Univerzitet u Beogradu - Poljoprivredni fakultet - Institut za poljoprivrednu tehniku, Beograd
In Serbia the production of hyssop nursery seedlings is still extensive, i.e. in cool layers (nude roots system). Intensive production, i.e. in containers (speedling system) and pots (pot system) is mostly used in vegetable and flower production. The use of slow-disintegrating fertilizers in the production of nursery seedlings tends to decrease salt concentrations in the substrate, being the result of controlled emission of nutrients in the fertilizers. In addition, in case of high substrate humidity and poor insolation plants receive high quality nutrients. The aim of the study was to develop novel technological solutions using intensive production and slow-disintegrating fertilizers in order to contribute to high quality nursery seedlings. Based on the results obtained it can be concluded that both speedling and pot systems of production have a significant influence on the quality of hyssop nursery seedlings.Proizvodnja rasada miloduha (Hyssopus officinalis L.) se u Srbiji, još uvek se odvija na ekstenzivan način, u hladnim lejama (po sistemu golih žila). Intenzivni načini proizvodnje; u kontejnerima (speedling system) i saksijama (pot system) najviše se koriste u povrtarskoj i cvećarskoj proizvodnji. Kako je, kvalitetan rasad uslov uspešne proizvodnje cilj istraživanja bio je iznalaženje novih tehnoloških rešenja primenom intenzivnih načina proizvodnje uz upotrebu spororazlagajućeg đubriva u proizvodnji rasada miloduha. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju na značajan efekat primene "speedling i pot" načina proizvodnje na kvalitet rasada miloduha