267 research outputs found

    Residential Mobility at the Start of a Working Career: Women at a Disadvantage

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    While a large majority of young people are potentially mobile, not all are so in reality. Several factors influence the decision to migrate. Some are confirmed here: age, educational attainment, previous mobility experience, and having children. Our study points to other factors as well, such as having parents born abroad, and employment status. By comparison with persons employed under unstable work contracts (fixed-term contracts, temping, subsidized jobs), the unemployed are more mobile and workers on open-ended contracts are less so. Gender and marital status have a measurable impact as well. Residential and occupational mobility are often linked. Two-thirds of migrations between employment areas coincide with a job change. However, among migrants living as couples, the proportion of men changing jobs far exceeds that of women, and the gender gap widens over time. Women are more often involved in transitions between employment and non-employment.Migration, Gender, Job Change, Professional Transitions

    Confluence via strong normalisation in an algebraic \lambda-calculus with rewriting

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    The linear-algebraic lambda-calculus and the algebraic lambda-calculus are untyped lambda-calculi extended with arbitrary linear combinations of terms. The former presents the axioms of linear algebra in the form of a rewrite system, while the latter uses equalities. When given by rewrites, algebraic lambda-calculi are not confluent unless further restrictions are added. We provide a type system for the linear-algebraic lambda-calculus enforcing strong normalisation, which gives back confluence. The type system allows an abstract interpretation in System F.Comment: In Proceedings LSFA 2011, arXiv:1203.542

    L’apprentissage et le chîmage des jeunes : en finir avec les illusions

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    L’idĂ©e sĂ©duisante et consensuelle selon laquelle le simple dĂ©veloppement de l’apprentissage sans objectifs explicites et prĂ©cis est une arme efficace pour combattre le chĂŽmage des jeunes est infirmĂ©e par son histoire rĂ©cente. D’une part les entreprises prĂ©fĂšrent de loin la flexibilitĂ© des contrats prĂ©caires pour intĂ©grer les jeunes et, d’autre part, quand il se dĂ©veloppe, l’apprentissage concerne des segments de qualification oĂč les jeunes, s’ils connaissent des problĂšmes de dĂ©classement bien rĂ©els, ne rencontrent que peu de difficultĂ©s pour accĂ©der Ă  l’emploi. Cet article est une contribution Ă  l’évaluation des politiques publiques qui, depuis 25 ans, engagent des sommes considĂ©rables sans jamais atteindre leurs objectifs ni en matiĂšre de nombre d’apprentis ni en matiĂšre de rĂ©duction du chĂŽmage des jeunes.The attractive, consensual idea that the mere development of apprenticeship without explicit and specific goals is an effective weapon to reduce youth unemployment is invalidated by its recent history. On the one hand, companies far prefer the flexibility of precarious contracts to integrate young workers and on the other hand, when apprenticeship develops, it involves skill segments where young people, although they may face real problems of being over-qualified, face few problems in accessing employment. This article is a contribution to the evaluation of public policies which have incurred considerable costs for 25 years without ever attaining their objectives or achieving a reduction in youth unemployment in terms of numbers of apprentices

    Completeness of algebraic CPS simulations

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    The algebraic lambda calculus and the linear algebraic lambda calculus are two extensions of the classical lambda calculus with linear combinations of terms. They arise independently in distinct contexts: the former is a fragment of the differential lambda calculus, the latter is a candidate lambda calculus for quantum computation. They differ in the handling of application arguments and algebraic rules. The two languages can simulate each other using an algebraic extension of the well-known call-by-value and call-by-name CPS translations. These simulations are sound, in that they preserve reductions. In this paper, we prove that the simulations are actually complete, strengthening the connection between the two languages.Comment: In Proceedings DCM 2011, arXiv:1207.682

    cAMP up-regulates IL-4 and IL-5 production from activated CD4+ T cells while decreasing IL-2 release and NF-AT induction

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    Seven days after activation with concanavalin A and irradiated spleen cells, murine CD4+ T cells were re-stimulated with lonomycin and phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA). IL-2 and IL-4 were determined in the supernatant. When cholera toxin, forskolin together with phosphodlesterase inhibitors or dibutyryl-cAMP were added at the time of re-stimulation, a dose-dependent increase of IL-4 and IL-5 release was noted. IL-2 was down-regulated as reported before. The up-regulatlon of IL-4 and the down-regulation of IL-2 correlated with an increase of IL-4 mRNA and a decrease of IL-2 mRNA as determined by semi-quantitative reverse tratucriptase polymerase chain reaction. Similar results were found with prostaglandin E2 using PMA and ionomycin or plate-bound anti-CD3 antibody as re-stimulants. These results suggest that, in activated CD4+ T cells, cAMP-elevating agents induce a switch of lymphokine production towards a Th-like phenotype through regulation at the transcriptional level. This is supported by the fact that complex formation between a synthetic nuclear factor of activated T cells (NF-AT) binding site from the IL-2 promoter and nuclear extracts was decreased when cholera toxin was added to re-activated CD4+ T cells, suggesting that cholera toxin and cAMP down-regulate IL-2 expression via decreased NF-AT binding. Finally, since IL-4 has been reported to amplify IL-4 release from activated CD4+ T cells, the autoinduction of IL-4 may very well function via cAM

    Orientation et affectation : la sélection dans l'enseignement professionnel du second degré

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    Observant les caractĂ©ristiques et les scolaritĂ©s des jeunes qui entrent dans la vie active Ă  l’issue de l’enseignement secondaire, cet article montre que leur orientation doit peu au hasard. À partir de l'enquĂȘte GĂ©nĂ©ration 2004 du CĂ©req, il remet en cause les idĂ©es communĂ©ment admises Ă  l’égard des jeunes : leur rĂ©ticence vis-Ă -vis de l'apprentissage et leur appĂ©tence pour des spĂ©cialitĂ©s sans dĂ©bouchĂ©s. Il rappelle l’importance de rigiditĂ©s trop souvent nĂ©gligĂ©es comme les discriminations Ă  l’Ɠuvre au sein de l’apprentissage et la sĂ©grĂ©gation sexuĂ©e des spĂ©cialitĂ©s de formation. Prolongeant la hiĂ©rarchie tacite de l’enseignement – gĂ©nĂ©ral, technologique puis professionnel –, les spĂ©cialitĂ©s de formation et les filiĂšres organisent un systĂšme lui-mĂȘme hiĂ©rarchisĂ© oĂč les jeunes les moins bien informĂ©s ou dotĂ©s se trouvent relĂ©guĂ©s dans des formations sans perspectives professionnelles trĂšs claires. Dans ce contexte, l’article invite Ă  s'interroger sur la portĂ©e d'une rĂ©forme de l'orientation qui ne concernerait que son organisation.Observing the characteristics and schooling of young people entering the workforce upon leaving secondary education, this article shows that the pathways they follow owe very little to chance. Drawing on the CĂ©req GĂ©nĂ©ration 2004 survey, it challenges many widely-held beliefs about young people: their reticence with regard to learning and their penchant for specialised subjects with poor job prospects. It recalls the potency of fixed attitudes that are all too often ignored, such as discrimination affecting learning and gender segregation in educational and training options. In continuation of the tacitly hierarchical education system – general, technological and then vocational –, specialised training options and tracks structure a system that, in turn, is hierarchical and in which the less well-informed or less gifted young people find themselves relegated to training programmes that have no clear career prospects. In this context, the article invites the reader to question the scope of reforms of the guidance system that only involve its reorganisation.Eine Untersuchung der Merkmale und Schulausbildungen der jungen Leute, die nach Abschluss der weiterfĂŒhrenden Schule in den Beruf einsteigen, zeigt, dass ihr Werdegang kein Zufall ist. Ausgehend von der Untersuchung ‚Generation 2004‘ des CĂ©req werden allgemeingĂŒltige Meinungen ĂŒber Jugendliche in Frage gestellt : ihre ZurĂŒckhaltung gegenĂŒber Lehrausbildungen und ihre Neigung fĂŒr Spezialberufe ohne Aussichten. Es wird auf die Bedeutung von oft verkannten VerhĂ€rtungen hingewiesen, wie z. B. Diskriminierungen am Ausbildungsplatz und Geschlechtertrennung je nach Ausbildungsfach. Gleich einer VerlĂ€ngerung der stillschweigenden Hierarchie im Bildungswesen - allgemeine, technologische und berufliche Ausbildung – bauen die Ausbildungsbereiche und –fachrichtungen selbst ein hierarchisches System auf, in dem die weniger gut informierten oder gerĂŒsteten Jugendlichen in Ausbildungen ohne eindeutige Berufsaussichten abgeschoben werden. In diesem Zusammenhang werden Fragen hinsichtlich der Tragweite einer Reform der Berufsorientierung aufgeworfen, die allein die Organisation betrifft.    Al observar las caracterĂ­sticas y las escolaridades de los jĂłvenes que entran en la vida activa al salir de la enseñanza secundaria, este artĂ­culo muestra que su orientaciĂłn debe poco al azar. A partir de la encuesta GeneraciĂłn 2004 del Cereq, cuestiona las ideas comĂșnmente admitidas sobre los jĂłvenes : su reticencia frente al aprendizaje, y su apetencia por especialidades sin salida laboral. Recuerda la importancia de rigideces a menudo desdeñadas como las discriminaciones que existen en el sistema de aprendices y la segregaciĂłn sexuada de las especialidades de formaciĂłn. Prolongando la jerarquĂ­a tĂĄcita de la enseñanza –general, tecnolĂłgica y despuĂ©s profesional-, las especialidades de formaciĂłn y las secciones organizan un sistema a su vez jerarquizado en el que los jĂłvenes peor informados o dotados quedan relegados en formaciones sin perspectivas profesionales muy claras. En este contexto, el artĂ­culo invita a interrogarse acerca del alcance de una reforma de la orientaciĂłn que sĂłlo

    SWISSCIT Index on Citizenship Law in Swiss Cantons: Conceptualisation, Measurement, Aggregation

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    In the Swiss federal context, the acquisition of citizenship through ordinary naturalization, the enjoyment of electoral rights as a foreign resident, and the retention of the franchise as a Swiss citizen abroad is not uniformly defined through a single federal law but co-determined by the cantons. In this explanatory note, we introduce SWISSCIT, a set of indicators measuring how inclusive cantonal citizenship policies are through a systematic comparison of the legislation in force as of 31 December 2017 in the 26 cantons. The dataset comprises three separate aggregated indicators, measuring the legislation on 1) ordinary naturalization of foreign residents; 2) the right to vote and stand as candidate of foreign residents in local and cantonal elections; and 3) the right to vote and stand as candidate of Swiss citizens abroad in their municipality and canton of origin. The note successively discusses issues of conceptualization, measurement and aggregation. By making our methodology fully transparent, we follow what has become common practice in index-building and hope to encourage users to make use of our data in their own research
