83,824 research outputs found

    Health state values for the HUI 2 descriptive system: results from a UK survey

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    This paper reports the results of a study to estimate a statistical health state valuation model for a revised version of the Health Utilities Index Mark 2, using Standard Gamble health state preference data. A sample of 51 health states were valued by a sample of the 198 members of the UK general population. Models are estimated for predicting health state valuations for all 8,000 states defined by the revised HUI2. The recommended model produces logical and significant coefficients for all levels of all dimensions in the HUI2. These coefficients appear to be robust across model specifications. This model performs well in predicting the observed health state values within the valuation sample and for a separate validation sample of health states. However, there are concerns over large prediction errors for two health states in the valuation sample. These problems must be balanced against concerns over the validity of using the VAS based health state valuation data of the original HUI2 valuation model.HUI2

    Catching the Right Wave: Evaluating Wave Energy Resources and Potential Compatibility with Existing Marine and Coastal Uses

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    Many hope that ocean waves will be a source for clean, safe, reliable and affordable energy, yet wave energy conversion facilities may affect marine ecosystems through a variety of mechanisms, including competition with other human uses. We developed a decision-support tool to assist siting wave energy facilities, which allows the user to balance the need for profitability of the facilities with the need to minimize conflicts with other ocean uses. Our wave energy model quantifies harvestable wave energy and evaluates the net present value (NPV) of a wave energy facility based on a capital investment analysis. The model has a flexible framework and can be easily applied to wave energy projects at local, regional, and global scales. We applied the model and compatibility analysis on the west coast of Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada to provide information for ongoing marine spatial planning, including potential wave energy projects. In particular, we conducted a spatial overlap analysis with a variety of existing uses and ecological characteristics, and a quantitative compatibility analysis with commercial fisheries data. We found that wave power and harvestable wave energy gradually increase offshore as wave conditions intensify. However, areas with high economic potential for wave energy facilities were closer to cable landing points because of the cost of bringing energy ashore and thus in nearshore areas that support a number of different human uses. We show that the maximum combined economic benefit from wave energy and other uses is likely to be realized if wave energy facilities are sited in areas that maximize wave energy NPV and minimize conflict with existing ocean uses. Our tools will help decision-makers explore alternative locations for wave energy facilities by mapping expected wave energy NPV and helping to identify sites that provide maximal returns yet avoid spatial competition with existing ocean uses

    Tramp Ship Scheduling Problem with Berth Allocation Considerations and Time-dependent Constraints

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    This work presents a model for the Tramp Ship Scheduling problem including berth allocation considerations, motivated by a real case of a shipping company. The aim is to determine the travel schedule for each vessel considering multiple docking and multiple time windows at the berths. This work is innovative due to the consideration of both spatial and temporal attributes during the scheduling process. The resulting model is formulated as a mixed-integer linear programming problem, and a heuristic method to deal with multiple vessel schedules is also presented. Numerical experimentation is performed to highlight the benefits of the proposed approach and the applicability of the heuristic. Conclusions and recommendations for further research are provided.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figures, 5 tables, proceedings paper of Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (MICAI) 201

    QCD axion and quintessential axion

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    The axion solution of the strong CP problem is reviewed together with the other strong CP solutions. We also point out the quintessential axion(quintaxion) whose potential can be extremely flat due to the tiny ratio of the hidden sector quark mass and the intermediate hidden sector scale. The quintaxion candidates are supposed to be the string theory axions, the model independent or the model dependent axions.Comment: 15 pages. Talk presented at Castle Ringberg, June 9-14, 200

    Asymmetry of localised states in a single quantum ring: polarization dependence of excitons and biexcitons

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    We performed spectroscopic studies of a single GaAs quantum ring with an anisotropy in the rim height. The presence of an asymmetric localised state was suggested by the adiabatic potential. The asymmetry was investigated in terms of the polarization dependence of excitons and biexcitons, where a large energy di erence (0.8 meV) in the exciton emission energy for perpendicular polarizations was observed and the oscillator strengths were also compared using the photoluminescence decay rate. For perpendicular polarizations the biexciton exhibits twice the energy di erence seen for the exciton, a fact that may be attributed to a possible change in the selection rules for the lowered symmetry.Comment: accepted in Applied physics Letter

    Structure of Titan's mid-range magnetic tail: Cassini magnetometer observations during the T9 flyby

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    We analyze the magnetic structure of Titan's mid-range magnetic tail (5-6 Titan radii downstream from the moon) during Cassini's T9 flyby. Cassini magnetometer (MAG) measurements reveal a well-defined, induced magnetic tail consisting of two lobes and a distinct central current sheet. MAG observations also indicate that Saturn's background magnetic field is close to the moon's orbital plane and that the magnetospheric flow has a significant component in the Saturn-Titan direction. The analysis of MAG data in a coordinate system based on the orientation of the background magnetic field and an estimation of the incoming flow direction suggests that Titan's magnetic tail is extremely asymmetric. An important source of these asymmetries is the connection of the inbound tail lobe and the outbound tail lobe to the dayside and nightside hemispheres of Titan, respectively. Another source could be the perturbations generated by changes in the upstream conditions

    User-driven design of robot costume for child-robot interactions among children with cognitive impairment

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    The involvement of arts and psychology elements in robotics research for children with cognitive impairment is still limited. However, the combination of robots, arts, psychology and education in the development of robots could significantly contribute to the improvement of social interaction skills among children with cognitive impairment. In this article, we would like to share our work on building and innovating the costume of LUCA's robot, which incorporating the positive psychological perspectives and arts values for children with cognitive impairment. Our goals are (1) to educate arts students in secondary arts school on the importance of social robot appearance for children with cognitive impairment, and (2) to select the best costume for future child-robot interaction study with children with cognitive impairments

    Excited exciton and biexciton localised states in a single quantum ring

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    We observe excited exciton and biexciton states of localised excitons in an anisotropic quantum ring, where large polarisation asymmetry supports the presence of a crescent-like localised structure. We also find that saturation of the localised ground state exciton with increasing excitation can be attributed to relatively fast dissociation of biexcitons (? 430 ps) compared to slow relaxation from the excited state to the ground state (? 1000 ps). As no significant excitonic Aharonov-Bohm oscillations occur up to 14 T, we conclude that phase coherence around the rim is inhibited as a consequence of height anisotropy in the quantum ring.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Shunning the scoop: Sidestepping the race to publish.

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    What happens when a researcher finds out that research very similar to their own is already being conducted? What if they find out that the said research is also very close to being published? First, there is probably anxiety and panic. Maybe, there are frantic calls to collaborators. Perhaps Twitter rants about the phenomenon of scooping that plagues all researchers, especially those early-career researchers who often feel they are in a race to get their best work out to the world

    Young people and political action: who is taking responsibility for positive social change?

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    A human rights perspective suggests that we are all responsible for ensuring the human rights of others, which in turn ensures that our own human rights are respected and protected. A convenience sample of 108 young people (41 males and 67 females) aged between 16 and 25 completed a questionnaire which asked about (a) levels of involvement in political activity and (b) sense of personal responsibility for ensuring that the human rights of marginalised groups (e.g. ethnic minorities, immigrants, lesbians and gay men) are protected. Findings showed that most respondents supported (in principle) the notion of human rights for all, but tended to engage in low key political activity (e.g. signing petitions; donating money or goods to charity) rather than actively working towards positive social change. Qualitative data collected in the questionnaire suggested three main barriers to respondents viewing themselves as agents of positive social change: (1) "It’s not my problem", (2) "It’s not my responsibility", and (3) a sense of helplessness. Suggestions for how political action might best be mobilised among young people are also discussed.</p
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