - the digital alphabet


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    The unification of the rules of the International Private Law in the EU/EC (EU hereinafter), represents one of the important prerequisites for the successful realisation of the EU member statesā€™ established goals of integration. That is why this matter was given due attention from the very beginning of the integration process. However, the achieved results in this field open many questions, which range from the dilemma whether more could have been accomplished, to whether it could have been accomplished more quickly and with bigger steps. One of the models for looking for the answer, to this and many other questions, might also be found in the locating of the EU Private Law in the total developmental process of the EU Law. It is a fact that EUā€™s International Private Law, shared and shares the destiny of the total development of the EU Law, but it is equally plausible that there are also certain developmental distinctions between them. The sensitivity and the complexity of the subject, interference with state sovereignity, had simply imposed ā€žcautionā€œ on member states in approaching this matter. The consequence of which were also the two phases of the process of regulating the matter of EUā€™s Private Law ā€“ until and after the Amsterdam agreement. Of course, the Amsterdam agreement, represented a turning point in its regulation by creating the conditions to transfer it to the terrain of the secondary law of the EU, but did not signify the resolution of all issues at question. It was only one of the important steps toward a more efficient regulation of this matter, while the essential problems remained, concerning, primarily, the readiness of the EU member states to confront the limitation to their sovereignity to the advantage of the EU.Unifikacija pravila međunarodnog privatnog prava u EU/EZ (u daljem tekstu EU) predstavlja jednu od bitnih predpostavki za uspeÅ”no ostvarivanje postavljenih integracionuh ciljeva država članica EU. Zbog toga se ovom pitanju počela posvećivati dužna pažnja od samog početka itegracionog procesa. Međutim, ostvareni rezultati u ovoj oblasti otvaraju brojna pitanja, koja se kreću od dileme da li se moglo postići viÅ”e, pa do toga da li se moglo ići brže i krupnijim koracima. Jedan od modela traženja odgovora, na ova i brojna druga pitanja, možda se nalazi i u pozicioniranju mesta privatnog prava EU u ukupnom razvojnom procesu prava EU. Činjenica je da je međunarodno privatno pravo EU delilo i deli sudbinu ukupnog razvoja prava EU, ali istovremeno stoji i zapažanje da postoje i određene razvojne posebnosti. Osetljivost i složenost materije, zadiranje u državni suverenitet, prosto je nametnulo državama članicama ''opreznost'' u pristupu ovoj materiji. Posledica toga su i dve faze u procesu regulisanja materije privatnog prava u EU - do Amsterdamskog sporazuma i nakon njega. Naravno, Amsterdamski sporazum je predstavljao prekretnicu u regulisanju ove materije stvaranjem uslova da se ona prevede na teren sekundarnog prava EU, ali nije značilo razreÅ”enje svih spornih pitanja. To je bio samo jedan od bitnih koraka ka efikasnijem postupku regulisanja ove materije ali i dalje su ostali suÅ”tinski problemi vezani, pre svega, za pitanje spremnosti država članica da se suoče sa ograničenjem svog suvereniteta u korist EU


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    Free movement of judgments constitutes one of the essential preconditions for the establishment of a single European judicial space. Harmonization of legal provisions in this area has been started by the adoption of the Convention on Jurisdiction and the Enforcement of Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters of 27th September of 1968 (Brussels Convention). However, a number of related issues, including the issue of matrimonial relations are not within the scope of this Convention. As regards matrimonial relations, first attempt was made to regulate this issue through the adoption of the Convention on Jurisdiction and the Recognition and Enforcement of Judgments in Matrimonial Matters (Brussels II Convention) of May 28th of 1998. It was in line with the real needs of Member States and also it is important to note that at that time there was a clear legal basis for its adoption. Although the Treaty of Amsterdam of 1997 created the legal preconditions for addressing these issues through secondary legislation of the EU, it was possible to adopt the given laws only after the Treaty of Amsterdam came into the force in 1999. Accordingly, the Council Regulation (EC) No 1347/2000 on jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgments in matrimonial matters and in matters of parental responsibility for children of both spouses was adopted in 2000 as well as it was subsequently amended by the Council Regulation (EC) No 2201/2003 on jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgments in matrimonial matters and the matters of parental responsibility (Brussels IIa Regulation) in 2003.Sloboda kretanja sudskih odluka predstavlja jednu od bitnih pretpostavki za uspostavljanje jedinstvenog sudskog (pravnog) prostora u Evropskoj uniji. Ujednačavanje pravnih pravila u ovoj oblasti započeto je usvajanjem Konvencije o nadležnosti i priznanju i izvrÅ”enju sudskih odluka u građanskim i trgovačkim stvarima (Briselska konvencija) doneta 27. septembra 1968. godine. Međutim, izvan dometa ove konvencije su ostala brojna pitanja vezana za ovu problematiku, uključujući i oblast bračnih odnosa. Prvi pokuÅ”aj regulisanja ovih pitanja u oblasti bračnih odnosa u Evropskoj uniji učinjen je donoÅ”enjem Konvencije o nadležnosti i priznanju i izvrÅ”enju presuda u bračnim pitanjima (Brisel II Konvencija), 28. maja 1998. godine. Ona je rezultat realnih potreba država članica, ali istovremeno, kao način regulisanja, ona predstavlja proizvod jasno omeđenog, tada aktuelnog, pravnog osnova za regulisanje ove materije. Usvajanje Amsterdamskog sporazuma 1997. godine stvorilo je pravne pretpostavke za regulisanje ove materije sekundarnim pravnim aktima Evropske unije. Međutim, one su postale primenljive tek nakon stupanja na snagu Amsterdamskog sporazuma 1999. godine. U skladu sa tim, već naredne 2000. godine usvojena je Regulativa Saveta (EZ) broj 1347/2000 o nadežnosti, priznanju i izvrÅ”enju presuda u bračnim stvarima i stvarima roditeljske odgovornosti za zajedničku decu, a 2003. godine izvrÅ”ena je i njena dopuna Regulativom Saveta (EZ) broj 2201/2003 o nadležnosti, priznanju i izvrÅ”enju presuda u bračnim stvaima i stvarima roditeljske odgovornosti za zajedničku decu oba supružnika ā€“ Brisel IIa Regulativa

    Amfiteatar i zapadni bedemi Salone

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    S obzirom na monumentalan izgled po uzoru na rimski Coloseum, salonitanski amfiteatar je nastao vjerojatno u doba Flavijevaca. Prvobitno podignut na periferiji grada za vrijeme Marka Aurelija, obuhvaćen je novim prstenom bedema u jedinstveni fortifikacijski sustav zapadnoga dijela grada. Otvoreno je pitanje gdje su ranije za julijevsko-klaudijevske dinastije održavane gladijatorske igre u Saloni

    Mathematical Counterpoint: A Short Essay on the Point

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    The dot is the simplest graphic symbol, and in the most diverse areas of human thought it signifies the original principle. At the point as a symbol lies the basis of antinomy in the corresponding areas; as the beginning of everything, the point is and is not. The dot represents emptiness, but also fullness. It is imagined on the border of being and non-being, either as a place of transition from what we consider reality in everyday life -- to its negation, or, on the contrary, as a transition from otherworldly reality to nothingness here. In any case, the point connects two worlds: the world of the real and the world of the imagined; it is a place of transcendence

    St Johnā€™s Church in Stari Grad on Hvar Island

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    The Church of St John in Stari Grad was built within the Greek insula, converted in Roman times, alongside the eastern gate of the city. Archaeological excavations revealed a unique heritage complex of city walls and residential architecture within which the still preserved northern Early Christian church (St Johnā€™s) represents the starting point for the creation and development of the Christianity of the Hvar diocese and the island of Hvar


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    The question of sovereignty is an issue whose both theoretical and practical aspects are usually discussed within the confines of International Public Law or International Relations as scientific disciplines. This paper is an attempt to go beyond this ā€œtraditional standardā€ elucidating and discovering possible connections of this legal and political category with its ā€œnewā€ theoretical ā€œenvironmentā€, International Private Law. In this paper the author neither holds any expectations nor pretends to prove that this institute represents the domineering category regarding International Private Law, but wishes to point out that there are certain connections between them. Sovereignty is what one might call a ā€œdiscreetā€ point of reference in determining the very subject-matter of International Private Law on the basis of which this scientific discipline has been developed and its basic principles and solutions brought about. It represents a barrier and a guideline in the same time, as well as a ā€œmotivatorā€ in searching for ā€œreliable and viableā€ solutions in this Feld. The fact that International Private Law does not focus directly on this relation has little inļ¬‚uence on the factual state of relations; however, it points toward a need for opening theoretical space for different kinds of considerations.Suverenitet predstavlja pitanje čiji se teoretski i praktični aspekti razmatranja uglavnom vezuju za međunarodno javno pravo i međunarodne odnose, kao naučnih disciplina. Ovaj rad pokuÅ”ava da izađe iz tog ā€™ā€™tradicionalnog ā€“ standardaā€™ā€™, otvarajući i otkrivajući moguće relacije pomenute političko-pravne kategorije sa ā€™ā€™novimā€™ā€™ pravno-teoretskim ā€™ā€™okruženjemā€™ā€™ ā€“ međunarodnim privatnim pravom. U radu se ne iskazuju neka posebna očekivanja niti pretenzije za dokazivanjem da pomenut institut predstavlja dominatnu kategoriju međunarodnog privatnog prava, ali se čini napor da se ukaže na postojanje određene relacije između njih. Suverenitet čini ono Å”to se može nazvati ā€™ā€™diskretnomā€™ā€™ odrednicom u regulisanju predmeta međunarodnog privatnog prava, na kojoj se temelji sam nastanak ove naučne discipline i nadgrađuju njeni ključni principi i reÅ”enja. On predstavlja ono Å”to se istovremeno javlja i kao prepreka ali i kao smernica, pa i kao svojevrsni ā€™ā€™stimulansā€™ā€™ u traženju ā€™ā€™pouzdanih i održivihā€™ā€™ reÅ”enja u ovoj pravnoj oblasti. Činjenica da teorija međunarodnog privatnog prava ne posvećuje neposrednu pažnju ovom odnosu ne utiče mnogo na činjenični sklop odnosa, ali zato ukazuje na potrebu otvaranja teoretskog prostora za drugačije načine promiÅ”ljanja

    Topografija antičke Salone (III) Salonitanska Urbs occidentalis

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    Salonitanska Urbs occidentalis nastaje podizanjem novoga prstena bedema oko suburbija sa zapadne strane stare gradske jezgre (Urbs vetus) pod prvim barbarskim pritiskom na granice Rimskoga Carstva za vrijeme cara Marka Aurelija (170.). U novom gradskom prostoru obuhvaćen je ranije sagrađeni amfiteatar i dio nekropole koji otada prestaje biti u funkciji. U kasnoj antici nastaje trobrodna bazilika uz Via Principalis. U ovom radu iznosi se pregled dosadaÅ”njih istraživanja spomenika u zapadnom dijelu grada (Urbs occidentalis)
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