15 research outputs found

    Multiparametric Immunoimaging Maps Inflammatory Signatures in Murine Myocardial Infarction Models.

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    In the past 2 decades, research on atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease has uncovered inflammation to be a key driver of the pathophysiological process. A pressing need therefore exists to quantitatively and longitudinally probe inflammation, in preclinical models and in cardiovascular disease patients, ideally using non-invasive methods and at multiple levels. Here, we developed and employed in vivo multiparametric imaging approaches to investigate the immune response following myocardial infarction. The myocardial infarction models encompassed either transient or permanent left anterior descending coronary artery occlusion in C57BL/6 and Apoe-/-mice. We performed nanotracer-based fluorine magnetic resonance imaging and positron emission tomography (PET) imaging using a CD11b-specific nanobody and a C-C motif chemokine receptor 2-binding probe. We found that immune cell influx in the infarct was more pronounced in the permanent occlusion model. Further, using 18F-fluorothymidine and 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose PET, we detected increased hematopoietic activity after myocardial infarction, with no difference between the models. Finally, we observed persistent systemic inflammation and exacerbated atherosclerosis in Apoe-/- mice, regardless of which infarction model was used. Taken together, we showed the strengths and capabilities of multiparametric imaging in detecting inflammatory activity in cardiovascular disease, which augments the development of clinical readouts.This work was supported by National Institute of Health grants R01HL143814 (to Dr Fayad), P01HL131478 (Drs Fayad and Mulder), P41EB025815 (Drs Liu and Gropler ), R35HL145212 (Dr Liu), and R35HL139598 (Dr Nahrendorf) and award K22CA226040 (Dr Rashidian). This work was also supported by an Innovation Research Fund Basic Research Award from the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute (Dr Rashidian). Dr Maier was supported by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft grants (MA 7059/1 and MA 7059/3-1) and is part of SFB1425 funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (project no. 422681845). All other authors have reported that they have no relationships relevant to the contents of this paper to disclose.S

    A modular approach toward producing nanotherapeutics targeting the innate immune system.

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    Immunotherapies controlling the adaptive immune system are firmly established, but regulating the innate immune system remains much less explored. The intrinsic interactions between nanoparticles and phagocytic myeloid cells make these materials especially suited for engaging the innate immune system. However, developing nanotherapeutics is an elaborate process. Here, we demonstrate a modular approach that facilitates efficiently incorporating a broad variety of drugs in a nanobiologic platform. Using a microfluidic formulation strategy, we produced apolipoprotein A1-based nanobiologics with favorable innate immune system-engaging properties as evaluated by in vivo screening. Subsequently, rapamycin and three small-molecule inhibitors were derivatized with lipophilic promoieties, ensuring their seamless incorporation and efficient retention in nanobiologics. A short regimen of intravenously administered rapamycin-loaded nanobiologics (mTORi-NBs) significantly prolonged allograft survival in a heart transplantation mouse model. Last, we studied mTORi-NB biodistribution in nonhuman primates by PET/MR imaging and evaluated its safety, paving the way for clinical translation.This work was supported by NIH grants R01 CA220234, R01 HL144072, P01 HL131478, and NWO/ZonMW Vici 91818622 (to W.J.M.M.); R01 HL143814 and P01HL131478 (to Z.A.F.); R01 AI139623 (to J.O.); and P30 CA008748 (to T.R.). M.M.T.v.L. was supported by the American Heart Association (grant 19PRE34380423). M.G.N. was supported by a Spinoza grant from the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research and an ERC Advanced Grant (no. 833247); L.A.B.J. was supported by a Competitiveness Operational Programme grant of the Romanian Ministry of European Funds (P_37_762, MySMIS 103587).S

    Resolving sepsis-induced immunoparalysis via trained immunity by targeting interleukin-4 to myeloid cells.

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    Immunoparalysis is a compensatory and persistent anti-inflammatory response to trauma, sepsis or another serious insult, which increases the risk of opportunistic infections, morbidity and mortality. Here, we show that in cultured primary human monocytes, interleukin-4 (IL4) inhibits acute inflammation, while simultaneously inducing a long-lasting innate immune memory named trained immunity. To take advantage of this paradoxical IL4 feature in vivo, we developed a fusion protein of apolipoprotein A1 (apoA1) and IL4, which integrates into a lipid nanoparticle. In mice and non-human primates, an intravenously injected apoA1-IL4-embedding nanoparticle targets myeloid-cell-rich haematopoietic organs, in particular, the spleen and bone marrow. We subsequently demonstrate that IL4 nanotherapy resolved immunoparalysis in mice with lipopolysaccharide-induced hyperinflammation, as well as in ex vivo human sepsis models and in experimental endotoxemia. Our findings support the translational development of nanoparticle formulations of apoA1-IL4 for the treatment of patients with sepsis at risk of immunoparalysis-induced complications.We thank M. Jaeger (Radboudumc) for kindly providing flourescein isothiocyanate-labelled Candida albicans. D. Williams (East Tennessee State University) provided the β-glucan we used in our initial experiments. H. Lemmers (Radboudumc) kindly prepared the purified lipopolysaccharide used for stimulation of primary human monocytes and macrophages. Part of the figures were prepared using (among other software) Biorender.com. B.N. is supported by a National Health and Medical Research Council (Australia) Investigator Grant (APP1173314). This work was supported by National Institutes of Health grants R01 HL144072, R01 CA220234 and P01 HL131478, as well as a Vici grant from the Dutch Research Council NWO and an ERC Advanced Grant (all to W.J.M.M.). M.G.N. was supported by a Spinoza grant from Dutch Research Council NWO and an ERC Advanced Grant (#833247).S

    Multiparametric Immunoimaging Maps Inflammatory Signatures in Murine Myocardial Infarction Models

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    In the past 2 decades, research on atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease has uncovered inflammation to be a key driver of the pathophysiological process. A pressing need therefore exists to quantitatively and longitudinally probe inflammation, in preclinical models and in cardiovascular disease patients, ideally using non-invasive methods and at multiple levels. Here, we developed and employed in vivo multiparametric imaging approaches to investigate the immune response following myocardial infarction. The myocardial infarction models encompassed either transient or permanent left anterior descending coronary artery occlusion in C57BL/6 and Apoe−/−mice. We performed nanotracer-based fluorine magnetic resonance imaging and positron emission tomography (PET) imaging using a CD11b-specific nanobody and a C-C motif chemokine receptor 2-binding probe. We found that immune cell influx in the infarct was more pronounced in the permanent occlusion model. Further, using 18F-fluorothymidine and 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose PET, we detected increased hematopoietic activity after myocardial infarction, with no difference between the models. Finally, we observed persistent systemic inflammation and exacerbated atherosclerosis in Apoe−/− mice, regardless of which infarction model was used. Taken together, we showed the strengths and capabilities of multiparametric imaging in detecting inflammatory activity in cardiovascular disease, which augments the development of clinical readouts

    FSH-blocking therapeutic for osteoporosis

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    Pharmacological and genetic studies over the past decade have established the follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) as an actionable target for diseases affecting millions, namely osteoporosis, obesity, and Alzheimer\u27s disease. Blocking FSH action prevents bone loss, fat gain and neurodegeneration in mice. We recently developed a first-in-class, humanized, epitope-specific FSH-blocking antibody, MS-Hu6, with a K of 7.52 nM. Using a GLP-compliant platform, we now report the efficacy of MS-Hu6 in preventing and treating osteoporosis in mice and parameters of acute safety in monkeys. Biodistribution studies using Zr-labelled, biotinylated or unconjugated MS-Hu6 in mice and monkeys showed localization to bone and bone marrow. MS-Hu6 displayed a β phase t of 7.5 days (180 hours) in humanized Tg32 mice. We tested 217 variations of excipients using the protein thermal shift assay to generate a final formulation that rendered MS-Hu6 stable in solution upon freeze-thaw and at different temperatures, with minimal aggregation, and without self-, cross-, or hydrophobic interactions or appreciable binding to relevant human antigens. MS-Hu6 showed the same level of \u27humanness\u27 as human IgG1 and was non-immunogenic in ELISPOT assays for IL-2 and IFNg in human peripheral blood mononuclear cell cultures. We conclude that MS-Hu6 is efficacious, durable, and manufacturable, and is therefore poised for future human testing

    Employing nanobodies for immune landscape profiling by PET imaging in mice

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    Summary: Noninvasive immunoimaging holds great potential for studying and stratifying disease as well as therapeutic efficacy. Radiolabeled single-domain antibody fragments (i.e., nanobodies) are appealing probes for immune landscape profiling, as they display high stability, rapid targeting, and excellent specificity, while allowing extremely sensitive nuclear readouts. Here, we present a protocol for radiolabeling an anti-CD11b nanobody and studying its uptake in mice by a combination of positron emission tomography imaging, ex vivo gamma counting, and autoradiography. Our protocol is applicable to nanobodies against other antigens.For complete details on the use and execution of this protocol, please see Priem et al. (2020), Senders et al. (2019), or Rashidian et al. (2017)

    Investigating the Cellular Specificity in Tumors of a Surface-Converting Nanoparticle by Multimodal Imaging

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    © 2017 American Chemical Society. Active targeting of nanoparticles through surface functionalization is a common strategy to enhance tumor delivery specificity. However, active targeting strategies tend to work against long polyethylene glycol's shielding effectiveness and associated favorable pharmacokinetics. To overcome these limitations, we developed a matrix metalloproteinase-2 sensitive surface-converting polyethylene glycol coating. This coating prevents nanoparticle-cell interaction in the bloodstream, but, once exposed to matrix metalloproteinase-2, i.e., when the nanoparticles accumulate within the tumor interstitium, the converting polyethylene glycol coating is cleaved, and targeting ligands become available for binding to tumor cells. In this study, we applied a comprehensive multimodal imaging strategy involving optical, nuclear, and magnetic resonance imaging methods to evaluate this coating approach in a breast tumor mouse model. The data obtained revealed that this surface-converting coating enhances the nanoparticle's blood half-life and tumor accumulation and ultimately results in improved tumor-cell targeting. Our results show that this enzyme-specific surface-converting coating ensures a high cell-targeting specificity without compromising favorable nanoparticle pharmacokinetics

    Investigating the Cellular Specificity in Tumors of a Surface-Converting Nanoparticle by Multimodal Imaging

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    Active targeting of nanoparticles through surface functionalization is a common strategy to enhance tumor delivery specificity. However, active targeting strategies tend to work against long polyethylene glycol's shielding effectiveness and associated favorable pharmacokinetics. To overcome these limitations, we developed a matrix metalloproteinase-2 sensitive surface-converting polyethylene glycol coating. This coating prevents nanoparticle-cell interaction in the bloodstream, but, once exposed to matrix metalloproteinase-2, i.e., when the nanoparticles accumulate within the tumor interstitium, the converting polyethylene glycol coating is cleaved, and targeting ligands become available for binding to tumor cells. In this study, we applied a comprehensive multimodal imaging strategy involving optical, nuclear, and magnetic resonance imaging methods to evaluate this coating approach in a breast tumor mouse model. The data obtained revealed that this surface-converting coating enhances the nanoparticle's blood half-life and tumor accumulation and ultimately results in improved tumor-cell targeting. Our results show that this enzyme-specific surface-converting coating ensures a high cell-targeting specificity without compromising favorable nanoparticle pharmacokinetic

    In vivo imaging of cerebral glucose metabolism informs on subacute to chronic post-stroke tissue status – A pilot study combining PET and deuterium metabolic imaging

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    Recanalization therapy after acute ischemic stroke enables restoration of cerebral perfusion. However, a significant subset of patients has poor outcome, which may be caused by disruption of cerebral energy metabolism. To assess changes in glucose metabolism subacutely and chronically after recanalization, we applied two complementary imaging techniques, fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) positron emission tomography (PET) and deuterium (2H) metabolic imaging (DMI), after 60-minute transient middle cerebral artery occlusion (tMCAO) in C57BL/6 mice. Glucose uptake, measured with FDG PET, was reduced at 48 hours after tMCAO and returned to baseline value after 11 days. DMI revealed effective glucose supply as well as elevated lactate production and reduced glutamate/glutamine synthesis in the lesion area at 48 hours post-tMCAO, of which the extent was dependent on stroke severity. A further decrease in oxidative metabolism was evident after 11 days. Immunohistochemistry revealed significant glial activation in and around the lesion, which may play a role in the observed metabolic profiles. Our findings indicate that imaging (altered) active glucose metabolism in and around reperfused stroke lesions can provide substantial information on (secondary) pathophysiological changes in post-ischemic brain tissue

    Systematically evaluating DOTATATE and FDG as PET immuno-imaging tracers of cardiovascular inflammation.

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    Funder: Engineering and Physical Sciences Research CouncilFunder: Higher Education Funding Council for EnglandFunder: NIHR Cambridge Biomedical Research CentreFunder: British Heart FoundationIn recent years, cardiovascular immuno-imaging by positron emission tomography (PET) has undergone tremendous progress in preclinical settings. Clinically, two approved PET tracers hold great potential for inflammation imaging in cardiovascular patients, namely FDG and DOTATATE. While the former is a widely applied metabolic tracer, DOTATATE is a relatively new PET tracer targeting the somatostatin receptor 2 (SST2). In the current study, we performed a detailed, head-to-head comparison of DOTATATE-based radiotracers and [18F]F-FDG in mouse and rabbit models of cardiovascular inflammation. For mouse experiments, we labeled DOTATATE with the long-lived isotope [64Cu]Cu to enable studying the tracer's mode of action by complementing in vivo PET/CT experiments with thorough ex vivo immunological analyses. For translational PET/MRI rabbit studies, we employed the more widely clinically used [68Ga]Ga-labeled DOTATATE, which was approved by the FDA in 2016. DOTATATE's pharmacokinetics and timed biodistribution were determined in control and atherosclerotic mice and rabbits by ex vivo gamma counting of blood and organs. Additionally, we performed in vivo PET/CT experiments in mice with atherosclerosis, mice subjected to myocardial infarction and control animals, using both [64Cu]Cu-DOTATATE and [18F]F-FDG. To evaluate differences in the tracers' cellular specificity, we performed ensuing ex vivo flow cytometry and gamma counting. In mice subjected to myocardial infarction, in vivo [64Cu]Cu-DOTATATE PET showed higher differential uptake between infarcted (SUVmax 1.3, IQR, 1.2-1.4, N = 4) and remote myocardium (SUVmax 0.7, IQR, 0.5-0.8, N = 4, p = 0.0286), and with respect to controls (SUVmax 0.6, IQR, 0.5-0.7, N = 4, p = 0.0286), than [18F]F-FDG PET. In atherosclerotic mice, [64Cu]Cu-DOTATATE PET aortic signal, but not [18F]F-FDG PET, was higher compared to controls (SUVmax 1.1, IQR, 0.9-1.3 and 0.5, IQR, 0.5-0.6, respectively, N = 4, p = 0.0286). In both models, [64Cu]Cu-DOTATATE demonstrated preferential accumulation in macrophages with respect to other myeloid cells, while [18F]F-FDG was taken up by macrophages and other leukocytes. In a translational PET/MRI study in atherosclerotic rabbits, we then compared [68Ga]Ga-DOTATATE and [18F]F-FDG for the assessment of aortic inflammation, combined with ex vivo radiometric assays and near-infrared imaging of macrophage burden. Rabbit experiments showed significantly higher aortic accumulation of both [68Ga]Ga-DOTATATE and [18F]F-FDG in atherosclerotic (SUVmax 0.415, IQR, 0.338-0.499, N = 32 and 0.446, IQR, 0.387-0.536, N = 27, respectively) compared to control animals (SUVmax 0.253, IQR, 0.197-0.285, p = 0.0002, N = 10 and 0.349, IQR, 0.299-0.423, p = 0.0159, N = 11, respectively). In conclusion, we present a detailed, head-to-head comparison of the novel SST2-specific tracer DOTATATE and the validated metabolic tracer [18F]F-FDG for the evaluation of inflammation in small animal models of cardiovascular disease. Our results support further investigations on the use of DOTATATE to assess cardiovascular inflammation as a complementary readout to the widely used [18F]F-FDG