9 research outputs found

    Correlated responses to clonal selection in populations of Daphnia pulicaria

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    Data from a life table of 79 clones of Daphnia pulicaria. Clone means are provided, as clone was the primary unit of replication

    Eye diameter and body length measures on lab-reared Daphnia obtusa for broad-sense heritability estimation

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    Eye diameter (um) and body length (um) measurements from a common garden experiment on a number of clones of Daphnia obtusa isolated from ponds in Congaree National Park, South Carolina. Each row corresponds to associated identifiers and measurements for a single individual Daphnia. Pond of origin indicates the name of the pond that the original clone was isolated from. D. obtusa clone refers to the name of the clone (pond abbreviation and a number for specific identity). Daphnia size class was determined as small (≤900 μm), medium (901 μm -1399 μm), and adult (≥1400 μm). These size classes reflect ontogenetic growth from juveniles to adults

    Eye diameter, body length, and clutch size measurements for D. obtusa isolated from Knobby Knees Pond, Congaree National Park, South Carolina

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    Eye diameter (um), body length (um), and clutch size (number of eggs) measurements on a wild population of Daphnia obtusa from Knobby Knees (KNB) Pond, Congaree National Park, South Carolina. Each data row corresponds to the associated measures for a single D. obtusa from KNB Pond. Clutch size was measured from living individuals within 36 hours of capture. Animals were immediately preserved in ethanol and marked following clutch counts. Eye diameter and body length were then measured on preserved individuals

    Telomerase from <i>Daphnia</i> embryos shows high processivity.

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    <p>A) TRAP assay from egg stage 1 embryos and 1 week old adults of <i>D</i>. <i>pulex</i> and <i>D</i>. <i>pulicaria</i>. 250 ng of <i>Daphnia</i> extract was used in each lane. B) Quantification of the TRAP assay displayed in 2 A. C) Quantification of the processivity of telomerase from each displayed sample. The p values calculated from student T-tests are as follows: * = 6.15x10<sup>-6</sup>, ** = 5.56x10<sup>-6</sup>, *** = 0.0005,**** = 1.5x10<sup>-5</sup>; # = 0.0002, ## = 0.0002 (n = 4).</p

    Life spans and telomere lengths in <i>D</i>. <i>pulex</i> (RW20) and <i>D</i>. <i>pulicaria</i> (LakeXVI-clone11).

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    <p>A) Survivorship curves of clones RW20 (open squares) and XVI-11 (black circles). Error bars show age-specific standard errors from Kaplan-Meier survival probability estimates. B) Terminal Restriction Fragment (TRF) assay was performed to estimate the average telomere length of the <i>Daphnia</i> at various ages. The age in weeks is indicated above each lane. Lanes 1–3: <i>D</i>. <i>pulex</i>, lanes 4–6: <i>D</i>. <i>pulicaria</i>. M1 and M2: molecular weight markers; lambda HindIII digest and lambda BstEII digest respectively. C) Quantification of 5 A, error bars indicate standard deviation. Student T-tests were performed and p values are as follows: * = 1.03x10<sup>-5</sup>, ** = 0.007, *** = 2.48x10<sup>-5</sup> (n = 3).</p

    Comparison of telomerase activity at different ages in <i>D</i>. <i>pulex</i> and <i>D</i>. <i>pulicaria</i>.

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    <p>A) TRAP assay was performed using <i>Daphnia</i> extracts prepared at indicated ages. Lanes 1–3: <i>D</i>. <i>pulex</i>, lanes 4–6: <i>D</i>. <i>pulicaria</i>. B) Quantification of the TRAP assay displayed in 4 A. C) Quantification of the processivity of telomerase from each displayed sample. Student T-tests were performed, and p values are as follows * = 0.0005, ** = 0.0006, *** = 0.002, # = 0.001, ## = 0.034, ### = 0.0132, #### = 0.029 (n = 4).</p

    Telomerase activity in Daphnia.

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    <p>A) Telomeric repeat amplification protocol (TRAP) assay of <i>D</i>. <i>pulex</i> extracts. The amount of cell extract used is indicated above each lane. HI: Heat Inactivated, CE: Cell Extract. TSR8 CT: positive control for PCR step. B) Quantification of the TRAP Assay in 1A. Student T-test was performed, p values are as follows: * = 6.15x10<sup>-6</sup>, ** = 6.63x10<sup>-6</sup> (n = 3).</p

    Telomeric repeat sequence from <i>Daphnia</i> and sequence alignment of <i>Daphnia</i> telomerase (dTERT) with telomerase proteins from other species.

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    <p>A) Telomeric repeat sequence of <i>Daphnia</i> and other species. <i>H</i>. <i>americanus</i>: <i>Homarus americanus</i>—Lobster, <i>G</i>. <i>pulex</i>: <i>Gammarus pulex</i>—Freshwater amphipod, <i>B</i>. <i>mori</i>: <i>Bombyx mori—</i>Silkworm/moth, <i>A</i>. <i>viridus</i>: <i>Amaranthus viridus</i>—Beetle, <i>M</i>. <i>musculus</i>: <i>Mus musculus</i>—Mouse, <i>H</i>. <i>sapiens</i>: <i>Homo sapiens</i>—Human. B) Identity and similarity percentages of dTERT with TERT from other species. C) <i>D</i>. <i>pulex</i> telomerase reverse transcriptase (DTERT) sequence alignment for the RNA-binding and reverse transcriptase domains. Green Boxes: conserved residues within the RNA binding domain. Black Boxes: conserved residues within the reverse transcriptase domain. Blue boxes: residues within the reverse transcriptase domain that are essential for nucleic acid binding.</p


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    This excel workbook contains all the data used for analyses in the manuscript. The first worksheet "All" was used for estimating variance components and subsequent analyses involving these metrics. The remaining worksheets were used for the pairwise environment fixed effects ANOVAs. Raw data is indicated by a lower case "o" after the trait abbreviation