47 research outputs found

    Genetic and phenotypic variability of yield components in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)

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    Variability, heritability and components of variance for number of grains per spike and grain weight per spike have been studied in 10 winter wheat varieties from different selection centers (Arsenal, KG-56, Gruza, Mironovskaya 808, Norin 10, Rana Niska, Spartanka, Sterna, Osjecanka, and Szegedi 765). The experiment was performed in randomized block design in three replications on the experimental field of Small Grains Research Centre, Kragujevac in three years. Average estimated values for number of grains per spike and grain weight per spike differed significantly among years and among varieties. The highest average value for number of grains per spike had Szegedi 765 variety ( x = 75.1) and the lowest value was found in Spartanka ( x = 56.0). During investigated period the highest average value for grain weight per spike was determined in Gruza ( Norin 10 ( x = 2.9 g), and the lowest value in x = 2.0 g). The average variation coefficient for number of grains per spike was 17.4%, and for grain weight per spike was 21.4%. The lowest variability for number of grains per spike and grain weight per spike was established in Sterna variety (V = 13.0%; 16.2%, respectively) and the highest in Norin 10 variety (V = 21.6%; 25.1%, respectively). Obtained heritability value in broad sense for number of grains per spike was about 60%, and for grain weight per spike about 40%. Statistical analysis of variance established highly significant differences in mean values for number of grains per spike and grain weight per spike. Phenotypic analysis of variance indicated that ecological factors had higher impact on the expression of number of grains per spike and grain weight per spike than genetic factors

    Application of nonvascular interventional radiology procedures in the treatment of iatrogenic ureteral injuries

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    Introduction. He most common ureteral injuries are iatrogenic injuries. Diagnosis of ureteral lesions includes ultrasound, computer tomography, intravenous urography, anterograde and retrograde ureterography. For a definitive diagnosis it is necessary to determine the existence of the extralumination of contrast media from the ureter. Minor ureteral injuries can be treated with nonvascular interventional radiology procedures. Case presentation. We have presented two patients with iatrogenic ureteral in-juries. Injury in the first patient occurred at the sigmoid colon resection and partial resection of the bladder, whereas in the second patient the lesion was formed as a result of cesarean section. In both patients, there was a history of previously conducted interventions, clinical picture included fever and pain, a diagnosis was made by intravenous and anterograde urography. Patients were treated with interventional radiology procedures and they have been definitely cured. Conclusion. Methods of nonvascular inter-ventional radiology can be successfully applied in the treatment of minor iatrogenic ureteral injuries

    Consumer Responsibility for Food Safety

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    Nowadays, food safety and quality have a key role in maintaining the health of consumer, as the ultimate link in the food chain. Foodborne diseases can be a problem for every individual, but are particularly important to children, the elderly, and immunocompromised individuals. Although food hygiene experts widely accept many cases of foodborne disease occur as a result of improper food handling and preparation by consumers, the consumers themselves are still not aware of this fact. Correct personal hygiene measures are a well known step facilitating reductions in the risk of these diseases. However, actual implementation of personal hygiene and sanitation behaviors at home remains insufficient. The aim of many studies is to assess consumers’ knowledge of food security and to determine whether that knowledge is applied in practice. Such information can be of great help to professionals who deal with education of consumers about food safety, should help promote the principle among consumers that they themselves have a critical role in reducing the risk of foodborne disease

    Koncentracija metala u vodi i sedimentu reke Dunav

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    Voda je osnov opstanka živog sveta koji je u njoj i nastao. Dve trećine zemljine površine je pod vodom. Bez obzira na značaj vode na opstanak živog sveta ljudska vrsta prema vodi nema odgovarajući odnos. O tome govore podaci o zagađenju okeana, mora, vodotokova (reke, potoci) i jezera. Antropogeno zagađenje vode, dakle, poreklom od čoveka, javlja se kao posledica direktnog ili indirektnog ispuštanja zagađivača u vodu, bez adekvatnog postupka sa štetnim i opasnim jedinjenjima. Najčešći zagađivači vode posledica su otpadnih voda i voda koje dolaze sa površina zemlje (naročito obradivih površina). Zagađenost vode je blisko povezana za povećanim potrebama stanovništva za vodenim resursima. Povećane potrebe rastu sa porastom stanovništva, razvoja privrede i tehnologije. Veća potrošnja vode znači i veću količinu otpadnih voda. Dospevanjem u reke otpadne vode menjaju fizička (boja, miris, ukus, providnost), hemijska (sastav) i biološka svojstva (živi svet reka). Naša zemlja nema odgovarajuće propise za procenu kvaliteta sedimenta pa se, zbog toga, koriste standardi kvaliteta prema kanadskom zakonodavstvu, preporuke ICPDR-a (International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River ), a pojedini parametri se procenjuju korišćenjem holandske metodologije. Prema kanadskom zakonodavstvu definisane su dve vrednosti: niža vrednost ISQGs (Interim Sediment Quality Guideline) predstavlja privremene preporuke koje su dobijene teorijskim putem i iznad kojih je moguć uticaj na akvatične organizme, dok je druga, viša, vrednost PEL (Probable Effect Level), vrednost iznad koje je uticaj na akvatične organizme verovatan. Poređenjem sa kanadskim preporukama, sadržaj žive je prekoračen na skoro svim ispitanim lokalitetima, prema ISQG vrednosti. Viša PEL vrednost ukazuje na verovatno prisutne negativne toksične efekte na akvatične organizme i sedimente u dva ispitivana profila u Dunavu (profil A i profil B). Pojava žive u sedimentu je posledica ispuštanja industrijskih otpadnih voda (naročito iz pogona za proizvodnju hlora), upotrebe živinih pesticida za zaštitu semena, upotrebe živinih jedinjenja u upaljačima eksplozivnih sredstava (posledice ratnog konflikta 1999.godine) i upotreba žive u mernim uređajima (u toku razaranja industrijskih postrojenja za vreme konflikta 1999. godine uništen je deo ove merne opreme). Arsen je poznat po negativnim ekotoksičnim efektima, a negov sadržaj u sedimentu reke Dunav nije bio iznad ICPDR vrednosti. Sadržaj drugih teških metala, cinka, bakra, kadmijuma i olova (profil B) je bio u ispod vrednosti propisane ICPDR. Kako se sam proces zagađivanja vode teško može sprečiti, zaštita voda, prvenstveno, je usmerena na smanjenje uticaja, a u najboljem slučaju, potpuno uklanjanjanje uticaja teških metala. To se postiže kroz opšte ekološke (radne akcije, ekološki aktivizam) kao i specifične mere (obrazovanje, sredstva javnog informisanja). Najvažnije je utvrđivanje kvaliteta vode i mogućnosti vodotoka da primi otpadne vode, registovanje svih mogućih zagađivača (njihova lokacije i stepen zagađivanja), obavljanje stalnih kontrola otpadnih voda u blizini vodotokova, prečišćavanje otpadnih voda i izmeštanje industrije na mesta na kojima će zagađivanje biti minimalno

    Sadašnje stanje rasprostranjenja endemičnih vrsta riba istočne Hercegovine

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    Sadašnje stanje rasprostranjenja endemičnih vrsta riba Istočne Hercegovine. U radu je dat pregled istraživanja endemičnih vrsta riba na području Istočne Hercegovine na više lokaliteta. Prema ranijoj sistematici gaovice sa ovog područja su bile predstavljene vrstama: Phoxynellus metohiensis, Phoxynellus pstrossi i Phoxynellus ghetaldii, dok novija sistematika gaovice sa ovog područja svrstava u dvije vrste: Telestes metohiensis i Delminichthys ghetaldii. Pored najnovije promjene u sistematskom polažaju gaovica i u ranijem periodu bilo je promjena u nazivu roda. Tako je prvobitni naziv za gaovice bio je Paraphoxinus, potom Phoxinellus, a prema najnovijoj sistematici gatačka gaovica nosi naziv Telestes metohiensis, dok su trebinjska i popovska gaovica svrstane u rod Delminichthys i označene jednom vrstom Delminichthys ghetaldii. Naša istraživanja gaovice na području Istočne Hercegovine obuhvatala su više lokaliteta: Bilećko jezero, rijeke Mušnica, Vrijeka, Opačica, te Suški potok, Ljubomirski potok i Fatničko polje. U okviru istraživanja praćene su i određene ekofiziološke karakteristike gaovice, a u ovom radu dati su rezultati istraživanja o prisustvu ovih vrsta u pojedinim vodama, s obzirom da se u literaturi susreću različiti podaci o njihovoj rasprostranjenosti i prisutvu u određenim vodama. Neka ranija istraživanja navode da je po biomasi gaovica bila najzastupljenija vrsta Popova polja i da je imala veliki značaj za svakodnevni život ljudi. U okviru naših istraživanja praćeno je prisustvo gaovica na navedenim lokalitetima. Istraživanjem je konstatovano da nema pravilnosti u vremenu pojavljivanja i prisustvu određene na vrste na datom lokalitetu, što je vjerovatno uslovljeno vodnim režimom u ovom području i specifičnostima ekoloških uslova na malom prostoru. Rezultati pokazuju da je gatačka gaovica u značajnijem broju zastupljena u rijeci Vrijeci, Bilećkom jezeru, Suškom potoku i rijekama Mušnici i Opačici, dok je trebinjska gaovica konstatovana u Fatničkom polju nakon izlijevanja vode i Ljubomirskom potoku


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    Background: Medication adherence is the extent to which patients take medications as prescribed by their health care providers. There are a number of approaches to study medication-taking behavior. The aim was to compare two most common methods for measuring adherence: Patient Adherence Questionnaire and Medication Possession Ratio (MPR). They belong to the indirect methods. Methods: In this article four adherence studies were analysed and the results were compared, two wherein the patient questionnaire was applied and other two with medication possession ratio applied. Results: The obtained results reveal that more than half of respondents (58.9%) experienced constant nonadherence behavior according to the prescribed therapy. The main reason of nonadherence is oblivion, suggesting that it is necessary to pay more attention to this problem. Conclusions: Nonadherence with therapy has negative consequences on the health of the individual, and an adverse impact on the community health and wealth. Patients should be informed of the importance of regularly taking prescribed therapy. The main problem of long-term therapy is significantly decreased of adherence to medication in a very short time. It is important to stress that almost all the interventions effective for improving patient adherence in long-term care are complex and should be repeated after a while

    Characterisation of Bosnia and Herzegovina honeys according to their physico-chemical properties during 2016-2017

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    This study evaluated the quality of 78 honeys of six different floral types (Acacia, sage [Salvia officinalis L.], linden, chestnut, honeydew and blossom), mainly from Bosnia and Herzegovina. Reducing sugars, sucrose content, moisture, hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF), free acidity, water-insoluble content, diastase activity, electrical conductivity were analysed. The samples of honey, collected during 2016-2017, were analysed using recommended methods. Results show that in 2016 and 2017, a great number of individual honeys sampled were of insufficient quality to satisfy regulatory requirements. Among the overall determined parameters, hydroxymethylfurfural and diastase activities in some honeys were not acceptable according to national and international regulations. A correlation between free acidity and electrical conductivity was found in both acacia and blossom honeys. HMF content and diastase activity was strongly negatively correlated in both acacia and blossom honeys. The quality of the honeys was varied, based on botanical origins, and presumably, handling and storage conditions

    Chemical Profile, Radical Scavenging and Cytotoxic Activity of Yellow Gentian Leaves (Genitaneae luteae folium) Grown in Northern Regions of Montenegro

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    LC-ESI-MS and HPLC were used for the identification of the constituents from G. lutea leaves collected at different localities, as well as for quantification of the main compounds. Seven secoiridoids, five C-glucoflavones and three xanthones, were identified. Swertiamarin derivatives, namely eustornorusside (2), eustomoside (3) and septemfidoside (5), were detected in G. lutea for the first time. Concentrations of five constituents (swertiamarin, gentiopicrin, isovitexin, mangiferin and isogentisin) were determined. The relationship between concentrations of gamma-pyrones and altitude was observed with statistically significant correlation (r = 0.94). The extracts were also evaluated for their content of total phenolics, and antiradical and cytotoxic activities. The total phenolics content ranged from 7.7 to 12.7 mg GAE/g, and the IC50 values for DPPH radical scavenging activity varied between 0.45 to 2.02 mg/mL. The leaf extract exhibited moderate cytotoxic effects toward HeLa cells with an IC50 value of 41.1 mu g/mL, while gentiopicrin, mangiferin and isogentisin exerted strong activity against HeLa cells, with IC50 values ranging from 5.7 to 8.8 mu g/mL. The results confirm the traditional usage of G. lutea leaves and also suggest their possible utilization as hepatoprotective, hypoglycemic and anti-inflammatory agents

    Hematološki parametri riba kao indikatori stanja životne sredine

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    Hematological parameters are reliable indicators of the state of the organism, and the state of the environment indirectly. Research on haematological parameters have been carried out on the species Barbus peloponnesius at two different locations. The following parameters were determined: number of erytrocytes, hemoglobyne concentration, packed cell volume, Mean Corpuscular Volume (MCV), Mean Corpuscular Haemoglobin (MCH) and Mean Corpuscular Haemoglobin Concentration (MCHC) and parameters of differential blood picture. The physico-chemical and hydrobiological analyzes water quality have been carried out at the same time

    Normalne hematološke vrijednosti gajenog lipljena

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    In this research haematological parameters analysis of grayling was carried out in Martin Brod fish pond and Krušnice river. At the tested specimens were determined parameters: the number of erytrocyte, number leukocyte, hemoglobyne concentration, packed cell volume, Mean Corpuscular Volume (MCV), Mean Corpuscular Haemoglobin (MCH) and Mean Corpuscular Haemoglobin Concentration (MCHC). The comparison and analysis of monitored parameters by gender was performed on the basis of obtained results. Comparison of parameters by gender, as well as the comparison parameters grayling from this two locations, indicates the existence of significant differences in certain parameters