370 research outputs found

    A Qualitative Study of the Motivations of Runners in a Cause-Based Marathon-Training Program

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    In the late 1980s, the nonprofit sector within the United States introduced a new philanthropic paradigm, the cause-based fundraising endurance-training program. Participants in such programs raise funds for a charitable cause and, in return, are coached to complete a marathon or other endurance event. Cause-based training programs frequently use recruitment messages implying that the cause provides a guaranteed motivation to exercise. However, little research has examined this assumption. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to qualitatively research the motivations of runners in a charitable cause-based marathon-training program, particularly the relationship between the cause and the participants\u27 motivations to train consistently. Results suggested that for most study participants, the cause became increasingly significant and meaningful as the program progressed, even for those who joined with no initial connection. These results may be significant both for cause-based training programs and for interventions to help increase general levels of physical activity

    Helping students become global citizens: Successful study abroad programs in the Iowa State University department of horticulture

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    Higher education is just one aspect of American society affected by globalization. Many colleges and universities, including Iowa State University, understand the need and accept the challenge of helping students become global citizens and thus, require an international perspectives course as part of their undergraduate curriculum. The Iowa State University Department of Horticulture has a long history of successfully offering study abroad opportunities. Since 1998, 326 students have participated in a study abroad experience offered by the department. These international experiences range from 12-day trips to semester long immersions in a service learning project associated with a school garden. In each case, students participate in a pre-trip preparation, the immersive experience in-country and a post-trip reflection. This structured approach has proven to be an effective pedagogy for preparing students, maximizing student and faculty investment and evaluating the effectiveness of study abroad offerings

    A Survey of the Ornamental Horticulture Industry in Iowa

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    The ornamental horticulture industry in the United States (the green industry) is a multibillion dollar industry that contributes to the economy of every state. Greenhouse and nursery products rank in the top 10 commodities produced in 42 states. In 2004, a 38-question survey was developed and mailed to 1281 members of Iowa\u27s green industry, including wholesale and retail greenhouses, nurseries and florists, garden centers, landscape designers and contractors, and arborists, to gather information on the scope, scale, and business climate of the green industry in Iowa. All business types were represented in the 117 usable surveys that were returned. Although size and type of businesses varied, a majority of respondents had only one location, were family-owned, and had been in business less than 6 years. Respondents reported few factors that could limit their business success, and most felt they were much stronger than their competitors in the areas of customer perception of product quality and service and ability to meet customer needs. The estimated value of sales and services directly related to Iowa\u27s green industry in 2004 was $311.5 million, and a majority of respondents expected their business to grow in the areas of employment, annual gross payroll and sales, and total annual expenses by 2010

    Distribution of Angiostrongylus vasorum and Crenosoma vulpis in red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) in Newfoundland, Canada

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    Angiostrongylus vasorum, the French heartworm, and Crenosoma vulpis, a lungworm, infect the pulmonary arteries and the bronchi and bronchioles, respectively, o f red foxes (Vulpes vulpes). Both are widespread in Europe, but within North America the distribution of A. vasorum is limited to the island of Newfoundland, Canada. During 2000-2002, 366 fox carcasses were collected from 6 regions o f the island. This study is unique in being the first large-scale survey of A. vasorum and C. vulpis in a natural fox population. Its objectives were to determine the precise distribution o f both parasites in Newfoundland and to examine the possibility of interaction between them. Crenosoma vulpis occurred in all 6 regions at an overall prevalence o f 87% and a mean intensity o f 230 ± 20.8 (mean ± S.E.). Young-of-the-year foxes had higher mean intensities (260 ± 39.4) than yearlings (91 ± 31.2) or adults (78 ± 41.1) (F[2, 153] = 11.07, p < 0.001). The intensity o f C. vulpis was not related to host sex, omental fat ratio, or body fat index. There was a weak positive relationship between number of adult worms and output of first-stage larvae in feces (r2 = 0.199, Ff[1,135] = 34.84, p < 0.001); larval output decreased with increasing fox age (F[2,127 ] = 18.99,p< 0.001). Angiostrongylus vasorum occurred only in the 3 southeast regions of the island; the Avalon Peninsula, the North East Coast, and the South Coast/Burin Peninsula. Its distribution may be limited by cold temperatures as it did not occur in areas where mean winter temperatures were lower than -4°C . The prevalence was 56% and mean intensity 72 ± 7.6. The number of adult worms did not differ with host age, sex, omental fat ratio, or body fat index. Although named the French heartworm, 88% of all A. vasorum were recovered from the pulmonary arteries while the remainder were in the right ventricle. However, 78% o f infected foxes had at least one worm in the right ventricle. Although the number of A. vasorum did not differ between the pulmonary arteries o f the left and right lobes (F[1, 164] = 1.70, p= 0.194), there were more worms in the arteries o f the posterior lobes (47 ± 5.4) than in the anterior (24 ± 2.5) (F[1, 161] = 13.39, p < 0.001). Also, there were no relationships between the number of A vasorum and larval output, heart weight ratio, or ventricular ratio. Although 40% of foxes from the A. vasorum positive regions had both A. vasorum and C. vulpis infections, there was no interaction between the two parasites (Gc[1] = 0.10). Furthermore, there was no linear relationship between the two parasites, and the mean intensity of each nematode did not differ between single and dual infections. Eight coyotes (Canis latrans) from Newfoundland were also examined. None had A. vasorum, but 38% had C. vulpis, although the mean intensity (16 ± 10.2) was lower than that in foxes

    Very unusual case of a primary sinonasal germ cell tumour

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    Sinonasal malignancies are a very rare diagnosis. We present a unique case of a 32-year-old man who presented with symptoms of worsening sinusitis and periorbital cellulitis. Investigation found a sinonasal malignancy and pathology confirmed this to be a primary germ cell tumour. The patient was managed with chemotherapy, surgery and consolidation radiotherapy and has remained well to date. This case report outlines an unusual presentation and diagnostic challenge for the primary care physician, ear, nose and throat surgeon, pathologist and oncologist with review of the surrounding literature

    Assessing the Preparedness of Postsecondary Graduates Entering the Landscape Contracting Industry

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    Industry input can assist postsecondary institutions as they strive to provide relevant knowledge and skill-building exercises for the professional development of their students. Using a mail questionnaire, we invited landscape contracting decision-makers to comment on the efficacy of landscape contracting curricula at colleges and universities. The population of Associated Landscape Contractors of America 2003 online member list (2049 companies) was organized into four strata based on company size. A stratified random sample of 400 companies was selected. We received 137 completed questionnaires (35% response rate). Most of the population was either satisfied or extremely satisfied (52%) with college graduates recently hired; only 8.1% of the population was dissatisfied or extremely dissatisfied. When respondents were asked to consider four knowledge categories, a majority (53%) said recent graduates were deficient in business knowledge, followed by construction (25.1%), horticultural (9.6%), and design (5.1%) knowledge. When respondents were asked to rate the importance of topics that could be taught in undergraduate landscape contracting programs, business topics (personnel management, estimating and bidding, and clientele management) were identified as their top three choices. The population also named three business-related skills (client relationships, time management, and managing employees) among the five most important skills for landscape contracting professionals. Despite the stated importance of business knowledge and training, 68.3% of the population said when hiring for an entry-level landscape contracting position, they prefer candidates with strong horticultural skills over those with strong business skills. These results suggest landscape contracting firms would welcome a postsecondary-trained work force with improved business skills; however, this business training should not come at the expense of horticultural course work and experience

    Jeffery Lynn Stotts and Teresa Ann Coleman in a Joint Senior Voice Recital

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    This is the program for the joint senior voice recital of tenor Jeffery Lynn Stotts and mezzo-soprano Teresa Ann Coleman. Pianist Jay Crowder assisted Stotts; pianist John Briggs assisted Coleman. The recital took place on November 21, 1985, in the Mabee Fine Arts Center Recital Hall

    Limitations in Predicting the Space Radiation Health Risk for Exploration Astronauts

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    Despite years of research, understanding of the space radiation environment and the risk it poses to long-duration astronauts remains limited. There is a disparity between research results and observed empirical effects seen in human astronaut crews, likely due to the numerous factors that limit terrestrial simulation of the complex space environment and extrapolation of human clinical consequences from varied animal models. Given the intended future of human spaceflight, with efforts now to rapidly expand capabilities for human missions to the moon and Mars, there is a pressing need to improve upon the understanding of the space radiation risk, predict likely clinical outcomes of interplanetary radiation exposure, and develop appropriate and effective mitigation strategies for future missions. To achieve this goal, the space radiation and aerospace community must recognize the historical limitations of radiation research and how such limitations could be addressed in future research endeavors. We have sought to highlight the numerous factors that limit understanding of the risk of space radiation for human crews and to identify ways in which these limitations could be addressed for improved understanding and appropriate risk posture regarding future human spaceflight.Comment: Accepted for publication by Nature Microgravity (2018
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