7 research outputs found
Nowadays the number of couples who fail to conceive naturally is constantly increasing. There are many reasons for infertility and the most common one is the age of the mother. Medically assisted reproduction also enables people suffering from malignant diseases to freeze their gametes to have offspring later. Two main forms of infertility treatments include intrauterine insemination and in vitro fertilization.U suvremenom svijetu učestalost parova koji ne uspijevaju na prirodan način ostvariti potomstvo u stalnom je porastu. Razlozi za neplodnost su mnogi, a najčešći jest visoka dob majke. Medicinski pomognuta oplodnja također omogućuje da osobe koje boluju od malignih bolesti zamrznu spolne stanice te kasnije ostvare potomstvo. Dva temeljna oblika liječenja neplodnosti obuhvaćaju intrauterinu inseminaciju i izvantjelesnu oplodnju
Pony breeding in Croatia
Od 2003. godine Hrvatski stočarski centar započeo je intenzivno umatičenje poni konja, čime se broj grla u Središnjem popisu konja značajno povećao. Populacija hrvatskog uzgoja ponija fenotipski je i genetski prilično razno-lika, a svojim vanjskim obilježjima najsličnija je grlima pasmine shetland poni. Manjim udjelom javljaju se značajke drugih pasmina ponija. Prema spolu, sve tjelesne izmjere bile su nesignifikantno većih vrijednosti u žen-skih grla, izuzev signifikantno većeg obujma cjevanice u pastuha (P < 0.05). Usporedbom tjelesnih indeksa prema spolu, utvrđena je samo signifikantno veća koščatost pastuha u odnosu na kobile (P < 0.05). Prema prosječnoj visini grebena (99,94 cm) populacija poni konja u Hrvatskoj može se svrstati u skupinu manjih ponija.In 2003 an intensive registration of ponies was started in the Croatian Livestock Center which resulted in a significant in¬crease of the number of ponies in the central register of the Rep¬ublic of Croatia. The population of the Croatian pony is phenotipically and genetically rather diverse and by the exterior charac¬teristics very similar to the Shetland pony. To a smaller degree there are characteristics of other pony breeds. By gender, all body measurements are insignificantly higher in females except for significantly bigger long bone circumference in stallions (P < 0.05). Comparing body indexes per gender only significantly higher boniness has been determined in stallions in relation to females (P < 0.05). By withers height (99.94 cm) pony population in the Republic of Croatia can be classified in the group of small ponies
Breeding systematization of autochthonous horse breed Croatia posavac
Hrvatski posavac je autohtona pasmina konja. Uzgojno područje je prostor Sisačko-moslavačke i dijelom Zagrebačke županije. U cilju dobivanja više podataka o uzgoju kako bi se uzgojni program što uspješnije provodio u 2004. godini započeta je sistematizacija uzgoja hrvatskog posavca. U formiranje rodova u obzir su uzeta isključivo umatičena (žigovana) ženska grla. Rezultat sistematizacije je formiranje 726 rodova kobila s velikom varijacijom u broju kobila prema rodu (2 do 37). Brojno najveći rod kobila s 37 grla je P97, dok je čak 265 rodova brojilo samo 2 kobile. Prosječna veličina progenih grupa umatičenih kobila prema pastuhu iznosila je 9,4 s rasponom varijacije od 1 do 61 kobile kćerke. Kao očevi umatičenih kobila pojavljuju se 484 pastuha, od kojih je 228 umatičenih (20%) a 256 pastuha očeva poznato je samo po imenu (22%). Bez poznatog porijekla po očevoj strani umatičeno je 655 kobila (58 %).Croatian posavac is autochthonous horse breed. Breeding area is the area of the Sisačko-moslavačka county and a part of Zagrebačka county. With a goal of getting more data about breeding so that the breeding program would be successfully conducted, in 2004 the breeding systematization of autochthonous horse breed Croatian posavac has begun. In the line forming, only registered females were taken into consideration. The result of systematization is forming of 726 female lines with great variation in the numbers of mares by the line (2 to 37). Numerously biggest mare line with 37 heads is P97, while even 265 lines counts only 2 mares. The average size of progeny groups of registrated mares by the stallion was 9,4 with variation range from 1 to 61 mare daughter. As the sires of registrated mares there were 484 stallions, from which 228 were registrated (20%) and 256 sires were known only by the name (22%). 655 mares (58%) were registrated wihtout known ancestry by father side
Nowadays the number of couples who fail to conceive naturally is constantly increasing. There are many reasons for infertility and the most common one is the age of the mother. Medically assisted reproduction also enables people suffering from malignant diseases to freeze their gametes to have offspring later. Two main forms of infertility treatments include intrauterine insemination and in vitro fertilization.U suvremenom svijetu učestalost parova koji ne uspijevaju na prirodan način ostvariti potomstvo u stalnom je porastu. Razlozi za neplodnost su mnogi, a najčešći jest visoka dob majke. Medicinski pomognuta oplodnja također omogućuje da osobe koje boluju od malignih bolesti zamrznu spolne stanice te kasnije ostvare potomstvo. Dva temeljna oblika liječenja neplodnosti obuhvaćaju intrauterinu inseminaciju i izvantjelesnu oplodnju
Expression of bacteriocin LsbB is dependent on a transcription terminator
The production of LsbB, leaderless class II bacteriocin, is encoded by genes (lsbB and lmrB) located on plasmid pMN5 in Lactococcus lactis BGMN1-5. Heterologous expression of the lsbB gene using the pAZIL vector (pAZIL-lsbB) in L. lactis subsp. cremoris MG7284 resulted in a significant reduction (more than 30 times) of bacteriocin LsbB expression. Subcloning and deletion experiments with plasmid pMN5 revealed that full expression of LsbB requires the presence of a complete transcription terminator located downstream of the lsbB gene. RNA stability analysis revealed that the presence of a transcription terminator increased the RNA stability by three times and the expression of LsbB by 30 times. The study of the influence of transcription terminator on the expression of other bacteriocin genes (lcnB, for lactococcin B production) indicated that this translational terminator likely functions in a lsbB-specific manner rather than in a general manner