171 research outputs found

    Chromatin proteins and RNA are associated with DNA during all phases of mitosis.

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    Mitosis brings about major changes to chromosome and nuclear structure. We used recently developed proximity ligation assay-based techniques to investigate the association with DNA of chromatin-associated proteins and RNAs in Drosophila embryos during mitosis. All groups of tested proteins, histone-modifying and chromatin-remodeling proteins and methylated histones remained in close proximity to DNA during all phases of mitosis. We also found that RNA transcripts are associated with DNA during all stages of mitosis. Reduction of H3K27me3 levels or elimination of RNAs had no effect on the association of the components of PcG and TrxG complexes to DNA. Using a combination of proximity ligation assay-based techniques and super-resolution microscopy, we found that the number of protein-DNA and RNA-DNA foci undergoes significant reduction during mitosis, suggesting that mitosis may be accompanied by structural re-arrangement or compaction of specific chromatin domains

    HYR1-Mediated Detoxification of Reactive Oxygen Species Is Required for Full Virulence in the Rice Blast Fungus

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    During plant-pathogen interactions, the plant may mount several types of defense responses to either block the pathogen completely or ameliorate the amount of disease. Such responses include release of reactive oxygen species (ROS) to attack the pathogen, as well as formation of cell wall appositions (CWAs) to physically block pathogen penetration. A successful pathogen will likely have its own ROS detoxification mechanisms to cope with this inhospitable environment. Here, we report one such candidate mechanism in the rice blast fungus, Magnaporthe oryzae, governed by a gene we refer to as MoHYR1. This gene (MGG_07460) encodes a glutathione peroxidase (GSHPx) domain, and its homologue in yeast was reported to specifically detoxify phospholipid peroxides. To characterize this gene in M. oryzae, we generated a deletion mutantΔhyr1 which showed growth inhibition with increased amounts of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). Moreover, we observed that the fungal mutants had a decreased ability to tolerate ROS generated by a susceptible plant, including ROS found associated with CWAs. Ultimately, this resulted in significantly smaller lesion sizes on both barley and rice. In order to determine how this gene interacts with other (ROS) scavenging-related genes in M. oryzae, we compared expression levels of ten genes in mutant versus wild type with and without H2O2. Our results indicated that the HYR1 gene was important for allowing the fungus to tolerate H2O2 in vitro and in planta and that this ability was directly related to fungal virulence

    Bioethics Consultation in the Private Sector

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    The members of a task force on bioethics consultation report their conclusions. The task force was convened by the American Society for Bioethics and Humanities and the American Society of Law, Medicine, and Ethics, although these groups do not endorse the group\u27s conclusions. Two commentaries follow, and an essay by science reporter Nell Boyce sets the scene

    A Plan for a Long-Term, Automated, Broadband Seismic Monitoring Network on the Global Seafloor

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    Establishing an extensive and highly durable, long‐term, seafloor network of autonomous broadband seismic stations to complement the land‐based Global Seismographic Network has been a goal of seismologists for decades. Seismic signals, chiefly the vibrations from earthquakes but also signals generated by storms and other environmental processes, have been processed from land‐based seismic stations to build intriguing but incomplete images of the Earth’s interior. Seismologists have mapped structures such as tectonic plates and other crustal remnants sinking deep into the mantle to obtain information on their chemical composition and physical state; but resolution of these structures from land stations is not globally uniform. Because the global surface is two‐thirds ocean, increasing the number of seismic stations located in the oceans is critical for better resolution of the Earth’s interior and tectonic structures. A recommendation for a long‐term seafloor seismic station pilot experiment is presented here. The overarching instrumentation goal of a pilot experiment is performance that will lead to the installation of a large number of long‐term autonomous ocean‐bottom seismic stations. The payoff of a network of stations separated from one another by a few hundred kilometers under the global oceans would be greatly refined resolution of the Earth’s interior at all depths. A second prime result would be enriched understanding of large‐earthquake rupture processes in both oceanic and continental plates. The experiment would take advantage of newly available technologies such as robotic wave gliders that put an affordable autonomous prototype within reach. These technologies would allow data to be relayed to satellites from seismometers that are deployed on the seafloor with long‐lasting, rechargeable batteries. Two regions are presented as promising arenas for such a prototype seafloor seismic station. One site is the central North Atlantic Ocean, and the other high‐interest locale is the central South Pacific Ocean

    Cdc37 has distinct roles in protein kinase quality control that protect nascent chains from degradation and promote posttranslational maturation

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    Cdc37 is a molecular chaperone that functions with Hsp90 to promote protein kinase folding. Analysis of 65 Saccharomyces cerevisiae protein kinases (∼50% of the kinome) in a cdc37 mutant strain showed that 51 had decreased abundance compared with levels in the wild-type strain. Several lipid kinases also accumulated in reduced amounts in the cdc37 mutant strain. Results from our pulse-labeling studies showed that Cdc37 protects nascent kinase chains from rapid degradation shortly after synthesis. This degradation phenotype was suppressed when cdc37 mutant cells were grown at reduced temperatures, although this did not lead to a full restoration of kinase activity. We propose that Cdc37 functions at distinct steps in kinase biogenesis that involves protecting nascent chains from rapid degradation followed by its folding function in association with Hsp90. Our studies demonstrate that Cdc37 has a general role in kinome biogenesis

    The SUMO-Conjugase Ubc9 Prevents the Degradation of the Dopamine Transporter, Enhancing Its Cell Surface Level and Dopamine Uptake

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    The dopamine transporter (DAT) is a plasma membrane protein responsible for the uptake of released dopamine back to the presynaptic terminal and ending dopamine neurotransmission. The DAT is the molecular target for cocaine and amphetamine as well as a number of pathological conditions including autism spectrum disorders, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), dopamine transporter deficiency syndrome (DTDS), and Parkinson’s disease. The DAT uptake capacity is dependent on its level in the plasma membrane. In vitro studies show that DAT functional expression is regulated by a balance of endocytosis, recycling, and lysosomal degradation. However, recent reports suggest that DAT regulation by endocytosis in neurons is less significant than previously reported. Therefore, additional mechanisms appear to determine DAT steady-state level and functional expression in the neuronal plasma membrane. Here, we hypothesize that the ubiquitin-like protein small ubiquitin-like modifier 1 (SUMO1) increases the DAT steady-state level in the plasma membrane. In confocal microscopy, fluorescent resonance energy transfer (FRET), and Western blot analyses, we demonstrate that DAT is associated with SUMO1 in the rat dopaminergic N27 and DAT overexpressing Human Embryonic Kidney cells (HEK)-293 cells. The overexpression of SUMO1 and the Ubc9 SUMO-conjugase induces DAT SUMOylation, reduces DAT ubiquitination and degradation, enhancing DAT steady-state level. In addition, the Ubc9 knock-down by interference RNA (RNAi) increases DAT degradation and reduces DAT steady-state level. Remarkably, the Ubc9-mediated SUMOylation increases the expression of DAT in the plasma membrane and dopamine uptake capacity. Our results strongly suggest that SUMOylation is a novel mechanism that plays a central role in regulating DAT proteostasis, dopamine uptake, and dopamine signaling in neurons. For that reason, the SUMO pathway including SUMO1, SUMO2, Ubc9, and DAT SUMOylation, can be critical therapeutic targets in regulating DAT stability and dopamine clearance in health and pathological states

    A Novel Role for the TIR Domain in Association with Pathogen-Derived Elicitors

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    Plant innate immunity is mediated by Resistance (R) proteins, which bear a striking resemblance to animal molecules of similar function. Tobacco N is a TIR-NB-LRR R gene that confers resistance to Tobacco mosaic virus, specifically the p50 helicase domain. An intriguing question is how plant R proteins recognize the presence of pathogen-derived Avirulence (Avr) elicitor proteins. We have used biochemical cell fraction and immunoprecipitation in addition to confocal fluorescence microscopy of living tissue to examine the association between N and p50. Surprisingly, both N and p50 are cytoplasmic and nuclear proteins, and N's nuclear localization is required for its function. We also demonstrate an in planta association between N and p50. Further, we show that N's TIR domain is critical for this association, and indeed, it alone can associate with p50. Our results differ from current models for plant innate immunity that propose detection is mediated solely through the LRR domains of these molecules. The data we present support an intricate process of pathogen elicitor recognition by R proteins involving multiple subcellular compartments and the formation of multiple protein complexes

    MIRO-1 Determines Mitochondrial Shape Transition upon GPCR Activation and Ca^(2+) Stress

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    Mitochondria shape cytosolic calcium ([Ca^(2+)]_c) transients and utilize the mitochondrial Ca_2^+ ([Ca^(2+)]_m) in exchange for bioenergetics output. Conversely, dysregulated [Ca^(2+)]_c causes [Ca^(2+)]_m overload and induces permeability transition pore and cell death. Ablation of MCU-mediated Ca^(2+) uptake exhibited elevated [Ca^(2+)]_c and failed to prevent stress-induced cell death. The mechanisms for these effects remain elusive. Here, we report that mitochondria undergo a cytosolic Ca^(2+)-induced shape change that is distinct from mitochondrial fission and swelling. [Ca^(2+)]_c elevation, but not MCU-mediated Ca^(2+) uptake, appears to be essential for the process we term mitochondrial shape transition (MiST). MiST is mediated by the mitochondrial protein Miro1 through its EF-hand domain 1 in multiple cell types. Moreover, Ca^(2+)-dependent disruption of Miro1/KIF5B/tubulin complex is determined by Miro1 EF1 domain. Functionally, Miro1-dependent MiST is essential for autophagy/mitophagy that is attenuated in Miro1 EF1 mutants. Thus, Miro1 is a cytosolic Ca^(2+) sensor that decodes metazoan Ca^(2+) signals as MiST