210 research outputs found

    The decoding failure probability of MDPC codes

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    Moderate Density Parity Check (MDPC) codes are defined here as codes which have a parity-check matrix whose row weight is O(n)O(\sqrt{n}) where nn is the length nn of the code. They can be decoded like LDPC codes but they decode much less errors than LDPC codes: the number of errors they can decode in this case is of order Θ(n)\Theta(\sqrt{n}). Despite this fact they have been proved very useful in cryptography for devising key exchange mechanisms. They have also been proposed in McEliece type cryptosystems. However in this case, the parameters that have been proposed in \cite{MTSB13} were broken in \cite{GJS16}. This attack exploits the fact that the decoding failure probability is non-negligible. We show here that this attack can be thwarted by choosing the parameters in a more conservative way. We first show that such codes can decode with a simple bit-flipping decoder any pattern of O(nloglognlogn)O\left(\frac{\sqrt{n} \log \log n}{\log n}\right) errors. This avoids the previous attack at the cost of significantly increasing the key size of the scheme. We then show that under a very reasonable assumption the decoding failure probability decays almost exponentially with the codelength with just two iterations of bit-flipping. With an additional assumption it has even been proved that it decays exponentially with an unbounded number of iterations and we show that in this case the increase of the key size which is required for resisting to the attack of \cite{GJS16} is only moderate

    Magic state distillation with punctured polar codes

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    We present a scheme for magic state distillation using punctured polar codes. Our results build on some recent work by Bardet et al. (ISIT, 2016) who discovered that polar codes can be described algebraically as decreasing monomial codes. Using this powerful framework, we construct tri-orthogonal quantum codes (Bravyi et al., PRA, 2012) that can be used to distill magic states for the TT gate. An advantage of these codes is that they permit the use of the successive cancellation decoder whose time complexity scales as O(Nlog(N))O(N\log(N)). We supplement this with numerical simulations for the erasure channel and dephasing channel. We obtain estimates for the dimensions and error rates for the resulting codes for block sizes up to 2202^{20} for the erasure channel and 2162^{16} for the dephasing channel. The dimension of the triply-even codes we obtain is shown to scale like O(N0.8)O(N^{0.8}) for the binary erasure channel at noise rate 0.010.01 and O(N0.84)O(N^{0.84}) for the dephasing channel at noise rate 0.0010.001. The corresponding bit error rates drop to roughly 8×10288\times10^{-28} for the erasure channel and 7×10157 \times 10^{-15} for the dephasing channel respectively.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figure

    On a Low-Rate TLDPC Code Ensemble and the Necessary Condition on the Linear Minimum Distance for Sparse-Graph Codes

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    This paper addresses the issue of design of low-rate sparse-graph codes with linear minimum distance in the blocklength. First, we define a necessary condition which needs to be satisfied when the linear minimum distance is to be ensured. The condition is formulated in terms of degree-1 and degree-2 variable nodes and of low-weight codewords of the underlying code, and it generalizies results known for turbo codes [8] and LDPC codes. Then, we present a new ensemble of low-rate codes, which itself is a subclass of TLDPC codes [4], [5], and which is designed under this necessary condition. The asymptotic analysis of the ensemble shows that its iterative threshold is situated close to the Shannon limit. In addition to the linear minimum distance property, it has a simple structure and enjoys a low decoding complexity and a fast convergence.Comment: submitted to IEEE Trans. on Communication

    New algorithms for decoding in the rank metric and an attack on the LRPC cryptosystem

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    We consider the decoding problem or the problem of finding low weight codewords for rank metric codes. We show how additional information about the codeword we want to find under the form of certain linear combinations of the entries of the codeword leads to algorithms with a better complexity. This is then used together with a folding technique for attacking a McEliece scheme based on LRPC codes. It leads to a feasible attack on one of the parameters suggested in \cite{GMRZ13}.Comment: A shortened version of this paper will be published in the proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory 2015 (ISIT 2015

    New Identities Relating Wild Goppa Codes

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    For a given support LFqmnL \in \mathbb{F}_{q^m}^n and a polynomial gFqm[x]g\in \mathbb{F}_{q^m}[x] with no roots in Fqm\mathbb{F}_{q^m}, we prove equality between the qq-ary Goppa codes Γq(L,N(g))=Γq(L,N(g)/g)\Gamma_q(L,N(g)) = \Gamma_q(L,N(g)/g) where N(g)N(g) denotes the norm of gg, that is gqm1++q+1.g^{q^{m-1}+\cdots +q+1}. In particular, for m=2m=2, that is, for a quadratic extension, we get Γq(L,gq)=Γq(L,gq+1)\Gamma_q(L,g^q) = \Gamma_q(L,g^{q+1}). If gg has roots in Fqm\mathbb{F}_{q^m}, then we do not necessarily have equality and we prove that the difference of the dimensions of the two codes is bounded above by the number of distinct roots of gg in Fqm\mathbb{F}_{q^m}. These identities provide numerous code equivalences and improved designed parameters for some families of classical Goppa codes.Comment: 14 page

    New constructions of CSS codes obtained by moving to higher alphabets

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    We generalize a construction of non-binary quantum LDPC codes over \F_{2^m} due to \cite{KHIS11a} and apply it in particular to toric codes. We obtain in this way not only codes with better rates than toric codes but also improve dramatically the performance of standard iterative decoding. Moreover, the new codes obtained in this fashion inherit the distance properties of the underlying toric codes and have therefore a minimum distance which grows as the square root of the length of the code for fixed mm.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figures, full version of a paper submitted to the IEEE Symposium on Information Theor

    A Distinguisher-Based Attack on a Variant of McEliece's Cryptosystem Based on Reed-Solomon Codes

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    Baldi et \textit{al.} proposed a variant of McEliece's cryptosystem. The main idea is to replace its permutation matrix by adding to it a rank 1 matrix. The motivation for this change is twofold: it would allow the use of codes that were shown to be insecure in the original McEliece's cryptosystem, and it would reduce the key size while keeping the same security against generic decoding attacks. The authors suggest to use generalized Reed-Solomon codes instead of Goppa codes. The public code built with this method is not anymore a generalized Reed-Solomon code. On the other hand, it contains a very large secret generalized Reed-Solomon code. In this paper we present an attack that is built upon a distinguisher which is able to identify elements of this secret code. The distinguisher is constructed by considering the code generated by component-wise products of codewords of the public code (the so-called "square code"). By using square-code dimension considerations, the initial generalized Reed-Solomon code can be recovered which permits to decode any ciphertext. A similar technique has already been successful for mounting an attack against a homomorphic encryption scheme suggested by Bogdanoc et \textit{al.}. This work can be viewed as another illustration of how a distinguisher of Reed-Solomon codes can be used to devise an attack on cryptosystems based on them.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1203.668