566 research outputs found
Carotenoids as accessory and protective pigments in photosynthesis
Fotosinteza je neophodan i izuzetno složen biokemijski proces u biljkama. Odvija se u reakcijskim centrima smjeÅ”tenim na tilakoidnim membranama kloroplasta. Razlikujemo dva reakcijska centra biljaka ā PSII i PSI. Na PSII se stvara protonski gradijent, formira se O2 i oslobaÄa se e- koji se potom prenosi do PSI. Mehanizmi zaÅ”tite fotosustava omoguÄuju jednolik prijenos energije na reakcijske centre i optimalan tijek elektrona meÄu njima. Zbog svoje graÄe PSII je podložan oksidaciji koja rezultira gubitkom funkcije, u Äijem spreÄavanju vrlo važnu ulogu imaju pomoÄni i zaÅ”titni pigmenti poput karotenoida. Karotenoidi se javljaju veÄ kod prvih bakterija i prisutni su u svim carstvima, u fotosintetskim i u nefotosintetskim organizmima. Karotenoidi, klorofili i proteini zajedno tvore antenske komplekse koji služe za sakupljanje svjetlosne energije i njezin prijenos na reakcijske centre. Kao dio antenskih kompleksa, karotenoidi imaju ulogu pomoÄnih pigmenta za sakupljanje svjetlosne energije i njezin prijenos do klorofila a te ulogu zaÅ”titnih pigmenata koji spreÄavaju oksidaciju reakcijskog centra. Naime, zbog graÄe u obliku linearnih organskih molekule s viÅ”estruko konjugiranim dvostrukim vezama, pi konjugirane strukture, mogu prenositi energiju koju apsorbiraju do molekula klorofila a u reakcijskom centru ili preuzeti viÅ”ak energije s reakcijskog centra, te zahvaljujuÄi antioksidativnom djelovanju mogu sprijeÄiti oÅ”teÄenja uzrokovana reaktivnim oblicima kisika na reakcijskom centru i tilakoidnim membranama. Važnu ulogu u zaÅ”titi od oÅ”teÄenja fotosistema oksidacijom ima ksantofilski ciklus Äije su komponente poznate ali nedostaje cjelovit biofiziÄki mehanizam.Photosynthesis is a vital and complex biochemical process that occurs in the reaction centers of the chloroplast thylakoid membranes in plants. There are two reaction centers ā PSII and PSI. PSII establishes proton gradient, creates oxygen and releases electrons that are subsequently transferred to PSI. Photosystem protection mechanisms allow a balanced energy transfer between reaction centers and an optimal electron flow. Due to its built PSII is susceptible to oxidation that leads to a loss of function. Accessory and protective pigments such as carotenoids have a great contribution in stopping oxidation. Carotenoids were first developed in early bacteria and now they are present in all domains, both in photosynthetic and non-photosynthetic organisms. Carotenoids, chlorophylls and proteins together form antenna complexes that are used to harvest light and transfer its energy on the reaction centers. The role of carotenoids in antenna complexes is that of accessory pigments harvesting energy and transferring it on chlorophyll a molecules. Besides being accessory pigments, as protective pigments they have a role in protecting reaction centers from oxidation. Due to their linear molecular structure that contains multiple conjugated double bonds, called piconjugated system, they can either transfer absorbed energy toward chlorophyll a reaction center molecule or accept excess reaction center energy. They can also stop the damage from reactive oxygen species on reaction centers and thylakoid membranes due to their antioxidative abilities. Protection from oxidative damage of photosystem is mainly provided by xanthophyll cycle. Main components of the cycle are quite known but the actual biophysicalmechanism is not yet derived
Signal Recovery on Graphs: Random versus Experimentally Designed Sampling
We study signal recovery on graphs based on two sampling strategies: random
sampling and experimentally designed sampling. We propose a new class of smooth
graph signals, called approximately bandlimited, which generalizes the
bandlimited class and is similar to the globally smooth class. We then propose
two recovery strategies based on random sampling and experimentally designed
sampling. The proposed recovery strategy based on experimentally designed
sampling is similar to the leverage scores used in the matrix approximation. We
show that while both strategies are unbiased estimators for the low-frequency
components, the convergence rate of experimentally designed sampling is much
faster than that of random sampling when a graph is irregular. We validate the
proposed recovery strategies on three specific graphs: a ring graph, an
Erd\H{o}s-R\'enyi graph, and a star graph. The simulation results support the
theoretical analysis.Comment: Correct some typo
Black Hole Mass Estimation in Type 1 AGN: H vs. Mg II lines and the role of Balmer continuum
Here we investigate the H and Mg II spectral line parameters used for
the black hole mass (M) estimation for a sample of Type 1 Active
Galactic Nuclei (AGN) spectra selected from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS)
database. We have analyzed and compared the virialization of the H and
Mg II emission lines, and found that the H line is more confident virial
estimator than Mg II. We have investigated the influence of the Balmer
continuum emission to the M estimation from the UV parameters, and
found that the Balmer continuum emission can contribute to the overestimation
of the M on average for ~ 5% (up to 10%).Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, Accepted for publication in Frontiers in
Astronomy and Space Science
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