1,889 research outputs found

    Rules for transition rates in nonequilibrium steady states

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    Just as transition rates in a canonical ensemble must respect the principle of detailed balance, constraints exist on transition rates in driven steady states. I derive those constraints, by maximum information-entropy inference, and apply them to the steady states of driven diffusion and a sheared lattice fluid. The resulting ensemble can potentially explain nonequilibrium phase behaviour and, for steady shear, gives rise to stress-mediated long-range interactions.Comment: 4 pages. To appear in Physical Review Letter

    Detecting agricultural to urban land use change from multi-temporal MSS digital data

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    Conversion of agricultural land to a variety of urban uses is a major problem along the Wasatch Front, Utah. Although LANDSAT MSS data is a relatively coarse tool for discriminating categories of change in urban-size plots, its availability prompts a thorough test of its power to detect change. The procedures being applied to a test area in Salt Lake County, Utah, where the land conversion problem is acute are presented. The identity of land uses before and after conversion was determined and digital procedures for doing so were compared. Several algorithms were compared, utilizing both raw data and preprocessed data. Verification of results involved high quality color infrared photography and field observation. Two data sets were digitally registered, specific change categories internally identified in the software, results tabulated by computer, and change maps printed at 1:24,000 scale

    Entanglement generated between a single atom and a laser pulse

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    We quantify the entanglement generated between an atom and a laser pulse in free space. We find that the entanglement calculated using a simple closed-system Jaynes-Cummings Hamiltonian is in remarkable agreement with a full open-system calculation, even though the free-space geometry is far from the strong coupling regime of cavity QED. We explain this result using a simple model in which the atom couples weakly to the laser while coupling strongly to the vacuum. Additionally we place an upper bound on the total entanglement between the atom and all paraxial modes using a quantum trajectories unravelling. This upper bound provides a benchmark for atom-laser coupling.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    A simple formula for pooling knowledge about a quantum system

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    When various observers obtain information in an independent fashion about a classical system, there is a simple rule which allows them to pool their knowledge, and this requires only the states-of-knowledge of the respective observers. Here we derive an equivalent quantum formula. While its realm of applicability is necessarily more limited, it does apply to a large class of measurements, and we show explicitly for a single qubit that it satisfies the intuitive notions of what it means to pool knowledge about a quantum system. This analysis also provides a physical interpretation for the trace of the product of two density matrices.Comment: 5 pages, Revtex

    Static investigation of the circulation control wing/upper surface blowing concept applied to the quiet short haul research aircraft

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    Full scale static investigations were conducted on the Quiet Short Haul Research Aircraft (QSRA) to determine the thrust deflecting capabilities of the circulation control wing/upper surface blowing (CCW/USB) concept. This scheme, which combines favorable characteristics of both the A-6/CCW and QSRA, employs the flow entrainment properties of CCW to pneumatically deflect engine thrust in lieu of the mechanical USB flap system. Results show that the no moving parts blown system produced static thrust deflections in the range of 40 deg to 97 deg (depending on thrust level) with a CCW pressure of 208,900 Pa (30.3 psig). In addition, the ability to vary horizontal forces from thrust to drag while maintaining a constant vertical (or lift) value was demonstrated by varying the blowing pressure. The versatility of the CCW/USB system, if applied to a STOL aircraft, was confirmed, where rapid conversion from a high drag approach mode to a thrust recovering waveoff or takeoff configuration could be achieved by nearly instantaneous blowing pressure variation

    Detailed balance has a counterpart in non-equilibrium steady states

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    When modelling driven steady states of matter, it is common practice either to choose transition rates arbitrarily, or to assume that the principle of detailed balance remains valid away from equilibrium. Neither of those practices is theoretically well founded. Hypothesising ergodicity constrains the transition rates in driven steady states to respect relations analogous to, but different from the equilibrium principle of detailed balance. The constraints arise from demanding that the design of any model system contains no information extraneous to the microscopic laws of motion and the macroscopic observables. This prevents over-description of the non-equilibrium reservoir, and implies that not all stochastic equations of motion are equally valid. The resulting recipe for transition rates has many features in common with equilibrium statistical mechanics.Comment: Replaced with minor revisions to introduction and conclusions. Accepted for publication in Journal of Physics

    Breakdown of the few-level approximation in collective systems

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    The validity of the few-level approximation in dipole-dipole interacting collective systems is discussed. As example system, we study the archetype case of two dipole-dipole interacting atoms, each modelled by two complete sets of angular momentum multiplets. We establish the breakdown of the few-level approximation by first proving the intuitive result that the dipole-dipole induced energy shifts between collective two-atom states depend on the length of the vector connecting the atoms, but not on its orientation, if complete and degenerate multiplets are considered. A careful analysis of our findings reveals that the simplification of the atomic level scheme by artificially omitting Zeeman sublevels in a few-level approximation generally leads to incorrect predictions. We find that this breakdown can be traced back to the dipole-dipole coupling of transitions with orthogonal dipole moments. Our interpretation enables us to identify special geometries in which partial few-level approximations to two- or three-level systems are valid

    Illusory Decoherence

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    If a quantum experiment includes random processes, then the results of repeated measurements can appear consistent with irreversible decoherence even if the system's evolution prior to measurement was reversible and unitary. Two thought experiments are constructed as examples.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    Reconstruction of motional states of neutral atoms via MaxEnt principle

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    We present a scheme for a reconstruction of states of quantum systems from incomplete tomographic-like data. The proposed scheme is based on the Jaynes principle of Maximum Entropy. We apply our algorithm for a reconstruction of motional quantum states of neutral atoms. As an example we analyze the experimental data obtained by the group of C. Salomon at the ENS in Paris and we reconstruct Wigner functions of motional quantum states of Cs atoms trapped in an optical lattice

    Accumulation of entanglement in a continuous variable memory

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    We study the accumulation of entanglement in a memory device built out of two continuous variable (CV) systems. We address the case of a qubit mediating an indirect joint interaction between the CV systems. We show that, in striking contrast with respect to registers built out of bidimensional Hilbert spaces, entanglement superior to a single ebit can be efficiently accumulated in the memory, even though no entangled resource is used. We study the protocol in an immediately implementable setup, assessing the effects of the main imperfections.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, RevTeX
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