665 research outputs found

    Overcrowding in the Emergency Department and Patient Safety

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    Emergency department (ED) overcrowding is a recognized problem worldwide. This chapter reviews the scope of the problem, manifestations, repercussions, and potential solutions to this problem

    Thrombostatic Agents and Tissue Adhesives in the Emergency Department: Stopping the Bleeding, Closing the Wound, and Novel Applications

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    Complaints of bleeding are frequent presentations to the emergency department, and although most bleeding can be controlled with direct pressure, increased use of antiplatelet agents and anticoagulants complicates what might be otherwise simple bleeding. Industry has met the demand for hemostatic adjuncts, and a number of products are available for the emergency physician to assist in hemostatic control and wound closure. This chapter will cover the various available technologies, covering their preferred use and discussing particular bleeding scenarios and which technology may be best for each scenario

    DiabeĢ€te et troubles de la production de la testosteĢrone chez l'homme

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    Introduction: La preĢvalence du diabeĢ€te de type 2 augmente rapidement avec une estimation aĢ€ 17% chez les hommes aĢ‚geĢs de plus de 55 ans en Europe. Il semblerait que ces hommes diabeĢtiques de type 2 preĢsentent eĢgalement un hypogonadisme, meĢcanisme expliqueĢ par un lien bidirectionnel entre ces deux pathologies. Par ailleurs, la deĢcouverte dans la salive de steĢroiĢˆdes dont la testosteĢrone (T) permet une nouvelle meĢthode de dosage facile, non-invasive, peu couĢ‚teuse et sans douleur. Objectifs : Partie 1 : Analyser la preĢvalence d'hypogonadisme chez des patients avec un diabeĢ€te mellitus de type 2 dans la reĢgion lausannoise. Rechercher des facteurs preĢdisposants et les effets des alteĢrations meĢtaboliques sur l'axe reproducteur. Partie 2 : Etudier la relation entre le dosage de la testosteĢrone salivaire et la testosteĢrone sanguine mesureĢe par LC-MS (chromatographie en phase liquide coupleĢe aĢ€ la spectromeĢtrie de masse). MeĢthodologie : Etude reĢtrospective qui se fonde sur les donneĢes reĢcolteĢes par le Service EDM du CHUV avec deux cohortes eĢtudieĢes : entre 2010 et 2015 (partie 1) et entre 2005 et 2014 (partie 2). La base de donneĢes de la partie 1 contient 63 hommes diabeĢtiques de type 2. Lorsque les dosages n'existaient pas, nous avons demandeĢ un accord au patient afin de doser la testosteĢrone lorsque les seĢrums eĢtaient disponibles. La partie 2 contient 56 hommes et les testosteĢrones sanguines ont eĢteĢ mesureĢes par IA (immunoassay) ou LC-MS pour les dosages les plus reĢcents ainsi que calculeĢes par l'algorithme de Sartorius pour avoir la testosteĢrone libre. La testosteĢrone salivaire a eĢteĢ mesureĢe par LC-MS. ReĢsultats : Partie 1 : La moyenne d'aĢ‚ge des patients est de 62 ans avec un IMC de 31 kg/m2 et une dureĢe moyenne du diabeĢ€te de 12 ans. De ces 63 patients, 32 d'entre eux ont eu une mesure de la testosteĢrone plasmatique. Le dosage de la testosteĢrone n'a pas pu eĢ‚tre effectueĢ chez les 31 patients restants. La preĢvalence de l'hypogonadisme (TestosteĢrone totale <12nmol/l) est de 53%. 15 patients disent preĢsenter des troubles sexuels ce qui repreĢsente 24% des patients. De ces 15 patients, 8 ont une testosteĢrone totale <12nmol/l avec des troubles sexuels. Les hommes qui souffrent de troubles sexuels ont une testosteĢrone totale plus basse avec une dureĢe de diabeĢ€te plus longue. Avec l'aĢ‚ge, la testosteĢrone totale diminue tandis que la LH, la FSH et la SHBG augmentent. Partie 2 : Les donneĢes montrent une moyenne de la testosteĢrone salivaire de 347.18 Ā± 583.4. Chez les patients sans traitement elle diminue avec l'aĢ‚ge. Une correĢlation forte est trouveĢe entre la testosteĢrone salivaire et la testosteĢrone sanguine mesureĢe par LC-MS (r= 0.79) chez les patients sans traitement. Conclusion: Ces donneĢes ont mis en eĢvidence une preĢvalence eĢleveĢe d'hommes diabeĢtiques de type 2 qui preĢsentent un hypogonadisme ainsi que des troubles sexuels. De plus, nos donneĢes deĢmontrent que l'axe gonadotrope est influenceĢ par l'aĢ‚ge et le BMI. Cette eĢtude souligne l'importance d'une prise en charge globale des patients souffrant d'un diabeĢ€te de type 2 et la compreĢhension des meĢcanismes en jeu entre l'axe endocrinien et le systeĢ€me meĢtabolique. Nos reĢsultats montrent une forte correĢlation entre la testosteĢrone salivaire et la testosteĢrone totale sanguine mesureĢe par LC-MS

    Effects of chordwise flexibility on 2D flapping foils used as an energy extraction device

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    The effects of chordwise pressure- and inertia-driven deformations on the power extraction potential of a kinematically constrained oscillating thin plate that undergoes a heaving and pitching motion are investigated. 2D fully coupled fluid-structure interaction simulations are performed at a Reynolds number of 1100 with thin flexible plates having a thickness over chord ratio of 1%. Three flexibility distributions are tested: a uniformly flexible plate as well as plates with only the rear part or the front part being flexible. The results are compared with those of rigid plates operating at the same conditions. Flexible plates show very promising results as they can extract up to more than twice the power of the corresponding rigid ones. The investigation of semi-flexible foils has highlighted the fact that considering a completely flexible foil with constant chordwise mechanical properties is likely not an optimal configuration. Indeed, different mechanisms are beneficial whether the front part or the rear part of the foil is flexible: pressure-driven deformations usually increase the performances of front flexible foils while inertia-driven deformations are beneficial to rear flexible foils. In cases involving weak fluid-structure interactions (e.g.: heavy plate in a light fluid), the resonance of the first deformation mode of the plate's tail or head may appear. It is observed that this phenomenon can either deteriorate or improve the performances of the flapping plate. In this context, the dimensionless flexibility appears to be a key factor as it is involved in the resonance phenomenon that turns out to greatly influence the flow field

    Punch Injuries: Insights into Intentional Closed Fist Injuries

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    Objectives: This study sought to investigate the patterns of injury resulting from a punch mechanism and to investigate the associated psychopathology present in patients with these injuries.Methods: Retrospective analysis of patients with hand radiographs ordered from the emergency department allowed for identification of patients with a punch mechanism. We recorded injury patterns and queried patientsā€™ medical records for associated psychopathology.Results: 1,292 patients underwent hand radiographs during a one-year time period; 172 patients (13%) were radiographed following an intentional punch injury, identifying 76 fractures in 70 patients. Males contributed a greater proportion of patients presenting with punch injury when compared to females (80% vs. 20%). Males were more likely to sustain fracture from a punch mechanism (48% vs. 11%, OR 7 [95% CI 2.3-20.9]), but were less likely to have preexisting documented psychiatric disease (23% vs. 49%, OR 3.1 [95% CI 1.4-6.7]). Of all fractures, 61% were to the fifth metacarpal, 21% were to the remainder of the metacarpals, and the remaining were fractures to phalanges and bones of the wrist.Conclusion: Women are less likely to present with punch injury and are less likely to sustain a fracture when they do present but have more associated psychiatric disease. Both men and women presenting with punch injuries have a higher prevalence of psychiatric disease than the background incidence in the population as a whole. Although punch injuries result in a significant number of boxer fractures, a number of other injuries are associated with punch mechanisms. [West J Emerg Med. 2011;12(1):6-10.

    Low-threshold calcium spike bursts in the human thalamus: Common physiopathology for sensory, motor and limbic positive symptoms

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    Positive symptoms arise after lesions of the nervous system. They include neurogenic pain, tinnitus, abnormal movements, epilepsy and certain neuropsychiatric disorders. Stereotactic medial thalamotomies were performed on 104 patients with chronic therapy-resistant positive symptoms. Peroperative recordings of 2012 single units revealed an overwhelming unresponsiveness (99%) to sensory stimuli or motor activation. Among these unresponsive cells, 45.1% presented a rhythmic or random bursting activity. Rhythmic bursting activities had an average interburst interval of 263Ā±46 ms corresponding to a frequency of 3.8Ā±0.7 Hz. Frequency variations among the different symptoms were not statistically different. Intraburst characteristics such as the highest frequency encountered in the burst (480Ā±80 Hz) or the mean frequency of the burst (206Ā±44 Hz) were also similar in all patients. All bursts, rhythmic or random, fulfilled the extracellular criteria of low-threshold calcium spike (LTS) bursts. After medial thalamotomy and depending on the symptom, 43-67% of the patients reached a 50-100% relief, with sparing of all neurological functions. On the basis of these electrophysiological and clinical results, we propose a unified concept for all positive symptoms centred on a self-perpetuating thalamic cell membrane hyperpolarization, similar to the one seen in slow-wave slee

    Correlations between EEG and clinical outcome in chronic neuropathic pain: surgical effects and treatment resistance

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    Chronic neuropathic pain may require a neurosurgical treatment, but for reasons that have not been fully explored yet, a significant number of patients do not benefit from the intervention. We compared the resting EEG of 15 healthy controls to the EEG of 23 chronic neuropathic pain patients before and 12months after treatment by the central lateral thalamotomy (CLT). A patient subgroup had a high (nā€‰=ā€‰14, pain relief (PR)ā€‰ā‰„ā€‰50%) and another subgroup a low (nā€‰=ā€‰9, PRā€‰<ā€‰50%) postoperative PR. EEG spectral power and source localization of the high PR patients were normalized postoperatively. In contrast, low PR patients showed postoperative maintenance of insular, cingulate and prefrontal overactivities, and their frustration values were positively correlated with cingulate and prefrontal activity. These findings demonstrate a normalizing effect of CLT on cortical activity and suggest that treatment resistance is associated with a frustration-based dynamic

    Qualification of Sub-atmospheric Pressure Sensors for the Cryomagnet Bayonet Heat Exchangers of the Large Hadron Collider

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    The superconducting magnets of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) will be cooled at 1.9 K by distributed cooling loops working with saturated two-phase superfluid helium flowing in 107 m long bayonet heat exchangers [1] located in each magnet cold-mass cell. The temperature of the magnets could be difficult to control because of the large dynamic heat load variations. Therefore, it is foreseen to measure the heat exchangers pressure to feed the regulation loops with the corresponding saturation temperature. The required uncertainty of the sub-atmospheric saturation pressure measurement shall be of the same order of the one associated to the magnet thermometers, in pressure it translates as ƂĀ±5 Pa at 1.6 kPa. The transducers shall be radiation hard as they will endure, in the worst case, doses up to 10 kGy and 10**15 neutronsƂĀ·cm**-2 over 10 years. The sensors under evaluation were installed underground in the dump section of the SPS accelerator with a radiation environment close to the one expected for the LHC. The monitoring equipment was installed in a remote radiation protected area. This paper presents the results of the radiation qualification campaign with emphasis on the reliability and accuracy of the pressure sensors under the test conditions

    Typification of the name Senecio pygmaeus (Asteraceae), with some additional taxonomic and phytogeographic remarks

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    A thorough research on the scientific activity of Guglielmo Gasparrini, Giovanni Gussone and Augustin Pyramus De Candolle allowed the authors to address a research in several European herbaria looking for the type of the name Senecio pygmaeus DC. The original specimen sent by Gussone and mentioned in the protologue by Candolle is still kept at G-DC and is designated as the lectotype, whilst three other herbarium sheets, preserved at NAP-GUSS, PAL and PAV herbaria respectively, in all probability belong to the same gathering, and are considered as isolectotypes. The authors provide an updated description of this taxon in order to better point out its diagnostic characters. However, further biosystematic and phytogeographic surveys are needed to ascertain the taxonomic value and the distribution range of S.pygmaeus. Indeed, it might represent just a dwarfed, salt-tolerant ecotype of S.leucanthemifolius Poir. or S.vulgarisL., hence be more widespread than previously reported, counting numerous scattered populations along the rocky shores of central and eastern Mediterranean countries
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