292 research outputs found

    Effect of environment and genotype on rheological properties of flour and dough of winter wheat

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    Five winter wheat cultivars created in Small Grains Research Centre of Kragujevac (Ana Morava, Toplica, Vizija, Takovčanka and Lazarica) were grown at the macro field trial in three locations (Kragujevac, Sombor and Bačka Topola) during three years (2004-2006). Influence of environment (location and growing season) and genotype on rheological properties of flour and dough (water absorption, dough development time, dough stability time, dough weakness, and mixing tolerance index) were investigated. Analysis of variance showed highly significant differences among investigated cultivars (G), years (Y) and among their interactions (G x Y, G x L, Y x L, G x Y x L) for water absorption of flour. The strongest individual influence for water absorption had location (F=56.032**) and G x Y x L interaction (F=55.712**), and then year (F=45.069**). Farinograph properties have shown that wheat flour on average belonged to A2 and B1 quality group, what means that investigated cultivars had high technological quality

    Possibilities of the Republic of Serbia for reducing vulnerability to natural hazards

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    Vulnerability is an essential feature of an element at risk (community, region, country, the environment) which determines the expected damage caused by a hazard. Vulnerability modified over time and it depended on physical, social, economic and environmental factors. Vulnerability became multidimensional, multidisciplinary, multi-sectoral and dynamic in contemporary circumstances. In the past decades, vulnerability to natural hazards took precedence over technological and other hazards threatening the community. The necessity to assess threat, vulnerability and the prevention of natural hazards was emphasized in the key national normative legal acts of the Republic of Serbia. A resolute commitment of the country to lay down the laws to regulate this field and establish a system to make a functional response to natural hazards through institutions was followed by difficult circumstances in practice. In addition to permanent flood hazard vulnerability, landslide and earthquake vulnerability, weak socio-economic profile i.e. the insufficient flexibility of the community and the unclear role of government bodies, municipal civil protection service and the service for protection from natural disasters were also insufficiently equipped. Nowadays, government efforts to solve problems in order to improve its own possibilities for reducing vulnerability to natural hazards are evident. The most important are those related to proper financing of the protection system. The application of SCN model would provide a more stable transfer of financial resources, as well as the transfer of necessary manpower and material resources from national to local level

    Effect of genotype and environment on wheat quality

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    Five winter wheat cultivars created in Small Grains Research Centre of Kragujevac (Ana Morava, Toplica, Vizija, Takovčanka and Lazarica) were grown at the macro field trial in three locations (Kragujevac, Sombor and Bačka Topola) during three years (2004-2006). Influence of genetic and agro-ecological conditions of locations on wheat quality components (sedimentation value and wet gluten content) was investigated. The analysis of variance suggested there were highly significant differences among genotypes (G), investigated years (Y) and locations (L) for sedimentation value and wet gluten content. Apart from individual influence of the factors, their interactions (G x Y, G x L, Y x L, G x Y x L) were also high significant for both investigated traits. In average the highest sedimentation value (40.6 ml) and wet gluten content (31.85 %) established at Backa Topola locality. The highest value of all investigated cultivars and localities established at cultivar Vizija (45.3 ml) in Bačka Topola, while the lowest at Lazarica (31.7 ml) in Sombor. The highest wet gluten content was measured at Bačka Topola locality by cultivar Toplica (38.53 %). In this investigation Bačka Topola locality was favourable for both investigated quality traits

    The effect of fertilization and liming on some grain quality properties of wheat

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    The present research was carried out to investigate fertilizer and lime effect on some grain quality properties of wheat cultivars (thousand grain weight and hectoliter weight). The experiment was set up at the experimental field of the Small Grains Research Centre Kragujevac over 2003/2004-2004/2005 seasons. The soil was smonitza (vertisol) with very high natural acidity. The trial consisted of a completely randomized block experimental design with three replications, the size of each plot being 14 m-2. The research included six winter wheat varieties (Takovčanka, Studenica, KG-100, Matica, Ana Morava and Toplica) created in Small Grains Research Centre of Kragujevac. The following variants of fertilization were applied: Control -T1 (no fertilization), mineral fertilizer-T2 (500 kg ha-1 NPK ā€“ 15:15:15), nitrogen fertilizer + lime fertilizer-T3 (75 kg N ha-1 in form of KAN + 2.0 t ha-1 CaCO3 in form of "Njival Ca" - 98.5% CaCO3), mineral fertilizer + lime fertilizerā€“T4 (500 kg ha-1 NPK + 2.0 t ha-1 CaCO3), and mineral fertilizer + lime fertilizer + organic fertilizer ā€“T5 (500 kg ha-1 NPK + 2.0 t ha-1 CaCO3 + 35.0 t ha-1 manure). The results showed significant influence of all kinds of fertilizers on the physical grain quality properties of wheat (thousand grain weight and hectoliter weight). The best results for both these components have been achieved with the combination of fertilizers (500 kg ha-1 NPK + 2.0 t ha-1 CaCO3 + 35.0 t ha-1 of manure). High values for thousand grain weight and hectoliter weight were also recorded in the application of NPK fertilizers only. The lowest value for this properties are achieved in the control treatment (no fertilizer), and then on the combined fertilizers (N + CaCO3)


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    The legislation covering Croatian museums has deƞ ned the structure of the museum documentation of museum resources, as well as the necessity of making this documentation and resources accessible to users. In addition to this and following the eight-year tradition of the Seminar of Archives, Libraries and Museums, there is also another issue, namely a search for viable structures and standards whereby museum professionals can take part in an interactive coordination of exchanging information among related institutions and users. In a parallel development initiated by exchanges of experiences among these three areas of information science and experiences of related European institutions some museum collections have been published in digital formats in various degrees of editorial presentation. Taking into account all three ā€“ namely, the legislation, the already existing possibilities to discuss needs for new ways of communication and digital publications, this article should be an attempt to identify the level of awareness of this issue among members of the Croatian museum community as well as the level of their expertise and familiarity with this aspect, what expert preconditions are required to build databases of (museum) resources and whether Croatian museum science regards the web as the right place/medium to publish these materials in the ƞ rst place and if so in what form. Particular attention would be paid precisely to this required form and necessary level of information about museum resources and the design of that particular web service in the light of different proƞ les of museums and the level of interest among its users/visitors. From this an answer should be derived as to whether publishing museum resources on the web threatens their printed paper equivalents, i.e., whether there is a need to protect access to information about museum resources on the web with passwords by way of charging certain fees

    Virtual water in agricultural production

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    Virtual water refers both to water consumed during the process of production and water remaining as the constituent of the product. Apart from its quantity, easily calculated, it can also be determined in qualitative terms, through the water footprint, which describes the amount of water used by any biological entity. It can be presented as three-portion system, comprised of blue, green and gray water. The attempts to solve agricultural problems in the countries suffering from water shortage, the importance of green water has been emphasized, pointing to adequate water management. Virtual water concept enabled understanding of the international water trading ways, as it remains within the products traded. Adjusting export oriented food production any country can save significant amounts of domestic water, thus implementing its water sustainability that is important for all the countries. Since large quantities of good quality water for agricultural irrigation are the utmost requirement, it is often a limiting factor, implying that new methodology of water-food transformation should be developed


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    The application of alternative sanctions has positive effects both on the re-socialization of perpetrators of criminal acts, and on the reduction of pressure on institutions for the enforcement of prison sanctions. The use of alternative sanctions enables the offender to continue working, educating, keeping family connections, and other activities that may have preventive effect on the crime re-commission and prevent stigmatisation that person might have after the prison sanction. The subject of this paper is the analysis of the effectiveness of the application of alternative sanctions in the Republic of Serbia and impact of the implementation of National development strategy for the system of enforcement of criminal sanctions for period 2013ā€“2020. In line with the Strategy, the key national legislative acts were amended to align with international and European standards on alternative sanctions, specifically with the CoE European Probation Rules. Bearing in mind previous experiences, the authors start form the assumption that there are still certain challenges in their application, which can be caused by various factors. In order to give recommendations for reducing the challenges, the authors analyse the compliance of national regulation with international standards, as well as available data on volume and structure of imposed alternative sanctions in period 2015ā€“2020, with the special focus on community work and conditional sanction with oversight
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