419 research outputs found

    Lunar mining of oxygen using fluorine

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    Experiments during the first year of the project were directed towards generating elemental fluorine via the electrolysis of anhydrous molten fluorides. Na2SiF6 was dissolved in either molten NaBF4 or a eutectic (minimum-melting) mixture of KF-LiF-NaF and electrolyzed between 450 and 600 C to Si metal at the cathode and F2 gas at the anode. Ar gas was continuously passed through the system and F2 was trapped in a KBr furnace. Various anode and cathode materials were investigated. Despite many experimental difficulties, the capability of the process to produce elemental fluorine was demonstrated

    Genetic mapping, synteny, and physical location of two loci for Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. tracheiphilum race 4 resistance in cowpea [Vignaunguiculata (L.) Walp].

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    Fusarium wilt is a vascular disease caused by the fungus Fusariumoxysporum f.sp. tracheiphilum (Fot) in cowpea [Vignaunguiculata (L.) Walp]. In this study, we mapped loci conferring resistance to Fot race 4 in three cowpea RIL populations: IT93K-503-1 Ã— CB46, CB27 Ã— 24-125B-1, and CB27 Ã— IT82E-18/Big Buff. Two independent loci which confer resistance to Fot race 4 were identified, Fot4-1 and Fot4-2. Fot4-1 was identified in the IT93K-503-1 (resistant) Ã— CB46 (susceptible) population and was positioned on the cowpea consensus genetic map, spanning 21.57-29.40 cM on linkage group 5. The Fot4-2 locus was validated by identifying it in both the CB27 (resistant) Ã— 24-125B-1 (susceptible) and CB27 (resistant) Ã— IT82E-18/Big Buff (susceptible) populations. Fot4-2 was positioned on the cowpea consensus genetic map on linkage group 3; the minimum distance spanned 71.52-71.75 cM whereas the maximum distance spanned 64.44-80.23 cM. These genomic locations of Fot4-1 and Fot4-2 on the cowpea consensus genetic map, relative to Fot3-1 which was previously identified as the locus conferring resistance to Fot race 3, established that all three loci were independent. The Fot4-1 and Fot4-2 syntenic loci were examined in Glycine max, where several disease-resistance candidate genes were identified for both loci. In addition, Fot4-1 and Fot4-2 were coarsely positioned on the cowpea physical map. Fot4-1 and Fot4-2 will contribute to molecular marker development for future use in marker-assisted selection, thereby expediting introgression of Fot race 4 resistance into future cowpea cultivars

    Book Reviews

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    The Accidental Guerilla: Fighting Small Wars in the Midst of a Big One. By David Kilcullen. Aviation and Airport Security: Terrorism and Safety Concerns. By Kathleen M. Sweet. Executive Measures, Terrorism and National Security: Have the Rules of the Game Changed? By David Bonner. Spycraft: The Secret History of the CIA\u27s Spy techs from Communism to Al-Qaeda. By Robert Wallace and H. Keith Melton, with Henry Robert Schlesinger. Troublesome Young Men: The Rebels who brought Churchill to Power and Saved England. By Lynne Olson

    Can HRCT be used as a marker of airway remodelling in children with difficult asthma?

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    BACKGROUND: Whole airway wall thickening on high resolution computed tomography (HRCT) is reported to parallel thickening of the bronchial epithelial reticular basement membrane (RBM) in adult asthmatics. A similar relationship in children with difficult asthma (DA), in whom RBM thickening is a known feature, may allow the use of HRCT as a non-invasive marker of airway remodelling. We evaluated this relationship in children with DA. METHODS: 27 children (median age 10.5 [range 4.1-16.7] years) with DA, underwent endobronchial biopsy from the right lower lobe and HRCT less than 4 months apart. HRCTs were assessed for bronchial wall thickening (BWT) of the right lower lobe using semi-quantitative and quantitative scoring techniques. The semi-quantitative score (grade 0-4) was an overall assessment of BWT of all clearly identifiable airways in HRCT scans. The quantitative score (BWT %; defined as [airway outer diameter - airway lumen diameter]/airway outer diameter x100) was the average score of all airways visible and calculated using electronic endpoint callipers. RBM thickness in endobronchial biopsies was measured using image analysis. 23/27 subjects performed spirometry and the relationships between RBM thickness and BWT with airflow obstruction evaluated. RESULTS: Median RBM thickness in endobronchial biopsies was 6.7(range 4.6-10.0) microm. Median qualitative score for BWT of the right lower lobe was 1(range 0-1.5) and quantitative score was 54.3 (range 48.2-65.6)%. There was no relationship between RBM thickness and BWT in the right lower lobe using either scoring technique. No relationship was found between FEV1 and BWT or RBM thickness. CONCLUSION: Although a relationship between RBM thickness and BWT on HRCT has been found in adults with asthma, this relationship does not appear to hold true in children with D

    Space Mobile Network (SMN) User Demonstration Satellite (SUDS) for a Practical On-Orbit Demonstration of User Initiated Services (UIS)

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    This paper will discuss the various aspects of implementation of the Space Mobile Network (SMN) architecture framework within the context of operations of various nodes equipped with the User Initiated Services (UIS) protocol. These aspects include development of a Client-Server architecture in which space based Clients can create links with ground based Servers to negotiate passes with ground stations or contacts with the Tracking and Data Relay Satellite (TDRS) fleet. A key feature of this concept is that Users may require a mix of low data rate continuous contacts with one or more of the TDRS fleet and sporadic contacts with ground stations as passes become available. SUDS (SMN User Demonstration Satellite) will have the availability of TDRS contacts, the U.S. Naval Academy's ground station, NASA Near Earth Network ground sites and others. This mode of operations must be integrated within the traditional mode of scheduling contacts and passes. Thus, SUDS fits into a heterogeneous network operations concept of operations

    Electrical properties of methane hydrate + sediment mixtures

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    Knowledge of the electrical properties of multicomponent systems with gas hydrate, sediments, and pore water is needed to help relate electromagnetic (EM) measurements to specific gas hydrate concentration and distribution patterns in nature. Toward this goal, we built a pressure cell capable of measuring in situ electrical properties of multicomponent systems such that the effects of individual components and mixing relations can be assessed. We first established the temperature-dependent electrical conductivity (?) of pure, single-phase methane hydrate to be ~5 orders of magnitude lower than seawater, a substantial contrast that can help differentiate hydrate deposits from significantly more conductive water-saturated sediments in EM field surveys. Here we report ? measurements of two-component systems in which methane hydrate is mixed with variable amounts of quartz sand or glass beads. Sand by itself has low ? but is found to increase the overall ? of mixtures with well-connected methane hydrate. Alternatively, the overall ? decreases when sand concentrations are high enough to cause gas hydrate to be poorly connected, indicating that hydrate grains provide the primary conduction path. Our measurements suggest that impurities from sand induce chemical interactions and/or doping effects that result in higher electrical conductivity with lower temperature dependence. These results can be used in the modeling of massive or two-phase gas-hydrate-bearing systems devoid of conductive pore water. Further experiments that include a free water phase are the necessary next steps toward developing complex models relevant to most natural systems

    Irreducible characters of GSp(4, q) and dimensions of spaces of fixed vectors

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    In this paper, we compute the conjugacy classes and the list of irreducible characters of GSp(4,q), where q is odd. We also determine precisely which irreducible characters are non-cuspidal and which are generic. These characters are then used to compute dimensions of certain subspaces of fixed vectors of smooth admissible non-supercuspidal representations of GSp(4,F), where F is a non-archimedean local field of characteristic zero with residue field of order q.Comment: 48 pages, 21 tables. Corrected an error in Table 16 for type V* representations (theta_11 and theta_12 were switched

    Full-Shell X-Ray Optics Development at NASA Marshall Space Flight Center

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    NASAs Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) maintains an active research program toward the development of high-resolution, lightweight, grazing-incidence x-ray optics to serve the needs of future x-ray astronomy missions such as Lynx. MSFC development efforts include both direct fabrication (diamond turning and deterministic computer-controlled polishing) of mirror shells and replication of mirror shells (from figured, polished mandrels). Both techniques produce full-circumference monolithic (primary + secondary) shells that share the advantages of inherent stability, ease of assembly, and low production cost. However, to achieve high-angular resolution, MSFC is exploring significant technology advances needed to control sources of figure error including fabrication- and coating-induced stresses and mounting-induced distortions
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