215 research outputs found


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    This study is a critical study on Jurcher’s exemplary death of Christ. Since one’s understanding of the death of Christ is inseparable from his/her understating of the person of Christ, this study try to analyze Jurcher’s understanding of the person of Christ (Christology) and of the death of Christ on the cross (Crossology). Then, based on such analysis, this study provides critical evaluations of his views

    Life satisfaction as a causal determinant of the second parity progression

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    Thesis(Master) --KDI School:Master of Development Policy,2016Finding ways to reverse the low fertility trend across developed countries are becoming a national priority. Although there are many possible angles to view this problem, here the issue of low fertility was taken as a matter of personal choice, especially so for a second child. Based on this premise, it was determined that critical but often neglected determinant of fertility behaviors was the life satisfaction, which is an integral aspect of human life that can not only reflect a person’s living situation but also affect one’s future behavior. To elucidate the potential causal influence of life satisfaction on fertility outcomes, various estimation methodologies including ordinary least square and instrumental variables analyses were utilized on a well-known panel dataset (the British Household Panel Survey). The findings in general were as expected across main analyses and robustness checks. Average level of and amount of drop in life satisfaction around the period of first child birth were positively and negatively associated with probability of having a second child, respectively. Based on the results obtained, implications and limitations were discussed.I. INTRODUCTION II. METHOD III. RESULTS IV. DISCUSSION V. CONCLUSIONOutstandingmasterpublishedSang Hoon JEE


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    This study is a critical study of Jack Sequeira’s “actual” substitution view on the death of Christ. Since one’s understanding of the death of Christ is inseparable from his/her understating of the person of Christ, this study try to analyze Sequeira’s understanding of the person of Christ (Christology) and of the death of Christ on the cross (Crossology). Then, based on such analysis, this study provides critical evaluations of his views

    Test Platform Development of Vessel???s Power Management System Using Hardware- in-the-Loop-Simulation Technique

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    A PMS (Power Management System) controls vessel's power systems to improve the system efficiency and to protect a blackout condition. The PMS should be developed with considering the type and the capacity of the vessel???s power system. It is necessary to test the PMS functions developed for vessel???s safe operations under various sailing situations. Therefore, the function tests in cooperation with practical power systems are required in the PMS development. In this paper, a hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) simulator is developed for the purposes of the PMS function tests. The HIL simulator can be more cost-effective, more time-saved, easier to reproduce, and safer beyond the normal operating range than conventional off-line simulators, especially at early stages in development processes or during fault tests. Vessel's power system model is developed by using a MATLAB/SIMULINK software and by communicating between an OPAL-RT???s OP5600 simulator. The PMS uses a Modbus communication protocol implemented using LabVIEW software. Representative tests of the PMS functions are performed to verify the validity of the proposed HIL-based test platform

    Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae Type III Effectors Localized at Multiple Cellular Compartments Activate or Suppress Innate Immune Responses in Nicotiana benthamiana

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    Bacterial phytopathogen type III secreted (T3S) effectors have been strongly implicated in altering the interaction of pathogens with host plants. Therefore, it is useful to characterize the whole effector repertoire of a pathogen to understand the interplay of effectors in plants. Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae is a causal agent of kiwifruit canker disease. In this study, we generated an Agrobacterium-mediated transient expression library of YFP-tagged T3S effectors from two strains of Psa, Psa-NZ V13 and Psa-NZ LV5, in order to gain insight into their mode of action in Nicotiana tabacum and N. benthamiana. Determining the subcellular localization of effectors gives an indication of the possible host targets of effectors. A confocal microscopy assay detecting YF-tagged Psa effectors revealed that the nucleus, cytoplasm and cell periphery are major targets of Psa effectors. Agrobacterium-mediated transient expression of multiple Psa effectors induced HR-like cell death (HCD) in Nicotiana spp., suggesting that multiple Psa effectors may be recognized by Nicotiana spp.. Virus-induced gene silencing (VIGS) of several known plant immune regulators, EDS1, NDR1, or SGT1 specified the requirement of SGT1 in HCD induced by several Psa effectors in N. benthamiana. In addition, the suppression activity of Psa effectors on HCD-inducing proteins and PTI was assessed. Psa effectors showed differential suppression activities on each HCD inducer or PTI. Taken together, our Psa effector repertoire analysis highlights the great diversity of T3S effector functions in planta.112Ysciescopu

    Association between cardiorespiratory fitness and the prevalence of metabolic syndrome among Korean adults: a cross sectional study

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    BACKGROUND: The purpose of the current study was to investigate the association between cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF), measured by a simple step test, and the prevalence of metabolic syndrome among Korean adults, in a cross sectional design. METHODS: A total of 1,007 Korean adults (488 men and 519 women) who underwent routine health checkups were recruited. CRF was measured by Tecumseh step test. The National Cholesterol Education Program’s Adult Treatment Panel III guideline was used to determine the prevalence of metabolic syndrome. A logistic regression was performed to reveal possible associations. RESULTS: The results of the study showed that a lower level of CRF was significantly associated with a higher prevalence of metabolic syndrome in men, but not in women. On the other hand, higher BMI was associated with a higher prevalence of metabolic syndrome in both men and women. However, BMI was not associated with fasting glucose nor hemoglobinA1c in men. When the combined impact of BMI and CRF on the prevalence of metabolic syndrome was analyzed, a significantly increased prevalence of metabolic syndrome was found in both men (odds ratio [OR]: 18.8, 95% Confidence Interval [CI]: 5.0 - 70.5) and women (OR: 8.1, 95% CI: 2.8 - 23.9) who had high BMI and low cardiorespiratory fitness. On the other hand, the prevalence of metabolic syndrome was only increased 7.9 times (95% CI: 2.0 - 31.2) in men and 5.4 times (95% CI: 1.9 - 15.9) in women who had high level of CRF and high BMI. CONCLUSION: In conclusion, the current study demonstrated the low CRF and obesity was a predictor for metabolic syndrome in Korean adults

    Neutrophils infiltrate into the spiral ligament but not the stria vascularis in the cochlea during lipopolysaccharide-induced inflammation

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    It has been challenging to apply intravital imaging for monitoring the inner ear, as the anatomical location and intricate structure hamper the access of imaging instruments to the inner ear of live mice. By employing intravital imaging of the cochlea in live mice with two-photon microscopy, we investigated neutrophil infiltration into the cochlea tissue and its characteristics under a lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced inflammatory state. Methods: Cochlea inflammation was induced by LPS injection to the middle ear. Using two-photon intravital microscopy with specifically designed surgical exteriorization of the cochlea in live mice, we investigated the dynamic features of neutrophils in the lateral wall of the cochlea. The molecular expression pattern of the cochlea lateral wall was also investigated during the LPS-induce inflammation. Results: Despite the contention of whether neutrophils are recruited to the spiral ligament (SL) during inflammation, we observed that LPS-induced inflammation of the middle ear, which mimics acute otitis media, triggered neutrophil migration to the SL in the lateral wall. Notably, massive neutrophil infiltration to the SL occurred 2 days after LPS inoculation, but there was no neutrophil infiltration into the stria vascularis (SV) region. At 1 day after LPS-induced cochlear inflammation, increased mRNA expression of interleukin-1 beta, interleukin-6 were identified in both the SL and SV, while the ICAM-1 mRNA expression increased only in the SL. The differential reactivity of ICAM-1 is likely responsible for the different neutrophil recruitment pattern in the cochlea. Conclusion: Intravital imaging of the cochlea revealed that neutrophil recruitment and infiltration during inflammation are spatially controlled and exclusively observed in the SL but not in the SV and organ of Corti.11Nsciescopu