14 research outputs found

    Why Does a Kronecker Model Result in Misleading Capacity Estimates?

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    Many recent works that study the performance of multi-input multi-output (MIMO) systems in practice assume a Kronecker model where the variances of the channel entries, upon decomposition on to the transmit and the receive eigen-bases, admit a separable form. Measurement campaigns, however, show that the Kronecker model results in poor estimates for capacity. Motivated by these observations, a channel model that does not impose a separable structure has been recently proposed and shown to fit the capacity of measured channels better. In this work, we show that this recently proposed modeling framework can be viewed as a natural consequence of channel decomposition on to its canonical coordinates, the transmit and/or the receive eigen-bases. Using tools from random matrix theory, we then establish the theoretical basis behind the Kronecker mismatch at the low- and the high-SNR extremes: 1) Sparsity of the dominant statistical degrees of freedom (DoF) in the true channel at the low-SNR extreme, and 2) Non-regularity of the sparsity structure (disparities in the distribution of the DoF across the rows and the columns) at the high-SNR extreme.Comment: 39 pages, 5 figures, under review with IEEE Trans. Inform. Theor

    Acute otitis externa: Consensus definition, diagnostic criteria and core outcome set development.

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    OBJECTIVE: Evidence for the management of acute otitis externa (AOE) is limited, with unclear diagnostic criteria and variably reported outcome measures that may not reflect key stakeholder priorities. We aimed to develop 1) a definition, 2) diagnostic criteria and 3) a core outcome set (COS) for AOE. STUDY DESIGN: COS development according to Core Outcome Measures in Effectiveness Trials (COMET) methodology and parallel consensus selection of diagnostic criteria/definition. SETTING: Stakeholders from the United Kingdom. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: Comprehensive literature review identified candidate items for the COS, definition and diagnostic criteria. Nine individuals with past AOE generated further patient-centred candidate items. Candidate items were rated for importance by patient and professional (ENT doctors, general practitioners, microbiologists, nurses, audiologists) stakeholders in a three-round online Delphi exercise. Consensus items were grouped to form the COS, diagnostic criteria, and definition. RESULTS: Candidate COS items from patients (n = 28) and literature (n = 25) were deduplicated and amalgamated to a final candidate list (n = 46). Patients emphasised quality-of-life and the impact on daily activities/work. Via the Delphi process, stakeholders agreed on 31 candidate items. The final COS covered six outcomes: pain; disease severity; impact on quality-of-life and daily activities; patient satisfaction; treatment-related outcome; and microbiology. 14 candidate diagnostic criteria were identified, 8 reaching inclusion consensus. The final definition for AOE was 'diffuse inflammation of the ear canal skin of less than 6 weeks duration'. CONCLUSION: The development and adoption of a consensus definition, diagnostic criteria and a COS will help to standardise future research in AOE, facilitating meta-analysis. Consulting former patients throughout development highlighted deficiencies in the outcomes adopted previously, in particular concerning the impact of AOE on daily life

    Gaussian Sum Particle Filtering For Dynamic State Space Models

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    For dynamic systems, sequential Bayesian estimation requires updating of the filtering and predictive densities. For nonlinear and non-Gaussian models, sequential updating is not as straightforward as in the linear Gaussian model. In this paper, densities are approximated as finite mixture models as is done in the Gaussian sum filter. A novel method is presented, whereby sequential updating of the filtering and posterior densities is performed by particle based sampling methods. The filtering method has combined advantages of Gaussian sum and particle based filters and simulations show that the presented filter can outperform both methods

    Transmit signal design for optimal estimation of correlated MIMO channels

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    Optimal signal design for estimation of correlated MIMO channels

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    This material is presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by authors or by other copyright holders. All persons copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. In most cases, these works may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder