4 research outputs found

    Kebijakan Penilaian Pendidikan di SMA Katolik Seminari Kakaskasen

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    Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kebijakan dengan pendekatan penelitian kualitatif. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan cara menganalisa dokumen-dokumen penilaian pendidikan di SMA Katolik Seminari Kakaskasen dan mengonfirmasikan data-data yang diperoleh dengan pihak-pihak yang bertanggung jawab dalam penilaian pendidikan di sekolah. Penilaian pendidikan di SMA Katolik Seminari Kakaskasen sudah meliputi aspek sikap, pengetahuan, dan keterampilan.Penilaian aspek sikap mendapatkan penekanan besar dan dibagi menjadi beberapa bagian, yakni penilaian kepribadian, penilaian kerohanian, penilaian sikap sosial dan penilaian kedisiplinan. Penilaian pengetahuan dan keterampilan tidak jauh berbeda dengan penilaian di sekolah-sekolah lain. Penilaian pengetahuan dan keterampilan dilaksanakan dengan cara yang adil dan jujur. Siswa mendapat nilai sesuai dengan kemampuan yang dimilikinya dan nilai yang rendah tidak dinaikkan sampai mencapai KKM hanya karena tuntutan akademik

    Implementasi Kebijakan Literasi Numerasi di Regina Caeli Elementary School Manado (RCESM)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan implementasi kebijakan literasi numerasi di RCESM sebelum masa pandemi covid-19 dan selama masa pandemi covid-19. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data berupa observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Informan penelitian ini adalah kepala sekolah, guru-guru, tenaga kependidikan, instruktur ekstrakurikuler, orang tua, dan siswa. Analisis data menggunakan model Miles and Huberman, dengan aktifitas berupa data collection, data reduction, data display, dan conclusion drawing/verification. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: 1) Implementasi program literasi numerasi sebelum masa pandemi covid-19 dilaksanakan melalui: penetapan tim literasi RCESM dan penyusunan program literasi; waktu literasi 15 menit sebelum KBM; dekorasi lingkungan sekolah kaya literasi; kegiatan field trip bernuansa literasi numerasi; kegiatan ekstrakurikuler pramuka; kegiatan ekstrakurikuler robotik; kegiatan bazaar sekolah; dan kegiatan rekoleksi (live-in) di Wisma Lorenzo Lotta. 2) Implementasi program literasi numerasi selama masa pandemi covid-19 dilaksanakan melalui: pembelajaran berbasis proyek: muatan IPA dan SBdP; pembelajaran matematika: membuat bangun ruang dan menyusun puzzle; dan membuat dekorasi ruangan bernuansa literasi numerasi

    The Role of the Driving Teacher in the Implementation of Independent Learning Program in Vocational High School

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    A driving teacher is a teacher who has a strong commitment to the program, they are studying and have the skills to lead and coordinate efforts to achieve program goals. Through qualitative research involving in-depth interviews with mobilizing teachers and field observations, this article shows that the role of mobilizing teachers is very important in ensuring the success of the independent learning program in Vocational Schools (SMK). The driving teacher acts as a liaison between the independent learning program and students, motivating students to be actively involved in the program, and leading in program development and implementation. The results of this study also show that driving teachers must have strong leadership skills, be able to communicate well, and have extensive knowledge of the independent learning program and related industries. Besides that, the support and cooperation from school management and other staff is also very important to ensure the success of the independent learning program. This study concludes that the role of the driving teacher is very important in the implementation of the independent learning program in Vocational High Schools. The driving teacher must have strong leadership skills and the support of school management and other staff to ensure the success of their program of learning

    The Role of the Driving Teacher in the Implementation of Independent Learning Program in Vocational High School

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    A driving teacher is a teacher who has a strong commitment to the program, they are studying and have the skills to lead and coordinate efforts to achieve program goals. Through qualitative research involving in-depth interviews with mobilizing teachers and field observations, this article shows that the role of mobilizing teachers is very important in ensuring the success of the independent learning program in Vocational Schools (SMK). The driving teacher acts as a liaison between the independent learning program and students, motivating students to be actively involved in the program, and leading in program development and implementation. The results of this study also show that driving teachers must have strong leadership skills, be able to communicate well, and have extensive knowledge of the independent learning program and related industries. Besides that, the support and cooperation from school management and other staff is also very important to ensure the success of the independent learning program. This study concludes that the role of the driving teacher is very important in the implementation of the independent learning program in Vocational High Schools. The driving teacher must have strong leadership skills and the support of school management and other staff to ensure the success of their program of learning