17 research outputs found

    Selection of a software project management methodology and its adaptation to the needs of a medium-sized IT company

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    The topic of this thesis is the selection, adaptation and implementation of a SW project management methodology in a specific company whose focus is SW development. The main goal of the thesis is to select and adapt a methodology for SW project management. To achieve the main goal of the thesis, an analysis of the current SW project management processes and classification of implemented projects is created. Based on the analysis and the needs of the company, the criteria for selecting a standardized methodology are defined, which are then used to select the most suitable methodology. This methodology is then adapted for the company and implemented into a pilot project. The main benefits of the thesis are improving the management of the development teams and their very approach in the company under study and to help the company management rely on a specific method of SW project management that fits the needs of the company.Tématem této diplomové práce je výběr, přizpůsobení a následná implementace metodiky řízení SW projektů v konkrétní společnosti, jejíž zaměřením je vývoj SW. Hlavním cílem práce je vybrat a přizpůsobit metodiku pro řízení SW projektů. Pro potřeby naplnění hlavního cíle práce je vytvořena analýza současných procesů řízení SW projektů a klasifikace realizovaných projektů. Na základně analýzy a potřeb společnosti jsou definována kritéria pro výběr standardizované metodiky, díky kterým je poté vybrána metodika nejvhodnější. Tato metodika je následně přizpůsobena pro zkoumanou společnost a implementována v rámci pilotního projektu. Hlavním přínosem diplomové práce je zefektivnění řízení vývojových týmů a jejich samotného přístupu ve zkoumané společnosti a pomoc managementu firmy opřít se o konkrétní metodu řízení SW projektů, která odpovídá potřebám dané společnosti

    Stanovení vybraných fyzikálních vlastností tuhé fáze AdBlue\regm{} v závislosti na teplotě

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    This bachelor´s thesis is focused on physical properties of AdBlue? allied with problematics of its freezing in DNOx components. The thesis describes functions and scheme of DNOx system, explanation of emission standards and also includes a chapter about AdBlue?. Practical part of the thesis is focused on measurement of compressive strength of solid AdBlue? together with construction of system for freezing tests and temperature tracking

    The solution of documents administration in a particular local authority

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    This thesis deals with the solution of documents administration in a particular local authority. It describes real activities connected to a document's lifecycle. This cycle involves receiving, classification, insertion to the system, registration, assignation to other competent people, documents cycle, settlement, storage, shredding and archiving. The cycle is inscribed both theoretically and practically. As a result it enables to the reader to see immediately whether the processes are performed in the way they should be. Especially, processes which are performed with all documents are analyzed there. This is inscribed both for documents delivered by mail and documents created by office employees. The endeavour is to identify errors and failures which appear when working with documents and to suggest solutions with the aim to simplify, make more precise, accelerate and improve current activities of the local authority

    The impact of legislation on information system in a bank institution

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    This diploma thesis deals with the impact of legislation on information system in a particular bank institution. Based on the proposal of European Market Infrastructure Regulation it identifies areas where the bank institution does not fulfill the regulation requirements. The thesis also tries to suggest existing processes adjustment and guarantee for them the support of information systems. During the existing processes investigation it discovers other weaknesses and suggests solutions leading to their elimination. These solutions would also lead to acceleration and increase in efficiency within the Straightthrough Processing model. The thesis devotes to all points of European regulation which should be fulfilled in the bank institution's point of view. First the current situation and then the solution of the particular point are mentioned. The thesis looks more detailed into central clearing. There are analyzed possible options in the process point of view. The impacts on the information system are specified for the chosen and most appropriate option. In order to secure the compact understanding of investigated issues, the thesis includes relations of European Market Infrastructure Regulation to the BASEL III concept, regulation supervision authorities in the European Union or introduction to functioning and core of financial derivatives

    Analysis and comparison of teaching computer networks

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    Bakalářská práce se zabývá analýzou a porovnáním výuky počítačových sítí na středních školách v České republice. Cílem této práce je porovnání vybraných středních škol, na kterých výuka počítačových sítí probíhá. Pro dosažení cíle byla zvolena metodika dotazníkového šetření, do kterého bylo také zakomponováno několik znalostních otázek právě z oblasti počítačových sítí. Pro porovnání byly vybrány dvě střední průmyslové školy, kdy se jedna nachází geologicky v srdci Prahy a druhá na severu Čech, v Trutnově. Na základě dotazování a analýzy byla vytvořena sada doporučení pro obě školy.This bachelor thesis focuses on the analysis and comparison of teaching computer networks at secondary schools in the Czech Republic. The aim of this work is to compare selected secondary schools where computer networks are taught. To achieve this goal, the methodology of questionnaire was chosen. In this questionnaire there were also a few knowledge tasks from the area of computer networks. For the comparison two secondary schools were chosen, one is located geologically in the heart of Prague and the other in the north of Bohemia, in Trutnov. Based on questions and analysis, a set of recommendations was created for both schools

    Železné Hory

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    Centrality as a Method for the Evaluation of Semantic Resources for Disaster Risk Reduction

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    Clear and straightforward communication is a key aspect of all human activities related to crisis management. Since crisis management activities involve professionals from various disciplines using different terminology, clear and straightforward communication is difficult to achieve. Semantics as a broad science can help to overcome communication difficulties. This research focuses on the evaluation of available semantic resources including ontologies, thesauri, and controlled vocabularies for disaster risk reduction as part of crisis management. The main idea of the study is that the most appropriate source of broadly understandable terminology is such a semantic resource, which is accepted by—or at least connected to the majority of other resources. Important is not only the number of interconnected resources, but also the concrete position of the resource in the complex network of Linked Data resources. Although this is usually done by user experience, objective methods of resource semantic centrality can be applied. This can be described by centrality methods used mainly in graph theory. This article describes the calculation of four types of centrality methods (Outdegree, Indegree, Closeness, and Betweenness) applied to 160 geographic concepts published as Linked Data and related to disaster risk reduction. Centralities were calculated for graph structures containing particular semantic resources as nodes and identity links as edges. The results show that (with some discussed exceptions) the datasets with high values of centrality serve as important information resources, but they also include more concepts from preselected 160 geographic concepts. Therefore, they could be considered as the most suitable resources of terminology to make communication in the domain easier. The main research goal is to automate the semantic resources evaluation and to apply a well-known theoretical method (centrality) to the semantic issues of Linked Data. It is necessary to mention the limits of this study: the number of tested concepts and the fact that centralities represents just one view on evaluation of semantic resources