8 research outputs found

    An aggressive chondroblastoma of the knee treated with resection arthrodesis and limb lengthening using the Ilizarov technique

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    This case report describes the management of a 15 year old male with a biologically aggressive chondroblastoma of the knee. Following CT, bone scan, angiography and an open biopsy, the diagnosis was confirmed histologically and immunohistochemically. The patient underwent a 13 cm en-bloc excision of the knee, and knee arthrodesis with simultaneous bone transport using an Ilizarov ring fixator. Following 136 days of bone transport, the patient achieved radiological and clinical bony union after a total frame time of 372 days. He then commenced 50% partial weight-bear in a protective knee brace and gradually worked up to full weight-bearing by 4 months. The patient developed superficial pin tract infections around the k-wires on 2 occasions; these settled with a cephalosporin antibiotic spray and local dressings. At 13 years follow-up there are no signs of disease recurrence or failure at the fusion site. The patient is able to fully weight bear and stand independently on the operated leg. Knee arthrodesis with simultaneous limb-lengthening is an effective treatment modality following en-bloc resection of an aggressive chondroblastoma. The case is discussed with reference to the literature

    Ampelographic characteristics of clone candidates of variety Grk (V. vinifera, L.) in year 2010

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    Grk je autohtona sorta vinove loze sa ženskim cvijetom koja se uzgaja na području primorske Hrvatske. Od 2006. godine provodi se klonska selekcija sorte Grk. U pokusni nasad ā€œBaÅ”ticaā€ 2007. posađeno je vegetativno potomstvo odabranih matičnih trseva s pozitivnim karakteristikama koji su ujedno pokazali odsutnost gospodarski Å”tetnih virusa. Utvrđeno je kako između klonskih kandidata postoje visoko signifikantne razlike u svim mjerenim svojstvima. Također je utvrđeno da udio neoplođenih bobica tj. pasolina ima utjecaj na uvometrijske karakteristike, te kemijska svojstva moÅ”ta. Provedena je i odgovarajuća statistička obrada podataka s ciljem utvrđivanja značajnosti razlika između klonskih kandidata na sva mjerena svojstva.Grk is an autochthonous grapevine cultivar dominantly grown in Costal Croatia region. A clonal selection of Grk cultivar has been conducted since 2006. Vegetative offsprings of chosen mother vines with positive characteristics, which have also shown the lack of economically harmful viruses, were planted in the experimental plantation ā€œBaÅ”ticaā€œ. Significant differences between clonal candidates were determined in all characteristics evaluated. It is also determined that proportion of seedless berries has an impact on must chemical composition and some uvometric characteristics. A matching statistical data processing was conducted with the goal of determining the significance of differences between clone candidates to all measured characteristics


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    Pseudoallescheria boydii (Scedosporium apiospermum), cause of mycotic granulomatous osteomyelitis: Case diagnosis

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    Fungal bone infections constitute about 0.1-0.2% of all osteomyelitis cases. The disease, mycetoma pedis, most often affects the feet and is also known as madura foot. Mycetoma, extremely rare in this geographic area, Is endemic in Tropical and subtropical regions. We present a case of mycetoma pedis (madura foot). The patient was a 50-year-old woman. The clinical signs included pain, indurations, and local redness. The anamnesis was very long, about 10 years. The operative material was routinely stained with haematoxylineosine [HE], Granulomatous inflammation of the bone was confirmed pathologically. All pathological characteristics pointed to a fungal infection in the form of mycetoma pedis. Special staining for fungi was performed: PAS, Grocott's h examine-silver, and Giemsa, confirming the diagnosis of mycetoma. A definitive microbiological analysis was carried out through tissue inoculation on the Sabouraud dextrose agar laboratory media for fungal cultivation. Pseudoallescheria boydii, the sexual stage of Monosporium apiospermum, was isolated. After microbiological verification of fungal infection, surgical therapy was carried out. Seven months after the first operation, the patient had the same clinical signs. The diagnostic procedure was repeated and mycetoma was confirmed once again. Surgery was again the therapy of choice, because Pseudoallescheria boydii is resistant to treatment with antimycotic drugs

    Karakterizacija i nutritivna ocjena tradicionalnih mliječnih proizvoda s područja Zlatibora u Republici Srbiji

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    The aim of this study was to determine the nutritional properties of raw milk, cheese and a traditional creamy dairy product called kajmak originating from the Zlatibor region in Serbia. Chemical composition, minerals, fatty acid (FA) profile, lipid quality indices, and the dietary intake of saturated fatty acids (SFA), cholesterol, salt and sodium were investigated in three sampling sessions during the period June-September 2019. All chemical properties of raw milk, cheese and kajmak differed significantly (P0.05) between products. Among the FAs, conjugated linoleic acids (CLA) were determined, and mean values of total FAs ranged from 0.16% in raw milk and kajmak to 0.31% in cheese. The recommended values for the lipid quality indices were not obtained for the analysed products. Despite a high sodium content, the tested dairy products can be considered valuable sources of calcium, chromium, zinc and selenium. In the future, additional efforts should be employed in product modification with the aim of optimising nutritional value and to obtain the protect designation of origin.Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ustvrditi nutritivna svojstva sirovog mlijeka, sira i kajmaka proizvedenih po tradicionalnim recepturama podrijetlom s područja Zlatibora u Republici Srbiji. U tu su svrhu nakon tri uzorkovanja u razdoblju od lipnja do rujna 2019. ispitivani: kemijski sastav, minerali, profil masnih kiselina (MK), indeksi kvalitete lipida, prehrambeni unos zasićenih masnih kiselina (ZMK), kolesterola, soli i natrija. Sirovo mlijeko, sir i kajmak su se značajno razlikovali (P0,05) među proizvodima. Među MK ustvrđena je konjugirana linolna kiselina (KLK), sa srednjim vrijednostima ukupnih MK u rasponu od 0,16 % u sirovom mlijeku i kajmaku do 0,31 % u siru. U analiziranim proizvodima za indekse kvalitete lipida nisu određene preporučene vrijednosti. Unatoč visokom udjelu natrija, analizirani mliječni proizvodi mogu se smatrati dragocjenim izvorima kalcija, kroma, cinka i selena. Potreban je nastavak budućih istraživanja modifikacije ovih proizvoda s ciljem optimizacije njihove hranjive vrijednosti i zaÅ”tite oznakom izvornosti

    Antivazokonstriktorni efekt pinacidila na izolovanoj radijalnoj arteriji

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    Pinacidil, a previously studied potassium channel opener (PCO), is a potent antihypertensive agent in animals and humans. Its mechanism of action is not completly defined. The aim of our study was to investigate the antivasoconstricting effect of pinacidil on the isolated RA and to study whether this effect is endothelium-dependent. Contractions of isolated RA rings with intact endothelium were provoked by electrical field stimulation (EFS, 20 Hz) or exogenously applied noradrenaline (NA, 10 Ī¼M). Pinacidil (10 nM-0.1 mM) produced a concentration-dependent inhibition of both EFS- and NA-evoked contractions (p>0.05). NO synthesis inhibitor, L-NAME (10 Ī¼M) and the guanylate cyclase inhibitor, methylene blue (10 Ī¼M) did partly antagonize NA-evoked contractions and were without effect on EFSinduced contractions. Thus, the antivasoconstrictor effect of pinacidil on RA is partly endothelium-dependent and probably mediated via cGMP-dependent NO-pathway.Pinacidil je 'otvarač' kalijumovih kanala (OKK) koji ima snažno antihipertenzivno dejstvo na životinjama i ljudima. Mehanizam dejstva pinacidila joÅ” uvek nije u potpunosti definisan. Zato je cilj naÅ”e studije bio da ispitamo da li je antivazokonstriktorno dejstvo pinacidila na izolovanoj radijalnoj arteriji (RA) čoveka endotel zavisno. Kontrakcije prstenova RA sa očuvanim endotelom su prouzrokovane električnom stimulacijom (EFS, 20 Hz) ili spolja dodatim noradrenalinom (NA, 10 Ī¼M). Pinacidil (10 nM - 0.1 mM) je prouzrokovao koncentracijski-zavisnu inhibiciju EFS- i NA-kontrakcija bez značajne razlike u senzitivnosti (p>0.05). Inhibitor sinteze NO-a, L-NAME (10 Ī¼M) i inhibitor gvanilat ciklaze, metilensko plavo (10 Ī¼M) su delimično antagonizovali inhibitorni efekt pinacidila na NA-kontrakcije. Nasuprot ovome, oni nisu uticali na efekt pinacidila na EFS-kontrakcije. Možemo da zaključimo da pinacidil ima antivazokonstriktorni efekt na RA kada su kontrakcije izazvane električnom strujom ili noradrenalinom. Ovaj efekt pinacidila je delom endotel zavisan, ali samo kada su kontrakcije izazvane spolja dodatim noradrenalinom