9 research outputs found

    Burnout among teachers in special schools, working with students with multiple disabilities

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    Diplomová práce se zabývá problematikou syndromu vyhoření u speciálních pedagogů pracujících v základních školách speciálních s žaky s kombinovaným postižením. V teoretické části práce jsou vymezené základní pojmy - syndrom vyhoření, jeho příznaky, příčiny a stádia vzniku. Samostatné kapitoly jsou věnovány diagnostice syndromu vyhoření a prevenci. Dále je v teoretické části vysvětlen pojem speciální pedagog a kombinované postižení a je zde popsána základní škola speciální. Praktická část je zaměřena na kvantitativní výzkum syndromu vyhoření u dvou vybraných skupin - speciálních pedagogů v základních školách speciálních a učitelů na běžných základních školách. Výsledky šetření jsou pak mezi sebou porovnávány.The thesis deals with problems of burnout among special educators working in special primary schools with students with multiple disabilities. There are defined basic concepts in the theoretical part of the work - burn-out syndrome, its symptoms, causes and stages of development. Separate chapters are devoted to the diagnosis of burn-out syndrome and prevention. Furthermore, the concept of a special educator and a multiple disability is explained in the theoretical section and a special primary school is described here. The practical part focuses on quantitative research into burn-out syndrome in two selected groups - special educators in special primary schools and teachers in ordinary primary schools. The results of the investigation are then compared with each other.Katedra pedagogikyFaculty of EducationPedagogická fakult

    Linguistic and stylistic analysis of a select text

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    This work deals with an analysis of the article "Kdo neskáče, není Češka. Hop, hop, hop aneb jak fandí ženy". The whole article is analysed in terms of syntactical, lexical, morphological, acoustic and graphic aspect of language, and also in terms of pragmatic and stylistic aspect. Syntactical analysis deals with an analysis of composed sentences and simple sentences. Lexical analysis researches the words in terms of frequency of use, according to their inclusion to the linguistic structure of national language and their inclusion to stylistic stratum, then according to their origin and emotional coloration, and it also distinguishes new and outdated words and researches the word formation. Morphological analysis deals with word classes and word structure. Acoustic aspect of language researches individual speech sounds and graphic aspect researches the orthography. In pragmatic analysis is researched the intension of author and effect of the text. And stylistic analysis arranges the text to functional styles

    Antiterrorism as an alternatve of anticommunism in the revision of Herman and Chomsky's propaganda model

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    Diploma thesis "Antiterrorism as an Alternative of Anticommunism In the Revision of Herman and Chomsky's Propaganda Model" deals with the possibility of substitution of its fifth filter - anticommunism by another filter which is more up-to-date and universal - by antiterrorism. In its theoretical part thesis deals with the Propaganda Model. It introduces its five filters as Edward Herman and Noam Chomsky introduced them in 1988 and completes them with observations of other scholars who have dealt with the Propaganda Model. At the same time it presents Propaganda Model's critics which have been coming up since it was introduced. With regards to the fact, that the thesis suggests antiterrorism as a possible alternative to the anticommunism, it introduces a brief history of terrorism and its currently most distinct representative - the Al-Qaeda organization. Its part is also devoted to the moral panic. One of the thesis's aim is to try to discover whether the media by their way of presenting terrorism could invoke the moral panic. One of the chapters is devoted to ideology. As it aims to make the conclusion through the qualitative analysis of the Czech media in 1998 after the bombings of the embassy of the United States of America in Kenya and Tanzania and the subsequent Infinite Reach operation, period of the..

    Linguistic and stylistic analysis of a select text

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    This work deals with an analysis of the article "Kdo neskáče, není Češka. Hop, hop, hop aneb jak fandí ženy". The whole article is analysed in terms of syntactical, lexical, morphological, acoustic and graphic aspect of language, and also in terms of pragmatic and stylistic aspect. Syntactical analysis deals with an analysis of composed sentences and simple sentences. Lexical analysis researches the words in terms of frequency of use, according to their inclusion to the linguistic structure of national language and their inclusion to stylistic stratum, then according to their origin and emotional coloration, and it also distinguishes new and outdated words and researches the word formation. Morphological analysis deals with word classes and word structure. Acoustic aspect of language researches individual speech sounds and graphic aspect researches the orthography. In pragmatic analysis is researched the intension of author and effect of the text. And stylistic analysis arranges the text to functional styles

    Burnout among teachers in special schools, working with students with multiple disabilities

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    The thesis deals with problems of burnout among special educators working in special primary schools with students with multiple disabilities. There are defined basic concepts in the theoretical part of the work - burn-out syndrome, its symptoms, causes and stages of development. Separate chapters are devoted to the diagnosis of burn-out syndrome and prevention. Furthermore, the concept of a special educator and a multiple disability is explained in the theoretical section and a special primary school is described here. The practical part focuses on quantitative research into burn-out syndrome in two selected groups - special educators in special primary schools and teachers in ordinary primary schools. The results of the investigation are then compared with each other

    The use of ČTK by Mladá fronta Dnes and Hospodářské noviny during the European Football Championship 2004

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    Katedra žurnalistikyDepartment of JournalismFakulta sociálních vědFaculty of Social Science

    Irony in TV talk show

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    This work deals with irony in popular television genre, entertaining talk show. The first partdefines the basic concepts which we work with (public communication, cooperative principle, politeness, irony). In the second part there is characterized the media dialogue, specifically talk show. The third part deals with particular public television's talk show - Všechnopárty. This thesis examines, on selected examples, how irony works in the show, how it manifests itself and how it is used by participants in talk show. The main finding is that irony in Všechnopárty is used as a communication game, mostly as a specific variant of irony called teasing (banter). It is a communication acting describable as pretended threatening of face of communication partner or of your own face, resp. communication which intentionally and transparently for the viewer violates Leech's courtesy maxima (most often tactfulness and modesty maxima).Teasing irony in Všechnopárty is used as a fun element increasing attractiveness of the show for spectators and participants of the talk show are usually knowingly involved in it. KEYWORDS communications, media dialogue, talk show, cooperative principle, politeness, irony, teasin

    Zmiany osiągów ruchowych chłopców w wieku 11-15 lat między latami szkolnymi 1996/1997 – 2018/2019

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    Studie vyhodnocuje změny v motorické výkonnosti u chlapců staršího školního věku na základní škole v Lomnici nad Popelkou. Vývoj motorické výkonnosti je sledován u chlapců ve věku 11-15 let z nesportovních tříd na základě neformální testové baterie šesti motorických testů (běh na 60 m, běh na 1000 m, sed-leh opakovaně, skok daleký, trojskok snožmo z místa, shyb opakovaně) v časovém úseku dvaceti dvou let (školní roky 1996/1997 – 2018/2019). Celkově se motorického testování účastnilo 1863 chlapců ve všech věkových kategoriích. Výsledky poukazují na nezměněnou až klesající úroveň motorické výkonnosti v průběhu evidovaného časového období u většiny použitých testů u všech věkových skupin.Die Studie bewertet Veränderungen der motorischen Leistung bei Jungen im höheren Schulalter an einer Grundschule in Lomnice nad Popelkou. Die Entwicklung der Motorleistung wird bei Jungen im Alter von 11 bis 15 Jahren aus nicht sportlichen Klassen anhand einer informellen Testbatterie mit sechs Motortests überwacht (60 m laufen, 1000 m laufen, wiederholt sitzen, Weitsprung, Dreisprung von einem Ort aus, wiederholt drücken) in einem Zeitraum von zweiundzwanzig Jahren (Schuljahre 1996/1997 – 2018/2019). Insgesamt nahmen 1.863 Jungen jeden Alters an Motortests teil. Die Ergebnisse zeigen für die meisten in allen Altersgruppen verwendeten Tests eine unveränderte bis abnehmende motorische Leistung über den aufgezeichneten Zeitraum.The study evaluates changes in motor performance in older school-age boys at a primary school in Lomnice nad Popelkou. The development of motor performance is monitored in boys aged 11-15 years from non-sports classes on the basis of an informal test battery of six motor tests (run for 60 m, run for 1000 m, curl-up, long jump, triple jump from a place, pull-ups) in a period of twenty-two years (school years 1996/1997 – 2018/2019). A total of 1,863 boys of all ages participated in motor testing. The results indicate an unchanged to declining level of motor performance over the recorded time period for most of the tests used in all age groups.W pracy dokonano oceny zmian sprawności ruchowej starszych chłopców w wieku szkolnym ze szkoły podstawowej w Lomnicach nad Popelkou. Rozwój sprawności motorycznej jest monitorowany u chłopców w wieku 11-15 lat z zajęć pozasportowych na podstawie nieformalnej baterii testowej sześciu testów motorycznych (bieg 60 m, bieg 1000 m, wielokrotne siedzenie, skok w dal, trójskok z miejsca, wielokrotne pchanie) w okresie dwudziestu dwóch lat (lata szkolne 1996/1997 – 2018/2019). W testach motorycznych wzięło udział łącznie 1863 chłopców w każdym wieku. Wyniki wskazują na niezmieniony lub malejący poziom sprawności motorycznej w zarejestrowanym okresie dla większości testów stosowanych we wszystkich grupach wiekowych