13 research outputs found

    Nuclear Density Dependence of In-Medium Polarization

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    It is shown that polarization transfer measurements (e,ep)(\vec{e},e'\vec{p}) on a specific target nucleus can provide constraints on the ratio of the in-medium electric to magnetic form factor. Thereby one exploits the fact that proton knockout from single-particle levels exhibit a specific sensitivity to the effective nuclear density. It is shown that in 12^{12}C the effective nuclear density for ss-shell knockout is about twice as high as for pp-shell knockout. With current model predictions for the in-medium form factors, one obtains measurable modifications of the order of 5% in the ratios of the double polarization observables between those single-particle levels

    Measurement of the Polarized Structure Function g_1^p at HERA

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    We present estimates of possible data on spin-dependent asymmetries in inclusive scattering of high energy polarized electrons by high energy polarized protons at HERA, including statistical errors, and discuss systematic uncertainties. We show that these data would shed light on the small x behaviour of the polarized structure function g_1, and would reduce substantially the uncertainty on the determination of the polarized gluon distribution.Comment: 17 pages, plain latex, 9 figures included by eps

    Spin Contents of Nucleons with SU(3) Breaking

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    We apply a model for SU(3) breaking to the analysis of the spin contents of the nucleon from the the latest data on first moments of the spin dependent structure functions and include higher order QCD corrections. The results show that the value of the total quark spin contribution to the nucleon spin ΔΣΔu+Δd+Δs\Delta \Sigma \equiv \Delta u + \Delta d +\Delta s remains about 0.3 and is very insensitive to SU(3) breaking, while the result for the strange quark contribution varies considerably with SU(3) breaking.Comment: Six pages of LaTeX plus three figures (tarred, compressed, and uuencoded

    Quasi-elastic polarization-transfer measurements on the deuteron in anti-parallel kinematics

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    We present measurements of the polarization-transfer components in the 2^2H(e,ep)(\vec e,e'\vec p) reaction, covering a previously unexplored kinematic region with large positive (anti-parallel) missing momentum, pmissp_{\rm miss}, up to 220 MeV/c/c, and Q2=0.65Q^2=0.65 (GeV/c)2({\rm GeV}/c)^2. These measurements, performed at the Mainz Microtron (MAMI), were motivated by theoretical calculations which predict small final-state interaction (FSI) effects in these kinematics, making them favorable for searching for medium modifications of bound nucleons in nuclei. We find in this kinematic region that the measured polarization-transfer components PxP_x and PzP_z and their ratio agree with the theoretical calculations, which use free-proton form factors. Using this, we establish upper limits on possible medium effects that modify the bound proton's form factor ratio GE/GMG_E/G_M at the level of a few percent. We also compare the measured polarization-transfer components and their ratio for 2^2H to those of a free (moving) proton. We find that the universal behavior of 2^2H, 4^4He and 12^{12}C in the double ratio (Px/Pz)A(Px/Pz)1H\frac{(P_x/P_z)^A}{(P_x/P_z)^{^1\rm H}} is maintained in the positive missing-momentum region

    Collins and Sivers asymmetries in muonproduction of pions and kaons off transversely polarised protons

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    Measurements of the Collins and Sivers asymmetries for charged pions and charged and neutral kaons produced in semi-inclusive deep-inelastic scattering of high energy muons off transversely polarised protons are presented. The results were obtained using all the available COMPASS proton data, which were taken in the years 2007 and 2010. The Collins asymmetries exhibit in the valence region a non-zero signal for pions and there are hints of non-zero signal also for kaons. The Sivers asymmetries are found to be positive for positive pions and kaons and compatible with zero otherwise. © 2015