972 research outputs found

    Statuts féminins et urbanisation en Afrique

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    L'urbanisation en Afrique occasionne de nombreux changements qui modifient en particulier le statut de la femme. L'analyse de ce changement passe par une étude de sa situation sur différents marchés: 1. Sur le marché du travail où elle reste faiblement salariée, la femme exerce les petits métiers du secteur informel, cependant que l'individualisation des gains lui donne une plus grande liberté par rapport à sa famille et à son mari. 2. Sur le marché matrimonial, la période de célibat tend à se prolonger et la femme mariée recherche davantage son autonomie par rapport aux hommes. 3. Enfin la sexualité hors mariage s'affiche plus facilement en ville d'où l'existence d'un marché "sexuel" avec mercantilisation des relations homme/femme, et l'occasion pour la femme de rester autonome tout en ayant une reconnaissance officieus

    La transformation des actes gratuits en actes payants en médecine libérale. Une étude micro-économétrique longitudinale.

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    In this article we focus on the issue of free care. Current literature suggests free care is associated with an extreme form of medical altruism. The sensitivity of the practitioner to a particular type of patient originates the price discrimination. Our econometric analysis tests another assumption. The correlation between free care and "paying" care is independent of the demand effects. We use an unbalanced panel data comprising 8002 self-employed physicians who were observed over the 1979-2000 period. Our results offer an empirical understanding of the free/paying care phenomenon. Also, they offer clarification of the practitioner's motivations which take an important place in the literature.self-employed physicians, free care, paying care, motivations, panel

    Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS): A Novel Tool for Intravascular Coronary Imaging

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    Acute coronary syndrome (ACS) arising from plaque rupture is the leading cause of mortality worldwide. Near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) combined with intravascular ultrasound (NIRS-IVUS) is a novel catheter-based intravascular imaging modality that provides a chemogram of the coronary artery wall, which enables the detection of lipid core and specific quantification of lipid accumulation measured as the lipid-core burden index (LCBI) in patients undergoing coronary angiography. Recent studies have shown that NIRS-IVUS can identify vulnerable plaques and vulnerable patients associated with increased risk of adverse cardiovascular events, whereas an increased coronary plaque LCBI may predict a higher risk of future cardiovascular events and periprocedural events. NIRS is a promising tool for the detection of vulnerable plaques in CAD patients, PCI-guidance procedures, and assessment of lipid-lowering therapies. Previous trials have evaluated the impact of statin therapy on coronary NIRS defined lipid cores, whereas NIRS could further be used as a surrogate end point of future ACS in phase II clinical trials evaluating novel anti-atheromatous drug therapies. Multiple ongoing studies address the different potential clinical applications of NIRS-IVUS imaging as a valuable tool for coronary plaque characterization and predictor of future coronary events in CAD patients

    Geometrical regular languages and linear Diophantine equations: The strongly connected case

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    AbstractGiven an arbitrarily large alphabet Σ, we consider the family of regular languages over Σ for which the deterministic minimal automaton has a strongly connected state diagram. We present a new method for checking whether such a language is semi-geometrical or not and whether it is geometrical or not. This method makes use of the enumeration of the simple cycles of the state diagram. It is based on the construction of systems of linear Diophantine equations, where the coefficients are deduced from the set of simple cycles

    Short-term effects of de-inking paper sludge on the dynamics of soil carbon, nitrogen, and phenolic compounds

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    Applications of deinking paper sludge (DPS) decreased the establishment of some crops, indicating that it may have inhibiting effects. The effects of soil-applied DPS on total carbon (C), nitrogen (N), C:N ratio, and nitrate, ammonium, and phenolic compounds were studied for 2 years. The phytotoxicity of simulated phenolic solutions of raw DPS and DPS-amended soil was investigated. Twelve phenolic compounds were quantified in raw DPS. Vanillin and 3-hydroxy-4-methoxycinnamic acids increased with DPS applications in amended soil for both years. Total soil C and the C:N ratio increased with DPS applications, while nitrate soil content decreased. Germination indices were affected differently by the phenolic compound solution that simulated DPS. This study highlights the lack of availability of nitrate as the main factor involved in the inhibiting effect of DPS. However, other inhibiting effects of phenolic compounds cannot be ruled out since they are known to inhibit nitrification and to trap nitrate into organic N compounds

    Dynamiques temporelles de la pandémie de grippe A/H1N1 dans la presse écrite francophone

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    National audienceLe projet cherche à étudier les représentations et les politiques sanitaires associées aux épidémies contemporaines dans une perspective d'interprétation croisée : sociale, psychologique, spatiale et historique. Ainsi, il propose de développer une approche pluridisciplinaire en combinant des méthodes et des orientations épistémologiques complémentaires à partir de l'épisode de grippe A (H1N1) de 2009-2010. Cet épisode de crise constitue une entrée particulièrement intéressante pour étudier le risque épidémique dans la mesure où il est associé à la mise en place de politiques sanitaires particulières et fait circuler des représentations spécifiques de la maladie. Il permet en outre d'interroger les différentes échelles d'action impliquées dans la construction sociale et spatiale des deux épidémies. Son analyse peut par ailleurs permettre une dimension comparative en cherchant à appréhender les pratiques des différents acteurs et les modèles de prévention et de lutte qu'elles ont pu diffuser
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