64 research outputs found

    The livestock sector in Colombia: Toward a program to facilitate large-scale adoption of mitigation and adaptation practices

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    Livestock raising is an important sector of the Colombian economy, which will face serious challenges in the next decade, including adaptation to and mitigation of climate change. Colombia must change the model of livestock production in a very short time by freeing up areas of pasture for other uses and focusing intensified livestock production in suitable zones. Despite the urgency and the magnitude of the required changes, only isolated small-scale initiatives exist. Colombia therefore has the challenge to scale-up these initiatives1, but at present it has no program designed to achieve this objective. We started by analyzing the policies, actors, and existing initiatives in Colombia. We then sought to understand the potential for and the limitations to scaling-up promising initiatives to face the challenges of climate change in the livestock sector. We identified the key elements from previous initiatives and classified them into the conceptual spaces identified in the theory of scaling-up. These are the spaces in matters of: policy, fiscal and financial matters, institutional capacity, learning, partnerships, and technical matters, emphasizing the importance of the technical dimension. Finally, we propose some elements for the design of Colombia's national program of livestock raising

    Application of crop growth modeling for the economic valuation of water in agriculture

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    Variability of precipitation recycling and moisture sources over the Colombian Pacific Region: A precipitationshed approach

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    This study assessed the precipitation recycling and moisture sources in the Colombian Pacific region between 1980–2017, based on the monitoring of moisture in the atmosphere through the EulerianWater Accounting Model-2 layer (WAM2 layer) and the delimitation of the area contributing to terrestrial and oceanic moisture in the region is performed using the “precipitationshed” approach. The results indicate a unimodal precipitation recycling ratio for the North and Central Pacific and Patía-Mira regions, with the highest percentages between March and April, reaching 30% and 34%, respectively, and the lowest between September and October (between 19% and 21%). Moreover, monthly changes in the circulation of the region promote a remarkable variability of the sources that contribute to the precipitation of the study area and the spatial dynamics of the precipitationshed. From December to April, the main contributions come from continental sources in eastern Colombia and Venezuela, the tropical North Atlantic, and the Caribbean Sea, a period of high activity of the Orinoco Low-Level jet. In September, the moisture source region is located over the Pacific Ocean, where a southwesterly cross-equatorial circulation predominates, converging in western Colombia, known as the Choco Jet (CJ), decreasing the continental contribution. An intensified Caribbean Low-Level Jet inhibits moisture sources from the north between June and August, strengthening a southerly cross-equatorial flow from the Amazon River basin and the southeastern tropical Pacific. The March–April (September–October) season of higher (lower) recycling of continental precipitation is related to the weakening (strengthening) of the CJ in the first (second) half of the year, which decreases (increases) the contribution of moisture from the Pacific Ocean to the region, increasing (decreasing) the influence of land-based sources in the study area

    Report on the lessons learned on developing NAMAs from a policy perspective taking into account productive experiences of sustainable livestock in Colombia

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    Livestock plays an important role in the Colombian economy, however, it is responsible for a high percentage of GHGs emitted into the atmosphere. For this reason, the objective of this work was to know the existing initiatives in sustainable livestock that allow generating models to implement technologies and improve livestock systems in the productive area and the environmental scope, which includes the mitigation of greenhouse gases and conservation of ecosystems

    Retos y oportunidades para el desarrollo de la NAMA Ganadería en Colombia y Costa Rica

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    La NAMA ganadera en ambos países busca transformar la ganadería. Es necesario superar las barreras y aprovechar las oportunidades que brinda el sector para alcanzar las metas propuestas Hay una demanda creciente en el mercado por carne y leche de mejor calidad, implementar las NAMA es el inicio para alcanzar nuevos mercados

    Modelo de evaluación de tecnologías frente al cambio climático en el trópico alto de Nariño, Colombia

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    La papa (Solanum tuberosum) es un cultivo clave para la seguridad alimentaria de la población mundial y característico de los sistemas de producción campesina en Colombia. Se siembra en zonas de alta montaña, cerca de ecosistemas frágiles y estratégicos como los páramos y sus zonas de amortiguación, realidades como el cambio y la variabilidad climática afectan significativamente la sostenibilidad del sistema. Productores y asistentes técnicos locales, han definido el déficit hídrico como la principal limitante agroclimática para el cultivo. El objetivo del estudio fue evaluar mediante modelos microeconómicos la viabilidad de tecnologías agrícolas orientadas a aumentar la resiliencia al cambio climático en el cultivo de papa. Se recopiló información primaria, de tipo cuantitativo y cualitativo mediante encuestas y talleres participativos con productores y asistentes técnicos, a través de un Análisis Factorial Múltiple de Mezcla de Datos (FAMD) se tipificó el sistema de producción; se hizo uso de programación lineal para evaluar económicamente los sistemas de pequeño y mediano productor, tecnologías de siembra de nuevas variedades certificadas y de labores de fertilización como alternativas para enfrentar un escenario de déficit hídrico. Los resultados muestran diferentes tipos de productores de papa, así como alta viabilidad de la incorporación de estas prácticas, por lo cual este modelo es un insumo para el proceso de toma de decisiones de los productores y asistentes técnicos que contribuyan al aumento de la resiliencia, rentabilidad y sostenibilidad del sistema productivo ante los escenarios de cambio y variabilidad climática