55 research outputs found

    Ocena dekorativne vrednosti domaćih populacija bosiljka

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    Basil (Ocimum basilicum L) as annual flowers is using in arranging and forming gardens, forming trimmings and breeding in containers. The varieties colored with antocyans, of low growth, bushy habitus and shortened dihasial cluster of flowers particularly are highly rated. It is also using as dried flower for making bouquets and various arrangements. The aim of this research is to perform general morphological description and evaluation of ten selected domestic basic populations and evaluation of their decorative value. Selected populations are marked as T-1, T-2, T-3, T-4, T-5, T-6, T-7, T-8 T-9 and T-10 and deposited in the Serbian Plant Genes Bank since 2002. Researches with the aim of evaluation of its decorative value and application in horticulture had conducted during 2001, 2002 and 2003. As attractive ones populations T-1 and T-10 were evaluated, and as decorative ones T- 2, T-4 T-6, T-8, T-9 were evaluated. As annual flowers with different purposes and applications in space decoration, these populations could be recommending. As medium decorative were evaluated populations T-3 and T-5, and as the least decorative population T-7.Bosiljak (Ocimum basilicum L) se koristi kao jednogodišnje cveće u aranžiranju i oblikovanju vrtova, za formiranje bordura i uzgoj u kontejnerima. Posebno su cenjeni antocijanima obojeni varijateti niskog rasta, žbunastog habitusa i skraćenih dihazijalnih cvasti. Koristi se i kao suvo cveće za izradu buketa i različitih aranžmana. Cilj ovog istraživanja je da se izvrši opšta morfološka deskripcija deset odabranih domaćih populacija bosiljka i oceni njihova dekorativna vrednost. Odabrane populacije su označene kao T-1, T-2, T-3, T-4, T-5, T-6, T-7, T-8, T-9, T-10 i deponovane u Banci Biljnih Gena Srbije 2002. godine. Tokom 2001, 2002 i 2003. godine izvršena su istraživanja u cilju ocene njihove dekorativne vrednosti i primene u cvećarstvu. Kao atraktivne ocenjene su populacije T-1 i T-10 dekorativne su T-2, T-4, T-6, T-8,T- 9. Ove populacije se mogu preporučiti kao jednogodišnje cveće različite namene i primene u dekoraciji prostora. Srednje dekorativne su populacije T-3 i T-5, a malo dekorativna ocenjena je populacija T-7

    Primena spororazlagajućeg đubriva pri različitim načinima proizvodnje rasada miloduha

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    In Serbia the production of hyssop nursery seedlings is still extensive, i.e. in cool layers (nude roots system). Intensive production, i.e. in containers (speedling system) and pots (pot system) is mostly used in vegetable and flower production. The use of slow-disintegrating fertilizers in the production of nursery seedlings tends to decrease salt concentrations in the substrate, being the result of controlled emission of nutrients in the fertilizers. In addition, in case of high substrate humidity and poor insolation plants receive high quality nutrients. The aim of the study was to develop novel technological solutions using intensive production and slow-disintegrating fertilizers in order to contribute to high quality nursery seedlings. Based on the results obtained it can be concluded that both speedling and pot systems of production have a significant influence on the quality of hyssop nursery seedlings.Proizvodnja rasada miloduha (Hyssopus officinalis L.) se u Srbiji, još uvek se odvija na ekstenzivan način, u hladnim lejama (po sistemu golih žila). Intenzivni načini proizvodnje; u kontejnerima (speedling system) i saksijama (pot system) najviše se koriste u povrtarskoj i cvećarskoj proizvodnji. Kako je, kvalitetan rasad uslov uspešne proizvodnje cilj istraživanja bio je iznalaženje novih tehnoloških rešenja primenom intenzivnih načina proizvodnje uz upotrebu spororazlagajućeg đubriva u proizvodnji rasada miloduha. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju na značajan efekat primene "speedling i pot" načina proizvodnje na kvalitet rasada miloduha

    Uticaj različitih supstrata na kvalitet rasada bosiljka (Ocimum basilicum L.)

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    In this study five different substrates were used, such as: compost; mixture of compost, Lumbrikus H and garden soil; mixture of compost and Lumbrikus H; mixture of compost, Lumbrikus H and peat Galicina and Seedling Klassman substrate. Basil seedling was produced in containers according to "speeding" system. The studies have shown that the best quality of basil seedling of varieties Genovese and Lattuga is achieved when the mixture of substrates Compost, Lumbrikus H and Galicina peat are applied in the volume proportion of 50% : 30% : 20%.U radu je ispitivano pet različitih supstrata kao što su; kompost; mešavina komposta, Lumbrikusa H i baštenske zemlje; mešavina komposta i Lumbrikusa H; mešavina komposta, Lumbrikusa H i treseta Galicine i Seedling Klassman supstrat. Rasad bosiljka je proizveden u kontejnerima po "speeding" sistemu. Ispitivanja su pokazala da se najbolji kvalitet rasada bosiljka sorata Genovese i Lattuga ostvaruje pri mešavini supstrata Komposta, Lumbrikus H i Galicina treseta u zapreminskom odnosu od 50% : 30% : 20

    Uticaj prirodnih biostimulatora i spororazlagajućeg đubriva na kvalitet rasada ruzmarina (Rosmarinus officinalis L.)

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    In the present work the effect of natural biostimulators and different doses of slow disintegrating fertilizer on the quality of rosemary seedlings was studied. Rosemary seedlings were produced in containers, according to the 'speedling system'. During the production of seedlings natural biostimulators Megafol and Viva and microbiological fertilizer Slavol were added. The applied biostimulators made a significant effect on the quality of rosemary seedlings. Different doses of the slow disintegrating fertilizer Scotts (Osmocote Extact) were applied (0, 1, 2, 3 and 4 g/l), which also produced a significant influence.U radu je ispitivan uticaj prirodnih biostimulatora i različitih doza spororazlagajućeg đubriva na kvalitet rasada ruzmarina. Rasad ruzmarina je proizveden u kontejnerima po 'speedling sistemu'. Tokom proizvodnje rasada dodavani su prirodni biostimulatori Megafol i Viva i mikrobiološko đubrivo Slavol. Upotrebljeni biostimulatori su ostvarili značajan efekat na kvalitet rasada ruzmarina. Korišćene su i različite doze spororazlagajućeg đubriva (0, 1, 2, 3 i 4 g/l) Scotts (Osmocote Extact), koje su također ostvarile značajan uticaj

    Uticaj različitih doza spororazlagajućeg đubriva na kvalitet rasada kadifice (Tagetes patula L.) i ukrasne žalfije (Salvia splendens L.)

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    The paper investigates the effect of applying different rate of slow disintegrating fertilizer Scotts (Osmocot Exact) with the formula 15:9:9:MgO+Me to the quality of seedlings of marigold and scarlet sage. The marigold and scarlet sage seedlings were grown in poly-propylene containers (speedling system) and poly-propylene pots (pot system). Slow disintegrating fertilizer rate have been applied to the seedlings in the course of their growing (0, 1, 2, 3, i 4 g/l). The obtained data show that the 4g/l substrate rate of slow disintegrating fertilizer has significant effects on the studied parameters of seedlings quality of studied species.U radu je ispitivan uticaj različitih doza spororazlagajućeg đubriva Scotts (Osmocot Exact) formulacije 15:9:9:MgO+Me na kvalitet rasada kadifice i ukrasne žalfije. Rasad kadifice i ukrasne žalfije je proizveden u polipropilenskim kontejnerima (speedling system) i polipropilenskim saksijama (pot system). U toku proizvodnje rasada dodavano je spororazlagajuće đubrivo u dozama (0, 1, 2, 3, i 4 g/l). Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju da doza spororazlagajućeg đubriva od 4g/l supstrata značajno utiče na ispitivane parametre kvaliteta rasada ispitivanih vrsta

    Uticaj različitih doza spororazlagajućeg đubriva na kvalitet rasada gazanije (Gazania rigens L.)

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    The work has examined the influence of slow disintegrating fertilizer rates of Scotts (Osmocote Exact) formulation 15:9:9:MgO + Me on quality of Gazania rigens L. seedlings. The seedlings of Gazania rigens L. was produced in polystyrene containers (speedling system) and polypropylene pots (pot system). During the production of seedlings the fertilizer has been applied in rates (0, 1, 2, 3, and 4g/l). The results show that the fertilizer rate of substrata 4g/l influences the qualitative properties of Gazania rigens L. seedlings.U radu je ispitivan uticaj različitih doza spororazlagajućih đubriva Scotts (Osmocote Exact) formulacije 15:9:9:MgO + Me na kvalitet rasada gazanije. Rasad gazanije je proizveden u polistirenskim kontejnerima (speedling system) i polipropilenskim saksijama (pot system). U toku proizvodnje rasada dodavano je đubrivo u dozama (0, 1, 2, 3, i 4g/l). Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju da doza đubriva od 4g/l supstrata značajno utiče na kvalitativne osobine rasada gazanije

    Mineralni sastav različitih genotipova bosiljka (Ocimum spp.)

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    This experiment investigated mineral composition of 13 basil genotypes (Ocimum spp.) in order to find varieties supporting human dietary intake of essential minerals and to evaluate basil genotypes which could serve for herbal production as raw material in pharmaceutical or food processing industry. In addition, this study tested a potential risk of the accumulation of heavy metals during the commercial production of basil on agricultural soil. Mineral composition of basil genotypes was found to be in association with its genetic potential, where some of them can be used in human nutrition as an additional source of several minerals, particularly micronutrients (Fe, Mn and Zn), which generally improve human immune system. Iron-rich basil genotypes were identified in this experiment, like Compact (3576.0 mg/kg), with Lattuga (1585.6 mg/kg) and Blue spice (1167.9 mg/kg) genotypes, containing more than 1000 mg/kg of Fe in herbal part on dry basil (d.m.). This attract a special attention as a source of iron, especially for humans with low Fe intake, and consequently, for people with low level of hemoglobin. Basil grown on agricultural soil was tested on the accumulation of heavy metals (Cu, Co, Cu, Ni, Cr and Pb), which were not found to be excessive in herbal parts of the plants. Cluster analysis (CA) distinguished Ocmium spp. genotypes in two separate groups. Despite of significant differences among the genotypes, content of Fe, Mn, Co, Cr, Ni and Pb made a clear distinction between the clusters.U radu je ispitan mineralni sastav 13 različitih genotipova bosiljka (Ocimum spp. L.), sa ciljem da se odrede tipovi koji bi mogli da posluže kao dopunski izvori esencijalnih elementa u ljudskoj ishrani, kao i da se odrede genotipovi koji bi poslužili za proizvodnju herbe kao sirovine za farmaceutsku ili prehrambenu industriju. Takođe, u ovom istraživanju je testiran i potencijalni rizik vezan za zagađenje bosiljka teškim metalima pri njegovom komercijalnom gajenju na poljoprivrednom zemljištu. Mineralni sastav ispitivanih genotipova uglavnom je uslovljen njegovim genetskim karakteristikama, ukazujući da u ishrani čoveka ova lekovita biljna vrsta može poslužiti kao značajan izvor nekih od esencijalnih elemenata, naročito mikroelemenata (Fe, Mn i Zn), koji generalno doprinose jačanju ljudskog imuno sistema. Posebno je važno što su u ovom istraživanju identifikovani neki genotipovi bogati gvožđem, kao što je to Compact, kao genotip sa ekstremno visokim nivom Fe u herbi (3576,0 mg/kg), a koji bi zajedno sa genotipovima Lattuga (1585,6 mg/kg) i Blue Spice (1167,9 mg/kg) koji sadrže više od 1000 mg/kg Fe u suvoj materiji herbe, trebali da privuku posebnu pažnju kao izvori ovog elementa u ishrani ljudi kod kojih je evidentiran njegov nedostatak, načešće ispoljen sa pojavom anemije, odnosno, slabom sintezom hemoglobina. Gajenje bosiljka na poljoprivrednom zemljištu nije uslovilo povećanu akumulaciju teških metala (Cu, Co, Cu, Ni, Cr i Pb) u herbi, pa se može reći da su ovi proizvodi sa aspekta zagađenosti teškim metalima potpuno bezbedni. Klaster analiza je podelila ispitivane genotipove bosiljka (Ocmium spp.) u dve grupe. Uprkos različitosti između genotipova, sadržaj Fe, Mn, Co, Cr, Ni i Pb uticao je na jasnu podelu između klastera

    Uticaj prirodnih biostimulatora i spororazlagajućih đubriva u komercijalnoj proizvodnji rasada begonija (Begonia semperflorens)

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    The present research in the study of the effect of application of natural bio-stimulants and slow-release fertilizers on commercial production of begonia (Begonia semperflorens) saplings. Two types of containers were deployed in the production process, whereas the results of the experimental research showed that the application of both slow-release fertilizers and natural bio-stimulants in further production is only justifiable in cases when large volume containers are deployed in commercial production of sapling. The application of those significantly influences the increase in stalk weight, number of sprouts and number of blossoms. The application of natural bio-stimulants may be justifiable with the saplings that have previously been produced in smaller containers, since they have auspicious effect upon development of the root, i.e. upon its length.U radu je ispitivan uticaj primene prirodnih biostimulatora i spororazlagajućih đubriva u komercijalnoj proizvodnji rasada begonija (Begonia semperflorens ).Za proizvodnju rasada korišćeno je dva tipa kontejnera a dobijeni rezultati eksperimentalnih istraživanja pokazali su da je primena i spororazlagajućih đubriva i prirodnih biostimulatora u toku dalje proizvodnje , opravdana samo u slučaju kada se za proizvodnju rasada koriste veći kontejnerima. Njihovom primenom utiče se značajno na povećanje nadzemne mase, broja pupoljaka i broja cvetova. Primena prirodnih biostimulatora može biti opravdana i kod proizvodnje rasada u manjim kontejnerima jer povoljno utiče na razvoj korena tj. njegovu dužinu

    Chemical Composition of the Essential Oils of Three Ocimum basilicum L. Cultivars from Serbia

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    Basil essential oil (BEO) contains a wide range of chemical compounds whose content may vary depending on chemotypes, environmental conditions, agronomic techniques and particularly the origin of the plant. In our present study, essential oils (EOs) were isolated by hydrodistillation method from dry herbs of three basil cultivars and analyzed by GC-FID and GC-MS. Two of the tested cultivars belong to sweet basil group (B-1 and B-2) while the third one was large leafed 'Genovese' basil (B-3). EO content in the dry herb was 0.65%, 0.41% and 0.62% respectively. The main classes of compounds of B1EO and B3EO were sesquiterpene hydrocarbons (38.39% and 37.95%), oxygenated monoterpenes (25.44% and 28.04%) and phenylpropanoids (17.43% and 15.71%). The main constituents of both EOs were monoterpene alcohol linalool (13.68% and 15.38%), phenoyl derivate eugenol (10.83% and 8.97%) and sesquiterpene hydrocarbon alpha-bergamotene (8.12% and 9.25%). In both EOs, epi-bicyclosesquiphellandrene was detected in considerable amount (7.03% and 8.07%). The most abundant compound classes in B2EO were oxygenated monoterpenes (52.07%), sesquiterpene hydrocarbons (24.27%) and phenylpropanoids (10.95%). Linalool was the dominant compound (40.97%), followed by epi-bicyclosesquiphellandrene (8.70%) and methyl chavicol (7.92%). The results showed complex chemical composition of BEOs and pointed out the presence of biologically active compounds of importance for different branches of the pharmaceutical, chemical and food industry. Although there are differences in the chemical composition of the BEOs, the obtained results show that all of the tested cultivars are rich in compounds which are responsible for biological activities

    Uticaj dubine setve na nicanje bosiljka, žalfije i borača

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    Germination of basil, sage and borage was investigated in plastic pots containing well-drained and rich soil. Four sowing depths were employed (1, 2, 3 and 4 cm) in order to study germination length and the number of plants emerged. Basil was the most susceptible and borage the least susceptible. The difference between sage and basil was smaller compared with the difference between basil and borage. The smaller the sowing depth (1 and 2 cm) the more successful the germination of plants. Based on the results obtained the most successful sowing depth for basil seeds was up to 1 cm, followed by sage 1.5 cm and borage about 2 cm.Nicanje bosiljka, žalfije i borača ispitano je u plastičnim kontejnerima napunjenim rastresitom plodnom zemljom. Primenjene su četiri dubine setve: 1, 2, 3, i 4 cm. Određen je njihov uticaj na trajanje (dužinu) nicanja, te na broj niklih biljaka. Najveću osetljivost u ogledu ispoljio je bosiljak, a najmanju borač. Žalfija se manje razlikovala od bosiljka nego od borača. Sve tri vrste su uspešnije nicale tamo gde je setva izvođena na manju dubinu (1 i 2 cm). Došlo se do zaključka da dubina setve za bosiljak treba da iznosi do 1 cm, žalfiju oko 1,5 cm, a za borač oko 2 cm