2,875 research outputs found

    The crash involvement of interstate drivers in Queensland

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    Previous research has suggested that driving interstate is more hazardous than driving in one’s home state. However, the increased risk does not appear to be due to greater risk-taking by these drivers, but due to the greater distances they travel, particularly on rural roads, and associated problems such as fatigue. To further examine this issue, an analysis was undertaken of all reported crashes involving interstate drivers that occurred in Queensland between 1993 and 1998. During this period, interstate drivers represented 5% of all drivers involved in fatal and serious injury crashes in Queensland. The analysis indicated that the crashes involving interstate drivers were no more likely to involve factors such as alcohol, speeding, inattention/negligence or inexperience. Rather, the crash involvement patterns of interstate drivers appear to relate more to the type and location of their driving. For example, in Queensland interstate drivers are over-represented in crashes involving: open road driving; driver fatigue; the overturning and sideswiping of vehicles; and weekend travel. Interstate drivers were also more likely to be considered at fault for the crashes they were involved in, compared with local drivers

    Implementing Options Markets in California To Manage Water Supply Uncertainty

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    In California, the tremendous spatial and temporal variation in precipitation suggests that flexible contractual arrangements, such as option contracts, would increase allocative efficiency of water over time and space. Under such arrangements, a water agency pays an option premium for the right to purchase water at some point in the future, if water conditions turn out to be dry. The premium represents the value of the flexibility gained by the buyer from postponing its decision whether to purchase water. In California, the seller of existing option arrangements is often an agricultural producer who can fallow land, in the event that a water option is exercised. In this simulation-optimization approach, we seek to determine the value of transferring water uncertainty from one party to another at several locations in California, given current water prices and the spatial and temporal distribution of water year types in the state. (Preliminary analysis covers northern California; future analysis will incorporate southern California.) We analyze within a mathematical programming framework whether increased trading among water agencies across time as well as space would result in significant gains from trade. We use output from CALVIN, an economic-engineering optimization model of the California water system which runs the current configuration of the California water system over historical hydrological conditions, to generate water's imputed price at different locations during different seasons. We also explore reasons why previous theoretical calculations of option value in the western United States have far exceeded option premia on existing bilateral contracts.Risk and Uncertainty,

    Structure of the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase of poliovirus

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    AbstractBackground: The central player in the replication of RNA viruses is the viral RNA-dependent RNA polymerase. The 53 kDa poliovirus polymerase, together with other viral and possibly host proteins, carries out viral RNA replication in the host cell cytoplasm. RNA-dependent RNA polymerases comprise a distinct category of polymerases that have limited sequence similarity to reverse transcriptases (RNA-dependent DNA polymerases) and perhaps also to DNA-dependent polymerases. Previously reported structures of RNA-dependent DNA polymerases, DNA-dependent DNA polymerases and a DNA-dependent RNA polymerase show that structural and evolutionary relationships exist between the different polymerase categories.Results: We have determined the structure of the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase of poliovirus at 2.6 Å resolution by X-ray crystallography. It has the same overall shape as other polymerases, commonly described by analogy to a right hand. The structures of the ‘fingers’ and ‘thumb’ subdomains of poliovirus polymerase differ from those of other polymerases, but the palm subdomain contains a core structure very similar to that of other polymerases. This conserved core structure is composed of four of the amino acid sequence motifs described for RNA-dependent polymerases. Structure-based alignments of these motifs has enabled us to modify and extend previous sequence and structural alignments so as to relate sequence conservation to function. Extensive regions of polymerase–polymerase interactions observed in the crystals suggest an unusual higher order structure that we believe is important for polymerase function.Conclusions: As a first example of a structure of an RNA-dependent RNA polymerase, the poliovirus polymerase structure provides for a better understanding of polymerase structure, function and evolution. In addition, it has yielded insights into an unusual higher order structure that may be critical for poliovirus polymerase function

    Physical linkages between an offshore canyon and surf zone morphologic change

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    Author Posting. © American Geophysical Union, 2017. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 122 (2017): 3451–3460, doi:10.1002/2016JC012319.The causes of surf zone morphologic changes observed along a sandy beach onshore of a submarine canyon were investigated using field observations and a numerical model (Delft3D/SWAN). Numerically simulated morphologic changes using four different sediment transport formulae reproduce the temporal and spatial patterns of net cross-shore integrated (between 0 and 6.5 m water depths) accretion and erosion observed in a ∼300 m alongshore region, a few hundred meters from the canyon head. The observations and simulations indicate that the accretion or erosion results from converging or diverging alongshore currents driven primarily by breaking waves and alongshore pressure gradients. The location of convergence or divergence depends on the direction of the offshore waves that refract over the canyon, suggesting that bathymetric features on the inner shelf can have first-order effects on short-term nearshore morphologic change.WHOI-USGS postdoctoral scholarship, NSF, ONR2017-10-2

    Effects of patch size and number within a simple model of patchy colloids

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    We report on a computer simulation and integral equation study of a simple model of patchy spheres, each of whose surfaces is decorated with two opposite attractive caps, as a function of the fraction χ\chi of covered attractive surface. The simple model explored --- the two-patch Kern-Frenkel model --- interpolates between a square-well and a hard-sphere potential on changing the coverage χ\chi. We show that integral equation theory provides quantitative predictions in the entire explored region of temperatures and densities from the square-well limit χ=1.0\chi = 1.0 down to χ0.6\chi \approx 0.6. For smaller χ\chi, good numerical convergence of the equations is achieved only at temperatures larger than the gas-liquid critical point, where however integral equation theory provides a complete description of the angular dependence. These results are contrasted with those for the one-patch case. We investigate the remaining region of coverage via numerical simulation and show how the gas-liquid critical point moves to smaller densities and temperatures on decreasing χ\chi. Below χ0.3\chi \approx 0.3, crystallization prevents the possibility of observing the evolution of the line of critical points, providing the angular analog of the disappearance of the liquid as an equilibrium phase on decreasing the range for spherical potentials. Finally, we show that the stable ordered phase evolves on decreasing χ\chi from a three-dimensional crystal of interconnected planes to a two-dimensional independent-planes structure to a one-dimensional fluid of chains when the one-bond-per-patch limit is eventually reached.Comment: 26 pages, 11 figures, J. Chem. Phys. in pres

    Multiple aneurysms in childhood

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    AbstractArterial aneurysms in children are rare. When present, they are often associated with connective tissue disorders or arteritidies. Idiopathic aneurysms occurring at multiple sites throughout the arterial tree are rare, with only ten cases reported. This report describes a case of multiple arterial aneurysms of uncertain origin involving upper-extremity, extracranial cerebrovascular, aortoiliac, and renal arteries in a 14-year-old boy. The clinical presentation, vascular reconstruction, pathologic findings, and a brief review of the literature are described

    Crystal structure of a thermostable Bacillus DNA polymerase l large fragment at 2.1 Å resolution

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    AbstractBackground: The study of DNA polymerases in the Pol l family is central to the understanding of DNA replication and repair. DNA polymerases are used in many molecular biology techniques, including PCR, which require a thermostable polymerase. In order to learn about Pol l function and the basis of thermostability, we undertook structural studies of a new thermostable DNA polymerase.Results: A DNA polymerase large, Klenow-like, fragment from a recently identified thermostable strain of Bacillus stearothermophilus (BF) was cloned, sequenced, overexpressed and characterized. Its crystal structure was determined to 2.1 Å resolution by the method of multiple isomorphous replacement.Conclusions: This structure represents the highest resolution view of a Pol l enzyme obtained to date. Comparison of the three Pol l structures reveals no compelling evidence for many of the specific interactions that have been proposed to induce thermostability, but suggests that thermostability arises from innumerable small changes distributed throughout the protein structure. The polymerase domain is highly conserved in all three proteins. The N-terminal domains are highly divergent in sequence, but retain a common fold. When present, the 3′-5′ proofreading exonuclease activity is associated with this domain. Its absence is associated with changes in catalytic residues that coordinate the divalent ions required for activity and in loops connecting homologous secondary structural elements. In BF, these changes result in a blockage of the DNA-binding cleft

    Square root singularity in the viscosity of neutral colloidal suspensions at large frequencies

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    The asymptotic frequency ω\omega, dependence of the dynamic viscosity of neutral hard sphere colloidal suspensions is shown to be of the form η0A(ϕ)(ωτP)1/2\eta_0 A(\phi) (\omega \tau_P)^{-1/2}, where A(ϕ)A(\phi) has been determined as a function of the volume fraction ϕ\phi, for all concentrations in the fluid range, η0\eta_0 is the solvent viscosity and τP\tau_P the P\'{e}clet time. For a soft potential it is shown that, to leading order steepness, the asymptotic behavior is the same as that for the hard sphere potential and a condition for the cross-over behavior to 1/ωτP1/\omega \tau_P is given. Our result for the hard sphere potential generalizes a result of Cichocki and Felderhof obtained at low concentrations and agrees well with the experiments of van der Werff et al, if the usual Stokes-Einstein diffusion coefficient D0D_0 in the Smoluchowski operator is consistently replaced by the short-time self diffusion coefficient Ds(ϕ)D_s(\phi) for non-dilute colloidal suspensions.Comment: 18 pages LaTeX, 1 postscript figur