12 research outputs found

    One step construction of PCR mutagenized libraries for genetic analysis by recombination cloning

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    Recombination cloning encompasses a set of technologies that transfer gene sequences between vectors through site-specific recombination. Due in part to the instability of linear DNA in bacteria, both the initial capture and subsequent transfer of gene sequences is often performed using purified recombination enzymes. However, we find linear DNAs flanked by loxP sites recombine efficiently in bacteria expressing Cre recombinase and the lambda Gam protein, suggesting Cre/lox recombination of linear substrates can be performed in vivo. As one approach towards exploiting this capability, we describe a method for constructing large (>1 Γ— 106 recombinants) libraries of gene mutations in a format compatible with recombination cloning. In this method, gene sequences are cloned into recombination entry plasmids and whole-plasmid PCR is used to produce mutagenized plasmid amplicons flanked by loxP. The PCR products are converted back into circular plasmids by transforming Cre/Gam-expressing bacteria, after which the mutant libraries are transferred to expression vectors and screened for phenotypes of interest. We further show that linear DNA fragments flanked by loxP repeats can be efficiently recombined into loxP-containing vectors through this same one-step transformation procedure. Thus, the approach reported here could be adapted as general cloning method

    The yeast S phase checkpoint enables replicating chromosomes to bi-orient and restrain spindle extension during S phase distress

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    The budding yeast S phase checkpoint responds to hydroxyurea-induced nucleotide depletion by preventing replication fork collapse and the segregation of unreplicated chromosomes. Although the block to chromosome segregation has been thought to occur by inhibiting anaphase, we show checkpoint-defective rad53 mutants undergo cycles of spindle extension and collapse after hydroxyurea treatment that are distinct from anaphase cells. Furthermore, chromatid cohesion, whose dissolution triggers anaphase, is dispensable for S phase checkpoint arrest. Kinetochore–spindle attachments are required to prevent spindle extension during replication blocks, and chromosomes with two centromeres or an origin of replication juxtaposed to a centromere rescue the rad53 checkpoint defect. These observations suggest that checkpoint signaling is required to generate an inward force involved in maintaining preanaphase spindle integrity during DNA replication distress. We propose that by promoting replication fork integrity under these conditions Rad53 ensures centromere duplication. Replicating chromosomes can then bi-orient in a cohesin-independent manner to restrain untimely spindle extension

    The SUMO Isopeptidase Ulp2p Is Required to Prevent Recombination-Induced Chromosome Segregation Lethality following DNA Replication Stress

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    SUMO conjugation is a key regulator of the cellular response to DNA replication stress, acting in part to control recombination at stalled DNA replication forks. Here we examine recombination-related phenotypes in yeast mutants defective for the SUMO de-conjugating/chain-editing enzyme Ulp2p. We find that spontaneous recombination is elevated in ulp2 strains and that recombination DNA repair is essential for ulp2 survival. In contrast to other SUMO pathway mutants, however, the frequency of spontaneous chromosome rearrangements is markedly reduced in ulp2 strains, and some types of rearrangements arising through recombination can apparently not be tolerated. In investigating the basis for this, we find DNA repair foci do not disassemble in ulp2 cells during recovery from the replication fork-blocking drug methyl methanesulfonate (MMS), corresponding with an accumulation of X-shaped recombination intermediates. ulp2 cells satisfy the DNA damage checkpoint during MMS recovery and commit to chromosome segregation with similar kinetics to wild-type cells. However, sister chromatids fail to disjoin, resulting in abortive chromosome segregation and cell lethality. This chromosome segregation defect can be rescued by overproducing the anti-recombinase Srs2p, indicating that recombination plays an underlying causal role in blocking chromatid separation. Overall, our results are consistent with a role for Ulp2p in preventing the formation of DNA lesions that must be repaired through recombination. At the same time, Ulp2p is also required to either suppress or resolve recombination-induced attachments between sister chromatids. These opposing defects may synergize to greatly increase the toxicity of DNA replication stress

    The mitotic spindle is required for loading of the DASH complex onto the kinetochore

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    A role for the mitotic spindle in the maturation of the kinetochore has not been defined previously. Here we describe the isolation of a novel and conserved essential gene, ASK1, from Saccharomyces cerevisiae involved in this process. ask1 mutants display either G(2)/M arrest or segregation of DNA masses without the separation of sister chromatids, resulting in massive nondisjunction and broken spindles. Ask1 localizes along mitotic spindles and to kinetochores, and cross-links to centromeric DNA. Microtubules are required for Ask1 binding to kinetochores, and are partially required to maintain its association. We found Ask1 is part of a multisubunit complex, DASH, that contains ∼10 components, including several proteins essential for mitosis including Dam1, Duo1, Spc34, Spc19, and Hsk1. The Ipl1 kinase controls the phosphorylation of Dam1 in the DASH complex and may regulate its function. We propose that DASH is a microtubule-binding complex that is transferred to the kinetochore prior to mitosis, thereby defining a new step in kinetochore maturation

    Centromere Replication Timing Determines Different Forms of Genomic Instability in Saccharomyces cerevisiae Checkpoint Mutants During Replication Stress

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    Yeast replication checkpoint mutants lose viability following transient exposure to hydroxyurea, a replication-impeding drug. In an effort to understand the basis for this lethality, we discovered that different events are responsible for inviability in checkpoint-deficient cells harboring mutations in the mec1 and rad53 genes. By monitoring genomewide replication dynamics of cells exposed to hydroxyurea, we show that cells with a checkpoint deficient allele of RAD53, rad53K227A, fail to duplicate centromeres. Following removal of the drug, however, rad53K227A cells recover substantial DNA replication, including replication through centromeres. Despite this recovery, the rad53K227A mutant fails to achieve biorientation of sister centromeres during recovery from hydroxyurea, leading to secondary activation of the spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC), aneuploidy, and lethal chromosome segregation errors. We demonstrate that cell lethality from this segregation defect could be partially remedied by reinforcing bipolar attachment. In contrast, cells with the mec1-1 sml1-1 mutations suffer from severely impaired replication resumption upon removal of hydroxyurea. mec1-1 sml1-1 cells can, however, duplicate at least some of their centromeres and achieve bipolar attachment, leading to abortive segregation and fragmentation of incompletely replicated chromosomes. Our results highlight the importance of replicating yeast centromeres early and reveal different mechanisms of cell death due to differences in replication fork progression