27,308 research outputs found

    RE-1000 free-piston Stirling engine hydraulic output system description

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    The NASA Lewis Research Center was involved in free-piston Stirling engine research since 1976. Most of the work performed in-house was related to characterization of the RE-1000 engine. The data collected from the RE-1000 tests were intended to provide a data base for the validation of Stirling cycle simulations. The RE-1000 was originally build with a dashpot load system which did not convert the output of the engine into useful power, but was merely used as a load for the engine to work against during testing. As part of the interagency program between NASA Lewis and the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, (ORNL), the RE-1000 was converted into a configuration that produces useable hydraulic power. A goal of the hydraulic output conversion effort was to retain the same thermodynamic cycle that existed with the dashpot loaded engine. It was required that the design must provide a hermetic seal between the hydraulic fluid and the working gas of the engine. The design was completed and the hardware was fabricated. The RE-1000 was modified in 1985 to the hydraulic output configuration. The early part of the RE-1000 hydraulic output program consisted of modifying hardware and software to allow the engine to run at steady-state conditions. A complete description of the engine is presented in sufficient detail so that the device can be simulated on a computer. Tables are presented showing the masses of the oscillating components and key dimensions needed for modeling purposes. Graphs are used to indicate the spring rate of the diaphragms used to separate the helium of the working and bounce space from the hydraulic fluid


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    Replaced with revised version of paper 02/09/04.Farm Management,

    Zero-Temperature Structures of Atomic Metallic Hydrogen

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    Ab initio random structure searching with density functional theory was used to determine the zero-temperature structures of atomic metallic hydrogen from 500 GPa to 5 TPa. Including zero point motion in the harmonic approximation, we estimate that molecular hydrogen dissociates into a monatomic body-centered tetragonal structure near 500 GPa (r_s = 1.225), which then remains stable to 2.5 TPa (r_s = 0.969). At higher pressures, hydrogen stabilizes in an ...ABCABC... planar structure that is remarkably similar to the ground state of lithium, which compresses to the face-centered cubic lattice beyond 5 TPa (r_s < 0.86). At this level of theory, our results provide a complete ab initio description of the atomic metallic structures of hydrogen, resolving one of the most fundamental and long outstanding issues concerning the structures of the elements.Comment: 9 pages; 4 figure

    Zintl phases for thermoelectric devices

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    By converting waste heat into electricity and improving the efficiency of refrigeration systems, thermoelectric devices could play a significant role in solving today's energy problems. Increasing the thermoelectric efficiency (as measured by the thermoelectric material's figure-of-merit, zT) is critical to the development of this technology. Complex Zintl phases, in particular, make ideal candidates for thermoelectric materials because the necessary electron–crystal, phonon–glass properties can be engineered with an understanding of the Zintl chemistry. A recent example is the discovery that Yb14MnSb11, a transition metal Zintl compound, has twice the zT as the material currently in use at NASA. This perspective outlines a strategy to discover new high zT materials in Zintl phases, and presents results pointing towards the success of this approach

    The Graduate Education Initiative: Description and Preliminary Findings

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    [Excerpt] In1991 the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation launched the Graduate Education Initiative (hereafter GEI) to improve the structure and organization of PhD programs in the humanities and social sciences. Such changes were seen as necessary to combat high rates of student attrition and long times-to-degree in these programs. While attrition and time-to-degree were deemed to be important in and of themselves, and of great significance to degree seekers, they were also seen more broadly as indicators of the effectiveness of graduate programs. Several characteristics of doctoral programs were earmarked as contributing to high attrition and long degree time, including: unclear expectations, a proliferation of courses, elaborate and sometimes conflicting requirements, intermittent supervision, epistemological disagreements on fundamentals and not least, inadequate funding. Projections that faculty shortages would occur in the late 1990s in the humanities made the goals of reducing student attrition and time-to-degree particularly timely if an adequate number of PhDs were to be available. This was far from the first such effort to reduce times-to degree-and rates of attrition. Earlier programs, which provided grants in aid to individual students or to graduate schools to distribute as they saw fit, had failed conspicuously. Based on data which showed that there were marked differences among departments and on a great deal of experience on the ground, the architects of the GEI determined that to improve graduate education would require departments to make changes in their PhD programs. As such, the Foundation shifted much of its support for doctoral education, which had previously gone directly to students, to block grants that would be awarded to departments within major universities

    High temperature thermoelectric efficiency in Ba8Ga16Ge30

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    The high thermoelectric figure of merit (zT) of Ba8Ga16Ge30 makes it one of the best n-type materials for thermoelectric power generation. Here, we describe the synthesis and characterization of a Czochralski pulled single crystal of Ba8Ga16Ge30 and polycrystalline disks. Measurements of the electrical conductivity, Hall effect, specific heat, coefficient of thermal expansion, thermal conductivity, and Seebeck coefficient were performed up to 1173 K and compared with literature results. Dilatometry measurements give a coefficient of thermal expansion of 16×10^−6 K^−1 up to 1175 K. The trend in electronic properties with composition is typical of a heavily doped semiconductor. The maximum in the thermoelectric figure of merit is found at 1050 K with a value of 0.8. The correction of zT due to thermal expansion is not significant compared to the measurement uncertainties involved. Comparing the thermoelectric efficiency of segmented materials, the effect of compatibility makes Ba8Ga16Ge30 more efficient than the higher zT n-type materials SiGe or skutterudite CoSb3

    Instrumented Lumbar Corpectomy and Spinal Reconstruction Comparing rhBMP-2/Compression-Resistant Matrix, rhBMP-2/Absorbable Collagen Sponge/Ceramic Granules Mixture, and Autograft in Two Different Devices: A Study in Sheep

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    Study Design. Fusion success with rhBMP-2 and autograft in titanium or PEEK corpectomy devices was evaluated in a sheep lumbar corpectomy model. The 6 treatment groups included titanium mesh or PEEK corpectomy devices filled with rhBMP-2 on a compression-resistant matrix (CRM) carrier; rhBMP-2 in a morselized absorbable collagen sponge (ACS) carrier combined with resorbable ceramic granules; and autograft. Objective. The aim of this study was to determine fusion rates associated with 2 different preparations of rhBMP-2 as well as autograft in an instrumented ovine lumbar corpectomy model 6 months postoperatively. Summary of Background Data. Vertebral reconstruction with corpectomy devices requires bone graft. Bone graft substitutes have the potential to avoid a second operation, donor site pain, and attendant morbidity associated with autograft. Methods. Twenty-four sheep in 6 treatment groups underwent lumbar corpectomy via a retroperitoneal trans-psoas approach. Spines were reconstructed with autograft, rhBMP-2 on a CRM, or rhBMP-2 on an ACS mixed with ceramic granules. Grafting materials were placed in either a titanium mesh or PEEK conduit in spines with internal fixation. Computed tomographic (CT) scans were evaluated for fusion. Undecalcified histology was used to evaluate for fusion as well as the amount and extent of graft incorporation and graft resorption. Results. Regardless of corpectomy device used, rhBMP-2/CRM or rhBMP-2/ACS with MASTERGRAFT resulted in a 100% fusion rate. The autograft group had a lower (75%) radiographic fusion rate. Using either preparation of rhBMP-2 resulted in the length of the defect filling with solid bone. Autograft fragments and ceramic granules were incorporated into the fusion masses with much of the ceramic granules being resorbed by 6 months. Conclusion. Both of the rhBMP-2 formulations have the potential to effect bony fusion and vertebral reconstruction within the corpectomy devices
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