112 research outputs found

    What do we (need to) know about low-susceptibility of codling moth against Cydia pomonella granulovirus (CpGV)!

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    In 2005, the first codling moth (CM) populations with a reduced susceptibility to Cydia pomonella granulovi-rus (CpGV) products have been observed. This phenomenon might be an indicator of an emerging resis-tance of CM to CpGV. This paper summarizes some aspects of CM CpGV interaction and discusses poten-tial mechanisms in the host virus interaction, which could contribute to the observed low susceptibility. In order to develop and implement successful resistance management strategies, much more knowledge about the plasticity of CM CpGV interaction and the diversity of CM populations is essential

    What do we (need to) know about low-susceptibility of codling moth against Cydia pomonella granulovirus (CpGV)!

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    In 2005, the first codling moth (CM) populations with a reduced susceptibility to Cydia pomonella granulovirus (CpGV) products have been observed. This phenomenon might be an indicator of an emerging resistance of CM to CpGV. This paper summarizes some aspects of CM CpGV interaction and discusses potential mechanisms in the host virus interaction, which could contribute to the observed low susceptibility. In order to develop and implement successful resistance management strategies, much more knowledge about the plasticity of CM CpGV interaction and the diversity of CM populations is essential

    Development and Implementation of Baculoviruses for Biological Control

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    Baculoviren sind eine Gruppe insektenpathogener Viren, welche die derzeit selektivsten biologischen Insektizide zur Bekämpfung von Schadlepidopteren sind. Ihre ausgesprochene Wirtsspezifität macht sie zum idealen Bekämpfungsmittel einzelner Schlüsselschädlinge in land- und gartenbaulichen Kulturen. In Deutschland wird hauptsächlich das Apfelwicklergranulovirus (CpGV) eingesetzt. Mit seiner Entdeckung, Erforschung und Entwicklung als Bioinsektizid wurde der Grundstein für eine erfolgreiche biologische Apfelwicklerbekämpfung gelegt.Baculoviruses are a group of insect-specific viruses, which represent the currently most selective agents available for the control of lepidopteran pests. Their unique host specificity makes them an ideal control agent of key pests in agriculture and horticulture. The most important ba­culovirus agent used in Germany is the codling moth gra­nulovirus (CpGV). Its discovery and the subsequent research and development as a biocontrol agent were the fundament of a successful biological control of codling moth