16 research outputs found

    Couvrez cette blockchain que je ne saurais accepter ::le paradoxe de la transparence des technologies blockchain dans une situation extrĂŞme de gestion

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    La République et Canton du Jura (Suisse) a décidé d'intégrer le sceau numérique CERTUS et la blockchain KSI comme briques technologiques centrales de leur Guichet virtuel et plus largement de leur système d'information cyberadministratif. Or, ce projet s'opère dans une situation de gestion que l'on peut qualifier d'extrême. Alors que les technologies blockchain souffrent parfois d'une mauvaise réputation, que les administrations suisses subissent des cyberattaques et qu'un projet qui s'appuie sur la blockchain estonienne KSI a été rejeté par la Confédération, comment faire accepter ces technologies aux administrés de la République et Canton du Jura ? Au travers d'une recherche-action et afin de résoudre des problèmes pratiques, nous exposons quatre recommandations managériales, dont une qui propose de communiquer en deux niveaux d'abstraction afin de limiter les tensions dans une situation extrême de gestion. Le premier niveau doit exposer les cas métiers et l'importance pour un citoyen de rester de rester souverain de ses données. Un deuxième niveau, destiné aux spécialistes des technologies, peut exposer le fonctionnement des briques technologiques CERTUS et de la blockchain KSI. Enfin, dans une visée de création de connaissance scientifique, nous discutons d'un certain paradoxe de la transparence des technologies blockchain dans une situation extrême de gestion

    The paradoxes of trust and transparency of blockchain technologies

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    The Republic and Canton of Jura has decided to adopt and integrate the CERTUS digital seal and the KSI blockchain as the central technological components of their e-government portal and of their digital government transformation program. However, this project is taking place in turbulent times. While blockchain suffers from a bad reputation for ecological reasons and while the Swiss Confederation has rejected the selected blockchain solution, this article seeks to answer how to grasp the paradoxes of blockchain technologies acceptance by state citizens in an extreme management situation. Through an action research that aims to solve practical problems and create scientific knowledge, this study highlights the paradox of trust and considers blockchain technologies to enhance trust between citizens in politically stable countries. Furthermore, it investigates the paradox of transparency of blockchain technologies in an extreme management situation and proposes communicating in two levels of abstraction to limit tensions in turbulent times

    Language learning in situ ::the use of 360° video and conversational technologies for second language acquisition

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    The way we interact with technology is changing with immersive technologies and conversational systems while at the same time changing students learning demands. The combination of these technologies allows creating realistic situated learning experiences. This paper explores the use of 360° video and automatic speech recognition (ASR) for second language acquisition (SLA). Using a design science approach, the Interactive Immersion Learning System 360° (IILS360°) was designed, prototyped and evaluated in a school practicing an in-context method for teaching English as a second language. In order to build a complete learning environment, the methods used included interviews with teachers, lab experiments and focus groups with the students. As a result, the system experiences situated learning and concepts of English teaching methods. An initial evaluation based on a consumer perspective of the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT 2) was carried out using a student focus group. Results show the consumers considered IILS360° as useful to learn English, in a fun way. However, both immersive system and device demand high effort and require facilitating conditions such as additional material

    Human-computer interaction in artificial intelligence for blind and vision impairment ::an interpretative literature review based on bibliometrics

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    The rise of artificial intelligence and particularly machine learning conduct to an emerging landscape of intelligent interactive systems. Such technologies help clinicians to detect diseases from medical imaging, and allow to describe the visual world to people with visual impairment. However, this new technological landscape comes with a set of HCI challenges. To better understand the importance of HCI in AI, we focused on blind and vision impairment as a representative application domain. Using bibliometric techniques, we retained 187 scientific publications organized in three clusters. Our findings show that HCI is absent in research related to medical computer systems but has moderate importance when the aim is to assist BVI in their daily life.L’essor de l’intelligence artificielle (IA) et en particulier du machine learning a conduit l’émergence d’un paysage de systèmes interactifs intelligents. Ces technologies aident les cliniciens à détecter des maladies à partir de l’imagerie médicale et permettent de décrire le monde visuel aux personnes déficientes visuelles. Cependant, ce nouveau paysage technologique est accompagné d’une série de défis en matière d’Interaction-Humain Machine (IHM). Pour mieux comprendre l’importance de l’IHM dans l’IA, nous nous sommes concentrés sur la déficience visuelle en tant que domaine d’application représentatif. En utilisant des techniques bibliométriques, nous avons retenu 187 publications scientifiques organisés dans trois clusters. Nos résultats montrent que l’IHM est absente des recherches liées aux systèmes informatiques médicaux, mais qu’elle a une importance modérée lorsque l’objectif consiste à assister les déficients visuels dans leur vie quotidienne

    Des IA et des hommes

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    Cette recherche vise à répondre à deux questions. Quels sont les facteurs qui contribuent ou qui restreignent l’adoption, l’acceptation et l’usage des IA par les institutions et les fonctionnaires ? Comment tirer profit de ces facteurs dans un processus d’adoption, d’acceptation et d’usage des IA dans le secteur public ? Pour y répondre, nous avons mobilisé une méthodologie de recherche mixte au travers de focus group avec des fonctionnaires en Suisse. Notre cadre théorique s’appuie sur UTAUT et sur le programme de recherche sur l’adoption et l’usage des IA proposé par Venkatesh. Nous présentons les facteurs d’adoption, d’acceptation et d’usage par l’opérationnalisation de UTAUT. De plus, nous présentons une combinaison de UTAUT et du « Processus d’Adoption des Technologies de l’Information » comme guide pour analyser l’adoption puis l’acceptation et l’usage dans une visée processuelle. Enfin, nous proposons des recommandations managériales pour les projets d’IA du secteur public.This research aims to answer two questions. What factors contribute to or constrain the adoption, acceptance, and use of AI by institutions and public servants? How can we take advantage of these factors in a process of adoption, acceptance, and use of AI in the public sector? To answer these questions, we have mobilized a mixed research methodology through a focus group with civil servants in Switzerland. Our theoretical framework is based on UTAUT and the AI adoption and usage research agenda proposed by Venkatesh. We present the factors of adoption, acceptance, and use through the operationalization of UTAUT. Furthermore, we present a combination of UTAUT and the “IT innovation adoption process” as a guide to analyze adoption and then acceptance and use in a processual approach. Finally, we propose managerial recommendations for public sector AI projects

    Web user interface adaptation for low vision people ::exploratory study based on a grounded theory review method

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    People with visual impairments (PVI) are characterized as a diverse population of users due to multiple vision impairments like visual acuity, light and glare sensitivity, contrast sensitivity, limited field of vision, color blindness. In that context, adaptation is a key element for coping with diversity in the field of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI). This study explores the adaptation to provide accessible web user interfaces for low vision people. To do so, we relied on Grounded Theory (GT) as a review method to cover academics and mainstream web perspectives. In the spirit of all is data, we collected a set of scientific publications, initiatives led by leading actors in Information and Communication Technology, and PVI organizations over the past ten years. Our findings show that academics followed particularist, user-centered, and proactive principles, but rarely included PVI in the early project stage. While most solutions are based on adaptivity, adaptation is still under investigation. Regarding the mainstream web perspective, recent initiatives followed universality, multi-stakeholder involvement, and proactivity principles. In opposition to the academic perspective, accessibility has been exclusively based on adaptability and tailored user interfaces. As the adaptability features become more and more advanced, the frontier between specialized assistive technology will be blurred. Hence, we recommend investigating environments of adaptation stacking with a better alignment between academics and industry

    Doctors advising doctoral students ::study tips for doctoral students from doctoral graduates

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    This book contains advice offered by Executive DBA graduates to students, and in particular those who are working in parallel to their doctoral education. It is divided into seven parts, with short but detailed chapters that give guidance on how to successfully complete the different stages of the doctoral process. Each chapter follows the same structure: 1) a specific question that typically might be raised by a doctoral student is presented, 2) a few key words are given to describe the content of the chapter, 3) a specific piece of advice is discussed in the body of the text. At the end of the book, we present some suggested background reading that may help the doctoral student to explore the topics covered in the chapters in greater depth. This book results from a series of meetings that take place each year during the International Week organised by Business Science Institute in Luxembourg. Since 2016, graduates from Business Science Institute have been meeting DBA students during workshops to share their knowledge and experiences of the doctoral journey. From this initiative, two observations can be made. On the one hand, DBA student-managers seek to understand the mechanisms of research in order to produce knowledge from their considerable professional experience. On the other hand, after completing their thesis, DBA graduate-managers seek to pass on the knowledge produced through their doctoral research. This mainly involves sharing it with their professional network, for example through specialist publications, seminars or media appearances. Their desire to disseminate knowledge was indeed the driving force behind the writing of this pioneering book

    Cinquante ans d’ingénierie des exigences ::un concept suffisamment mûr pour être revisité

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    Le succès d’un projet se traduit par l’atteinte d’un objectif de coût, d’un objectif de délai et d’un objectif de performance. Sous la perspective des triples contraintes de Barnes, les outils pour maîtriser les sommets de coût et de délai sont assez clairs. La situation est on ne peut plus confuse quant à la maîtrise du troisième sommet relatif à l’objectif de performance. Pour ce faire, nous avons pris la direction de l’ingénierie des exigences pour rassembler des pratiques communément acceptées. En finalité, nous proposons un premier artefact permettant de fixer et atteindre l’objectif de performance. Cet artefact s’appuie sur un corpus d’ouvrages en ingénierie des exigences reconnus dont les composantes les plus valeureuses ont été regroupées