4 research outputs found
Additional file 3: Figure S1. of Evaluation of off-target and on-target scoring algorithms and integration into the guide RNA selection tool CRISPOR
Overlap of off-target detection for the EMX1 and VEGFA guides tested by different assays. Off-targets are only shown if they were detected by at least a single study and with a frequency of 0.1 %. See Additional file 1: Tables S1 and Additional file 4: Table S2 for the modification frequencies and additional details on the off-targets for the guides EMX1 and VEGFA, respectively. Additional file 4: Table S2 also includes the data by Hsu et al. [7], who quantified cleavage at putative off-target loci predicted by the CRISPR Design website ( http://crispr.mit.edu/ ) with targeted deep sequencing, Tsai et al. [3], who isolated double-strand breaks with modified oligonucleotides followed by sequencing, Frock et al. [28], who detected translocations, and Kim et al. [33] and Kim et al. [27], who performed whole-genome sequencing to find CRISPR-induced modifications. For details on the different studies, see Additional file 1: Table S1. (PDF 17 kb
Ilex serrata Thunb.
原著和名: ウメモドキ科名: モチノキ科 = Aquifoliaceae採集地: 愛知県 豊橋市 岩崎町 (三河 豊橋市 岩崎)採集日: 1968/10/20採集者: 萩庭丈壽整理番号: JH042317国立科学博物館整理番号: TNS-VS-99231
Mentha viridis L.
原著和名: ミドリハクカ科名: シソ科 = Labiatae採集地: 千葉県 千葉市 千葉大学 (下総 千葉市 千葉大学)採集日: 1967/8/13採集者: 萩庭丈壽整理番号: JH042898国立科学博物館整理番号: TNS-VS-99289
Acanthopanax trichodon Franch. et Savat.
原著和名: ミヤマウコギ科名: ウコギ科 = Araliaceae採集地: 千葉県 清澄山 (上総〜安房 清澄山)採集日: 1961/6/18採集者: 萩庭丈壽整理番号: JH042319国立科学博物館整理番号: TNS-VS-99231