65 research outputs found

    Blood antioxidant parameters in subjects from Azorean populations with different sociocultural profile

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    Abstract de Comunicação em Painel (PS4-02730) apresentada em "27th Meeting of the Federation of European Biochemical Societies (FEBS)", 30 Jun-6 Jul, 2001, Lisboa, Portugal.Age, sex, physiological and pathological conditions, as well as geographical location reflected in diet, social and environmental conditions and even in life habits are relevant factors in the assessment of the prooxidant/antioxidant status of individuais. The aim of this work is to compare some antioxidant parameters, such as whole blood Se-glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) and erythrocyte Cu, Zn-superoxide dismutase (SOD) activities, serum selenium, copper and zinc leveis in healthy subjects from three populations with different sociocultural characteristics. Volunteer men and women aged 20-60 were selected from Ponta Delgada (urban population), Ribeira Quente (fishing population) and Água Retorta (rural population) located in the island o f S. Miguel (Azores’ Archipelago, Portugal). No significant differences in GSH-Px activity were found in interpopulation analysis, but the activity tended to be higher in women than in men; in turn, selenium levels, which were maximum in subjects from Ribeira Quente, were significantly bigher in male than in female groups, except in the rural population where they were similar. SOD activities, as well as zinc leveis were significantly higher in both men and women from the fishing population than in the others, where they did not differ. Also SOD, but not zinc or copper, was higher by 13% in women than in men from Ribeira Quente. The rural population exhibited the highest copper concentrations, being much higher in these women than in those from Ribeira Quente or Ponta Delgada. Diet, either food or drinking water might be a major cause for the differences observed

    Hoverflies of the Timon-David collection (Diptera, Syrphidae)

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    Hoverflies are among the most important insect pollinators and there is documented evidence of a recent decline in their populations. To trace the past distributions of hoverfly species, verified records of historical collections are essential.Here, we provide data on 1071 specimens of hoverflies collected or received by Jean Timon-David and hosted at the Marseille Natural History Museum, France. Most of the specimens were collected by Timon-David himself and come from south-eastern France, mainly from the Departments of Bouches-du-RhĂŽne, Var and Hautes-Alpes. Most of these specimens were checked for the accuracy of their identification according to the latest identification keys. This resulted in 85 additions to the known fauna of the French Departments, mostly for Var and Bouches-du-RhĂŽne. The taxonomy of all specimens was checked against the latest available checklists and updated names added whenever necessary. Specimens received from entomologists working in other continents may also be valuable, as these are historic testimonies of the fauna of their own respective regions of origin and may, therefore, also be used as reference material. One paratype specimen from Australia is present in the collection. The holotype of Cheilosia vangaveri Timon-David, 1937 is absent from the collection and should be considered as lost. All but two of the specimens with locality labels had their geographical coordinates of origin added in the dataset

    Serum selenium, copper and zinc concentrations in inhabitants of S. Miguel Island (Azores Archipelago)

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    Abstract(2386) de Comunicação oral apresentada em "17th International Congress of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology" e "1997 Annual Meeting of the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology", August 24-29, 1997 San Francisco, California, USA.Selenium, copper and zinc are trace elements which, besides having other biological functions, are cofactors of enzymes involved in antioxidant systems. The aim of this study is to report the first data on serum selenium, copper and zinc concentrations in Portuguese subjects (W – Women, n = 149; M, Men, n = 92) living in urban, rural and fishing regions of S. Miguel Island. [

    Abstracts from the Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Meeting 2016

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    PhĂ©nomĂšnes de polarisation des dĂ©cisions de groupe. Étude expĂ©rimentale des effets de l'implication

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    NĂšve Patricia, Gautier Jean-Michel. PhĂ©nomĂšnes de polarisation des dĂ©cisions de groupe. Étude expĂ©rimentale des effets de l'implication. In: Bulletin de psychologie, tome 31 n°334, 1978. pp. 361-370

    Fabrication method of semiconductor devices

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    PremiĂšre mention de Microrhagus pyrenaeus Bonvouloir, 1872 en rĂ©gion Provence-Alpes-CĂŽte-d’Azur (Coleoptera, Eucnemidae)

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    International audienceA specimen of Microrhagus pyrenaeus Bonvouloir, 1872 (Coleoptera, Eucnemidae) was trapped in Fos-sur-Mer in 2012. It appeared in a recent publication under the name Eucnemis capucina Ahrens, 1812. M. pyrenaeus is new to the Bouches-du-RhĂŽne departement and also to the Provence-Alpes-CĂŽte-d'Azur region. This species, which has a high national heritage value and is considered near-threatened at the European level, is found in stands that have reached a high degree of maturity, particularly in riparian forests, which should therefore be preserved.Un spĂ©cimen de Microrhagus pyrenaeus Bonvouloir, 1872 (Coleoptera, Eucnemidae) a Ă©tĂ© capturĂ© Ă  Fos-sur-Mer en 2012. Il figurait dans une publication rĂ©cente sous le nom de Eucnemis capucina Ahrens, 1812. M. pyrenaeus est ici nouvellement signalĂ© pour le dĂ©partement des Bouches-du-RhĂŽne mais Ă©galement pour la RĂ©gion Provence-Alpes-CĂŽte-d’Azur. Cette espĂšce Ă  indice patrimonial national Ă©levĂ© et considĂ©rĂ©e presque menacĂ©e Ă  l’échelle europĂ©enne se rencontre dans les peuplements ayant atteint un certain degrĂ© de maturitĂ©, et notamment en ripisylve, qu’il convient donc de prĂ©server
