445 research outputs found

    Accelerated Growth Rate Induced by Neonatal High-Protein Milk Formula Is Not Supported by Increased Tissue Protein Synthesis in Low-Birth-Weight Piglets

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    Low-birth-weight neonates are routinely fed a high-protein formula to promote catch-up growth and antibiotics are usually associated to prevent infection. Yet the effects of such practices on tissue protein metabolism are unknown. Baby pigs were fed from age 2 to 7 or 28 d with high protein formula with or without amoxicillin supplementation, in parallel with normal protein formula, to determine tissue protein metabolism modifications. Feeding high protein formula increased growth rate between 2 and 28 days of age when antibiotic was administered early in the first week of life. This could be explained by the occurrence of diarrhea when piglets were fed the high protein formula alone. Higher growth rate was associated with higher feed conversion and reduced protein synthesis rate in the small intestine, muscle and carcass, whereas proteolytic enzyme activities measured in these tissues were unchanged. In conclusion, accelerated growth rate caused by high protein formula and antibiotics was not supported by increased protein synthesis in muscle and carcass

    Les architectures constitutionnelles : introduction

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    Le mouvement constitutionnel dans le monde arabe Après s’être longtemps désintéressée de l’étude des institutions, au profit notamment de l’étude de l’islam politique, la recherche sur le monde arabo-musulmancommence à découvrir les vertus de l’étude des textes fondamentaux. Des recueils de constitutions arabes voient le jour (Canal-Forgues, 2000), des colloques sur les constitutions des pays arabes sont organisés (CEDROMA, 1999), les conditions d’apparition de constitutions dans le monde ar..

    Electron Cloud and Beam Scrubbing in the LHC

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    An adequate dose of photoelectrons, accelerated by low-intensity proton bunches and hitting the LHC beam screen wall, will substantially reduce secondary emission and avoid the fast build-up of an electron cloud for the nominal LHC beam. The conditioning period of the liner surface can be considerably shortened thanks to secondary electrons, provided heat load and beam stability can be kept under control; for example this may be possible using a special proton beam, including satellite bunches with an intensity of 15-20% of the nominal bunch intensity and a spacing of one or two RF wavelengths. Based on recent measurements of secondary electron emission, on multipacting tests and simulation results, we discuss possible "beam scrubbing" scenarios in the LHC and present an updat