51 research outputs found

    Improving Breast Cancer Education: The Case of an Evolving Multidisciplinary Module for Undergraduate Medical Students (Lausanne Medical School, 1993-2008)

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    Breast cancer is a public health issue in numerous countries. Multidisciplinary collaboration is required for patient care, research, and also education of future physicians. This paper uses Kern's framework for curriculum design to demonstrate how a breast diseases module for undergraduate medical students created in 1993 evolved over 15years. The main outcomes of program refinements were better integrated course content, the development of electronic course documents, and implementation of computer-aided small group learning. A main future challenge is to further develop efficient instructional strategies in line with well-defined learning needs for undergraduate student

    Improving breast cancer education: the case of an evolving multidisciplinary module for undergraduate medical students (lausanne medical school, 1993-2008).

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    Breast cancer is a public health issue in numerous countries. Multidisciplinary collaboration is required for patient care, research, and also education of future physicians. This paper uses Kern's framework for curriculum design to demonstrate how a breast diseases module for undergraduate medical students created in 1993 evolved over 15 years. The main outcomes of program refinements were better integrated course content, the development of electronic course documents, and implementation of computer-aided small group learning. A main future challenge is to further develop efficient instructional strategies in line with well-defined learning needs for undergraduate students

    Collimation for the LHC high intensity beams

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    The unprecedented design intensities of the LHC require several important advances in beam collimation. With its more than 100 collimators, acting on various planes and beams, the LHC collimation system is the biggest and most performing such system ever designed and constructed. The solution for LHC collimation is explained, the technical components are introduced and the initial performance is presented. Residual beam leakage from the system is analysed. Measurements and simulations are presented which show that collimation efficiencies of better than 99.97 % have been measured with the 3.5 TeV proton beams of the LHC, in excellent agreement with expectations.peer-reviewe

    Time projection chambers and detection of neutrions

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    La mélancolie en français (édition commentée du Discours des maladies mélancoliques d'André Du Laurens (1594))

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    André Du Laurens (1558-1609), professeur à la prestigieuse Université de Montpellier et futur premier médecin de Henri IV, fait publier en 1594 les Discours de la conservation de la vue, des maladies mélancoliques, des catarrhes et de la vieillesse. C est dans ce recueil que se trouve Le second discours des maladies mélancoliques et du moyen de les guérir, le pendant français de l Anatomy of Melancholy de Robert Burton, et la première monographie sur le sujet dans notre langue. Ce manuel pratique synthétise, à la fin de l Humanisme, le savoir médico-moral sur le traitement de l illusoire humeur noire , réputée projeter les esprits affaiblis dans la prostration, la démence et la pulsion suicidaire. L ouvrage mêle des descriptions pathologiques insolites à des anecdotes pittoresques et des ordonnances saugrenues, le tout en une langue transparente, libérée des tics de l écriture érudite. Tombé dans l oubli après de nombreuses rééditions et traductions à travers tout le Grand Siècle, nous l offrons aujourd hui pour la première fois au lecteur moderne qui y verra comme un bréviaire plaisant venu de la préhistoire de la psychopathologie et offrant un jour inattendu et indispensable à la généalogie de nos inquiétudes et de nos mélancolies modernes.It is in 1594 that André Du Laurens (1558-1609), professor at Montpellier University and future physician to Henri IV first published his Discours de la conservation de la vue, des maladies mélancoliques, des catarrhes et de la vieillesse. The Discours des maladies mélancoliques [A Discourse of Melancholic Diseases], which forms part of this volume, is the first medical guide book on melancholy written directly in French. Appearing at the end of the Renaissance, it synthesizes fifteen centuries of medical and moral knowledge on the treatment of the dreaded and yet illusory black bile, thought to be at the origin of numerous fears, sorrows, dementia and suicide attempts. It also represents the French source of (and counterpart to) Robert Burton s Anatomy of Melancholy, which was to be published only three decades later (1621). Du Laurens work brings together odd and often hilarious pathological descriptions with improbable therapies and prescriptions in a language which is easy to understand, and far removed from the complex medical jargon. Reprinted throughout the 17th century, but forgotten thereafter, we now present the modern reader with this unusual medical treatise from the prehistory of psychopathology, a text that will help us better grasp and understand the long genealogy of all our sorrows and modern melancholies.PARIS4-Bib. électronique (751059905) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Temperature-dependent multiangle FTIR NIR-MIR ellipsometry of thermochromic VO2 and V1-xWxO2 films

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    VO2 and W-doped VO2 thin films were prepared by Radio Frequency (RF) reactive magnetron sputtering using V-metal target. The amount of W doping was quantified by Rutherford Backscattering Spectrometry (RBS). The optical constants of VO2 and V1-xWxO2 films were inferred above and below the transition temperature by temperature-dependent multiangle ellipsometry in the Near InfraRed (NIR) spectral range and by temperature-dependent multiangle Fourier Transform InfraRed ellipsometry (FTIR) in the Near InfraRed Middle InfraRed (NIR MIR) spectral range up to 20,000 nm. The effect of the doping concentration on their optical constants was studied. A validation of the results was obtained comparing the optical constants determined by point-by-point fitting with those determined by the Lorentz Drude model and the empirical Lorentz Cauchy dispersion formula. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved