88 research outputs found

    Giant molecular clouds under the influence of the galactic environment

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    The vast majority of star formation in galaxies begins in cold, dense, fractally-structured reservoirs of molecular hydrogen known as giant molecular clouds. The instantaneous properties of these clouds and the time-scales on which they evolve can therefore be built up into models of the empirical properties of galactic-scale star formation, and so can be used to understand this process. In this thesis, we first propose a simple analytic framework to quantify the expected variation in the physical properties and lifetimes of giant molecular clouds in response to changes in their galactic-dynamical environments, finding that they vary within a fundamental parameter space spanned by the orbital angular velocity of the host galaxy, the degree of galactic shearing, the gravitational stability, and the mid-plane hydrostatic pressure. We then explore this parameter space using a set of high-resolution numerical simulations of Milky Way-like galaxies. Due to their high densities and pressures relative to the galactic mid-plane, we find that giant molecular clouds in Milky Way-like galaxies are self-gravitating and decoupled from galactic dynamics, by contrast to their lower-density progenitor clouds of atomic gas, which display systematic, galactic-dynamical variations. Finally, we analyse the full evolutionary history of each simulated cloud population as a function of the cloud spatial scale. Across all Milky Way-like environments, we find that the lifetimes of self-gravitating clouds decrease with their spatial scale below the scale-height of the thin gas disc of the galaxy, and converge to the disc crossing time at its scale-height

    On the scale-height of the molecular gas disc in Milky Way-like galaxies

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    We study the relationship between the scale-height of the molecular gas disc and the turbulent velocity dispersion of the molecular interstellar medium within a simulation of a Milky Way-like galaxy in the moving-mesh code Arepo. We find that the vertical distribution of molecular gas can be described by a Gaussian function with a uniform scale-height of ~50 pc. We investigate whether this scale-height is consistent with a state of hydrostatic balance between gravity and turbulent pressure. We find that the hydrostatic prediction using the total turbulent velocity dispersion (as one would measure from kpc-scale observations) gives an over-estimate of the true molecular disc scale-height. The hydrostatic prediction using the velocity dispersion between the centroids of discrete giant molecular clouds (cloud-cloud velocity dispersion) leads to more-accurate estimates. The velocity dispersion internal to molecular clouds is elevated by the locally-enhanced gravitational field. Our results suggest that observations of molecular gas need to reach the scale of individual molecular clouds in order to accurately determine the molecular disc scale-height.Comment: MNRAS accepted, comments welcome. 14 pages, 10 figure

    Clouds of Theseus: long-lived molecular clouds are composed of short-lived H2 molecules

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    We use passive gas tracer particles in an Arepo simulation of a dwarf spiral galaxy to relate the Lagrangian evolution of star-forming gas parcels and their H2 molecules to the evolution of their host giant molecular clouds. We find that the median chemical lifetime of H2 is just 4 Myr, independent of the lifetime of its host molecular cloud, which may vary from 1 to 90 Myr, with a substantial portion of all star formation in the galaxy occurring in relatively long-lived clouds. The rapid ejection of gas from around young massive stars by early stellar feedback is responsible for this short H2 survival time, driving down the density of the surrounding gas, so that its H2 molecules are dissociated by the interstellar radiation field. This ejection of gas from the H2-dominated state is balanced by the constant accretion of new gas from the galactic environment, constituting a "competition model" for molecular cloud evolution. Gas ejection occurs at a rate that is proportional to the molecular cloud mass, so that the cloud lifetime is determined by the accretion rate, which may be as high as 4 x 10^4 Msol/Myr in the longest-lived clouds. Our findings therefore resolve the conflict between observations of rapid gas ejection around young massive stars and observations of long-lived molecular clouds in galaxies, that often survive up to several tens of Myr. We show that the fastest-accreting, longest-lived, highest-mass clouds drive supernova clustering on sub-cloud scales, which in turn is a key driver of galactic outflows.Comment: 16 pages, 16 figures. Submitted to MNRAS, comments welcome

    On the physical mechanisms governing the cloud lifecycle in the Central Molecular Zone of the Milky Way

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    We apply an analytic theory for environmentally-dependent molecular cloud lifetimes to the Central Molecular Zone of the Milky Way. Within this theory, the cloud lifetime in the Galactic centre is obtained by combining the time-scales for gravitational instability, galactic shear, epicyclic perturbations and cloud-cloud collisions. We find that at galactocentric radii ∼45-120 pc, corresponding to the location of the ‘100-pc stream’, cloud evolution is primarily dominated by gravitational collapse, with median cloud lifetimes between 1.4 and 3.9 Myr. At all other galactocentric radii, galactic shear dominates the cloud lifecycle, and we predict that molecular clouds are dispersed on time-scales between 3 and 9 Myr, without a significant degree of star formation. Along the outer edge of the 100-pc stream, between radii of 100 and 120 pc, the time-scales for epicyclic perturbations and gravitational free-fall are similar. This similarity of time-scales lends support to the hypothesis that, depending on the orbital geometry and timing of the orbital phase, cloud collapse and star formation in the 100-pc stream may be triggered by a tidal compression at pericentre. Based on the derived time-scales, this should happen in approximately 20 per cent of all accretion events onto the 100-pc stream

    É possível estimar a precipitação na América do Sul usando dados paleoclimáticos do testemunho de Gelo do Nevado Illimani (Bolívia)?

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    O objetivo é verificar a possibilidade de estimar a precipitação pretérita da América do Sul usando dados do testemunho de gelo do Nevado Illimani (Bolívia). A hipótese foi testada com a análise de dependência por regressão linear. Ao comparar as séries da precipitação na América do Sul com as séries da razão isotópica do O¹8 (δ18O) e da taxa de acumulação de neve constatou-se que os índices de correlação são inferiores a |0.4|. Além disso, as retas de regressão, a soma do erro ao quadro e o R-quadrado evidenciam uma baixa dependência entre as variáveis. Mesmo que os eventos fortes do ENOS dominem as variações máximas e mínimas das variáveis, a falta de sincronia nos demais ciclos originam estimativas da precipitação com erros que podem equivaler as magnitudes das anomalias das precipitações. Por isso, conclui-se que a estimativa da precipitação pretérita usando regressão linear gera resultados não confiáveis.

    The dynamical evolution of molecular clouds near the Galactic Centre - II. Spatial structure and kinematics of simulated clouds

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    The evolution of molecular clouds in galactic centres is thought to differ from that in galactic discs due to a significant influence of the external gravitational potential. We present a set of numerical simulations of molecular clouds orbiting on the 100-pc stream of the Central Molecular Zone (the central 500\sim500 pc of the Galaxy) and characterise their morphological and kinematic evolution in response to the background potential and eccentric orbital motion. We find that the clouds are shaped by strong shear and torques, by tidal and geometric deformation, and by their passage through the orbital pericentre. Within our simulations, these mechanisms control cloud sizes, aspect ratios, position angles, filamentary structure, column densities, velocity dispersions, line-of-sight velocity gradients, spin angular momenta, and kinematic complexity. By comparing these predictions to observations of clouds on the Galactic Centre 'dust ridge', we find that our simulations naturally reproduce a broad range of key observed morphological and kinematic features, which can be explained in terms of well-understood physical mechanisms. We argue that the accretion of gas clouds onto the central regions of galaxies, where the rotation curve turns over and the tidal field is fully compressive, is accompanied by transformative dynamical changes to the clouds, leading to collapse and star formation. This can generate an evolutionary progression of cloud collapse with a common starting point, which either marks the time of accretion onto the tidally-compressive region or of the most recent pericentre passage. Together, these processes may naturally produce the synchronised starbursts observed in numerous (extra)galactic nuclei

    Formation Flying and Change Detection for the UNSW Canberra Space ‘M2’ Low Earth Orbit Formation Flying CubeSat Mission

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    The University of New South Wales, Canberra (UNSW Canberra) embarked on an ambitious CubeSatellite research, development, and education program in 2017 through funding provided by the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF). The program consisted of M1 (Mission 1), M2 Pathfinder, and concludes with the formation flying mission M2. M2 is the final mission comprising two 6U CubeSatellites flying in formation using differential aerodynamic drag control. The M2 satellites were launched in a conjoined 12U form factor on RocketLab’s ‘They Go Up So Fast’ launch in March 2021. On 10th September 2021 the spacecraft divided into two 6U CubeSats (M2-A and M2-B) under the action of a small spring force in their near-circular 550km, 45-degree inclination orbit. The formation is controlled by varying the spacecrafts’ attitude, which creates a large variation in the aerodynamic drag force due to the change in the cross-sectional area from the large, double-deployable, solar arrays located on the zenith face of the spacecraft. This paper presents the outcomes of the Formation Flying and Change Detection primary mission objectives for the mission. The results are generated by collecting and analysing optical and RF (Radio Frequency) space domain awareness sensor data from the ground and validating them against GPS (Global Positioning System) and attitude data downlinked from the spacecraft. The outcomes of the broader mission objectives, which include increasing the Technology Readiness Level for a suite of intelligent on-board optical and RF sensor technologies, will be presented in subsequent publications. The results presented here comprise two major campaigns: 1.) The spacecraft separation campaign when the original 12U form factor deployed following launch split in half to form the M2-A and M2-B satellites, and 2) the demonstration of active formation control of the spacecraft via differential aerodynamic drag. M2-A and M2-B underwent several major configuration changes during the spacecraft separation campaign. The results from ground-based sensors detecting the 12U spacecraft separating into two distinct (6U) objects are presented. The effect of the double-deployable solar arrays deployment on the relative orbital motion of the M2-A and M2-B spacecraft is illustrated and compared to data from optical and RF ground-based measurements taken during this window. The formation control campaign involved actively controlling the spacecraft via differential aerodynamic drag in order to significantly alter the separation distance. The mission demonstrated the capability to switch the leading spacecraft’s position between M2-A and M2-B and to actively control separation distance ranging from 130km down to 1km. Formation control is achieved via open-loop, pre-scheduled, commands issued from the UNSW Canberra Space ground station. A two-stage modelling and simulation process is used to derive the scheduled attitude states. Firstly, a batch least squares orbit determination algorithm is applied to GPS data from a steady-state differential drag actuation period (where one spacecraft is in maximum drag and the other in its minimum drag attitude configuration). The batch least squares orbit determination is conducted out using the NASA General Mission Analysis Tool (GMAT), resulting in precise state estimates for each spacecraft and drag coefficient (Cd) estimates for both the maximum and minimum drag configurations. Predictions of trajectory for various attitude profiles can be produced by tailoring the spacecraft’s drag coefficients between the maximum and minimum values generated by the batch least squares state estimation process. Ground-based optical and RF space domain awareness (SDA) sensor measurements collected during the manoeuvre campaign are compared to the spacecraft’s GPS and attitude telemetry data. The SDA sensors are actively seeking to detect changes in the separation distance between the spacecraft. Initial results from an investigation into whether changes observed in photometric light curve signatures can signal the commencement of a differential drag manoeuvre are presented