14 research outputs found

    Measurement of the γ + 4He total photoabsorption cross-section using a gas-scintillator active target

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    A large number of experiments have been performed in the past 60 years in an attempt to understand the near threshold photodisintegration of 4He. Available experimental data are inconsistent and do not provide reliable guidance for theoretical calculations for the total and partial cross-sections in the energy regime near breakup threshold. Even with the most recent experimental work done on the subject, the situation still has not been fully clarified. This thesis reports a measurement of the total cross-section for photodisintegration of 4He below pi-production threshold, carried out in 2009 at the up-graded tagged photon facility at MAX-lab in Lund, Sweden, in collaboration with the Photonuclear group of Lund University. The aim of this measurement is to provide a reliable and precise set of data so that the accuracy of theoretical models can be judged reliably. The experiment was performed using a Helium Gas-Scintillator Active Target (HGSAT), built and developed at the University of Glasgow. The helium target acts also as a detector of the 4He photodisintegration charged products. A photon beam, energy tagged in the range 11-68 MeV, was directed towards the HGSAT, which operated at a pressure of 2MPa, at room temperature. The resultant scintillation is collected and detected by a number of photomultiplier tubes (PMT) mounted on the HGSAT. 12 external neutron detectors and two 10" sodium iodide (NaI) detectors were used during the experiment to distinguish 4He(γ,n)3He and 4He(γ,γ')4He events, although these events have not been analysed here. The tagged photon coincidence signal was separated from random background using two methods: background filtering and fitting procedure. The two methods produced similar results. A Geant4-based Monte-Carlo simulation was developed to derive the HGSAT detection efficiency. Trigger thresholds needed in the simulation were estimated by evaluation and matching the normalised yield to previously measured γ+4He cross-sections above 40 MeV where more consistency in the dataset is observed, hence the results presented in this thesis are preliminary and will remain so until the absolute detection efficiency is determined. The preliminary total γ+4He cross-section obtained in this work peaks at ~2.85mb at a photon energy (Eγ) of ~27MeV, falling to ~1mb at Eγ = 60MeV. The measured cross-section is compared with previous data and recent theoretical calculations made using the Lorentz Integral Transform (LIT) technique. The present cross-section is already in reasonable agreement with the theoretical calculations and a number of previous experimental data. Future work to reduce systematic uncertainties will include analysis of the pulse height response of the HGSAT and further lower intensity experimental runs

    Novel muon imaging techniques

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    Owing to the high penetrating power of high-energy cosmic ray muons, muon imaging techniques can be used to image large bulky objects, especially objects with heavy shielding. Muon imaging systems work just like CT scanners in the medical imaging field—that is, they can reveal information inside of a target. There are two forms of muon imaging techniques: muon absorption imaging and muon multiple scattering imaging. The former is based on the flux attenuation of muons, and the latter is based on the multiple scattering of muons in matter. The muon absorption imaging technique is capable of imaging very large objects such as volcanoes and large buildings, and also smaller objects like spent fuel casks; the muon multiple scattering imaging technique is best suited to inspect smaller objects such as nuclear waste containers. Muon imaging techniques can be applied in a broad variety of fields, i.e. from measuring the magma thickness of volcanoes to searching for secret cavities in pyramids, and from monitoring the borders of countries checking for special nuclear materials to monitoring the spent fuel casks for nuclear safeguards applications. In this paper, the principles of muon imaging are reviewed. Image reconstruction algorithms such as Filtered Back Projection and Maximum Likelihood Expectation Maximization are discussed. The capability of muon imaging techniques is demonstrated through a Geant4 simulation study for imaging a nuclear spent fuel cask

    Muon imaging applications for nuclear waste management and decommissioning

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    In the UK nuclear industry, muon imaging is gaining traction as a credible option in the toolkit of techniques for monitoring and inspection of waste packages arising from decommissioning activities across the UK nuclear estate. Since 2009, the UK National Nuclear Laboratory has collaborated with the University of Glasgow and Lynkeos Technology Ltd. to develop muon imaging techniques for such applications. In this paper, we review our experiences in imaging typical waste forms such as vitrified products and corroded sludge. The requirements and expectations of stakeholders and plant operators with regard to waste monitoring are examined, and the constraints and challenges of deploying and operating muon detection instruments on nuclear-licensed sites are discussed

    MOX assay using He-4 scintillation detectors

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    A neutron spectroscopic technique for plutonium content measurement is described. The technique exploits the kinematic cuto of neutron emission from (α, n) reactions on oxygen. The Watt spectrum of ssion neutron emission extends to higher energies without such a cuto. 4He scintillation detectors were calibrated with an energy cut to reject neutrons of low energies, thereby making the detectors sensitive only to ssion neutrons but not to neutrons from the (α, n) reaction on oxygen. Experimental results are presented. Simulations are discussed to evaluate possible self shielding eects. Furthermore, numerous factors in uencing gamma rejection are discussed

    Recent Developments SoNDe High-Flux Detector Project

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    New high-flux and high-brilliance neutron sources demand a higher count-rate capability in neutron detectors. In order to achieve that goal, the Solid-State Neutron Detector (SoNDe) project is developing a scintillation-based neutron detector. It will be capable of fully exploiting the available flux at small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) instruments at high brilliance sources, such as SKADI at the European Spallation Source (ESS). The read-out of the scintillator is based on a pixelized multi-anode PMT (MaPMT), where each pixel is treated separately. In addition to enabling higher achievable count-rates, one of the design goals was to develop a modular and scalable solution that can also be used in other instruments or even contexts, such as for laboratory setups. This has been achieved by combining the complete read-out electronics along with the MaPMT into modules that can be controlled and read-out individually via a network without additional any infrastructure. An overview of the present state of development and current test results is presented, highlighting the results of previously published project reports

    General considerations for effective thermal neutron shielding in detector applications

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    For thermal neutron detectors, effective shielding is a crucial aspect of signal-to-background optimization. This is especially important for cold to thermal neutrons, as the detectors are most sensitive in this energy range. In this work, a few common shielding materials, such as cadmium, B4C and epoxy-Gd2O3 mixtures, are analytically evaluated based on interaction cross sections extracted from Geant4. For these materials, the neutron absorption and scattering dependence on material thickness and incident neutron energy are examined. It is also considered how the absorption and scattering change with different material compositions, such as 10B-content in B4C, and component ratio in epoxy-Gd2O3 mixtures. In addition, a framework is introduced to quantify the effectiveness of the neutron shielding, comparing the relationship between absorption and scattering of different shielding materials. The aim is to provide a general tool kit, which can be used to quickly identify an appropriate shielding material, with the required thickness, to reach a desired thermal neutron shielding performance. Finally, as an example, the developed tool kit is applied to the specific shielding application for the Multi-Grid CSPEC detector, currently in development for the European Spallation Source

    First-of-a-kind muography for nuclear waste characterization

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    In the last decade, there has been a surge in the number of academic research groups and commercial companies exploiting naturally occurring cosmic-ray muons for imaging purposes in a range of industrial and geological applications. Since 2009, researchers at the University of Glasgow and the UK National Nuclear Laboratory (NNL) have pioneered this technique for the characterization of shielded nuclear waste containers with significant investment from the UK Nuclear Decommissioning Authority and Sellafield Ltd. Lynkeos Technology Ltd. was formed in 2016 to commercialize the Muon Imaging System (MIS) technology that resulted from this industry-funded academic research. The design, construction and performance of the Lynkeos MIS is presented along with first experimental and commercial results. The high-resolution images include the identification of small fragments of uranium within a surrogate 500-litre intermediate level waste container and metal inclusions within thermally treated GeoMelt® R&D Product Samples. The latter of these are from Lynkeos' first commercial contract with the UK National Nuclear Laboratory. The Lynkeos MIS will be deployed at the NNL Central Laboratory facility on the Sellafield site in Summer 2018 where it will embark upon a series of industry trials

    FLASH Portals: Radiation Portal Monitor SNM Detection using Time Correlation Techniques

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    The "FLASH Portals Project" is a collaboration between Arktis Radiation Detectors Ltd (CH), the Atomic Weapons Establishment (UK), and the Joint Research Centre (European Commission), supported by the Technical Support Working Group (TSWG). The program's goal was to develop and demonstrate a technology to detect shielded Special Nuclear Materials (SNM) more efficiently and less ambiguously by exploiting time correlation. This study presents experimental results of a two-sided portal monitor equipped with 16 He-4 fast neutron detectors as well as 4 polyvinyltuolene (PVT) plastic scintillators. All detectors have been synchronized to ns precision, thereby allowing to resolve time correlations from timescales of tens of microseconds (such as (n,γ) reactions) down to prompt fission correlations directly. Our results demonstrate that such correlations can be detected in a typical RPM geometry and within operationally acceptable time scales, and that exploiting these signatures significantly improves the performance of the RPM compared to neutron counting. Furthermore, the results show that some time structure remains even in the presence of heavy shielding, thus significantly improving the sensitivity of the detection system to shielded SNM.JRC.E.8-Nuclear securit