413 research outputs found

    Joint Planck and WMAP Assessment of Low CMB Multipoles

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    The remarkable progress in cosmic microwave background (CMB) studies over past decade has led to the era of precision cosmology in striking agreement with the Λ\LambdaCDM model. However, the lack of power in the CMB temperature anisotropies at large angular scales (low-\ell), as has been confirmed by the recent Planck data also (up to =40\ell=40), although statistically not very strong (less than 3σ3\sigma), is still an open problem. One can avoid to seek an explanation for this problem by attributing the lack of power to cosmic variance orcan look for explanations i.e., different inflationary potentials or initial conditions for infl ation to begin with, non-trivial topology, ISW effect etc. Features in the primordial power spectrum (PPS) motivated by the early universe physics has been the most common solution to address this problem. In the present work we also follow this approach and consider a set of PPS which have features and constrain the parameters of those using WMAP 9 year and Planck data employing Markov-Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) analysis. The prominent feature of all the models of PPS that we consider is an infra-red cut off which leads to suppression of power at large angular scales. We consider models of PPS with maximum three extra parameters and use Akaike information criterion (AICAIC) and Bayesian information criterion (BICBIC) of model and Bayesian information criterion (BICBIC) of model selection to compare the models. For most models, we find good constraints for the cut off scale kck_c, however, for other parameters our constraints are not that good. We find that sharp cut off model gives best likelihood value for the WMAP 9 year data, but is as good as power law model according to AICAIC. For the joint WMAP 9+Planck data set, Starobinsky model is slightly preferred by AICAIC which is also able to produce CMB power suppression up to 30\ell\leq30 to some extent.Comment: 27 pages, 10 figures, 3 tables, matches with the published version, abstract is shortened to keep it within arXiv's limit (1920 characters


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    Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana kemampuan mahasiswa PGRI dalam menyelesaikan pembelajaran pembuatan bahan ajar matematika geometri berkonteks PMRI. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Universitas PGRI Palembang melalui berbantuan E-Learning SISFO Universitas PGRI Palembang pada kelas 5G PGSD. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah dengan metode deskriftif kualitatif. Sumber data adalah mahasiswa yang diminta untuk membuat bahan ajar dengan menggunakan metode PMRI. pada pertemuan pertama 32% yang sudah mendekati bahan ajar benar, pada pertemuan ke 2 mahasiwa sudah sedikit memahami tentang pembelajaran tersebut sehingga ada penambahan dalam persen menjadi 50%,sehingga masih 15% yang belum sedikit mengerti tentang pebuatan bahan ajar PMRI ini, pada minggu selanjutnya sudah hampir 95% mengerti tentang bahan ajar matematika melalui PMRI ini. Hasil pembelajarannya menggunakan dokumentasi dan angket hasil dalam pembuatan bahan ajar dalam pembelajaran PMRI di matakuliah Pengembangan Pembelajaran matematika SD.Kata Kunci: Pembelajaran, PMRI, E-learnin

    Komunikasi Kelompok “Social Climber” Pada Kelompok Pergaulan Di Surabaya Townsquare (Sutos)

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui cara berkomunikasi dalam kelompok “social climber” pada saat berada dalam lingkungan pergaulan mereka di Surabaya Townsquare (Sutos). Skripsi ini menggunakan pendekatan penelitian kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian deskriptif. Metode yang digunakan oleh peneliti adalah studi kasus dengan observasi serta wawancara mendalam sebagai metode pengumpulan data. Pada akhirnya penelitian studi kasus ini bertujuan untuk memberikan gambaran serta pemahaman terhadap proses komunikasi kelompok “social climber”. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dalam aktivitas komunikasinya, kelompok Climber menggunakan media untuk menyampaikan pesan mereka, berupa pesan verbal (istilah-istilah) maupun juga pesan non verbal (isyarat gerakan tubuh, fashion, gadget, dan aktivitas di sosial media). Setiap pesan dipilih sesuai dengan apa yang ingin disampaikan kepada anggota kelompok Climber ataupun publik lingkungan pergaulan mereka dengan cara menunjukkan peran tertentu, yaitu mereka berada di dalam kelas sosial menengah keatas. Kesan ini dimunculkan oleh kelompok Climber sebagai suatu pertunjukan agar sudut pandang yang melihat ini (publik lingkungan pergaulan dan anggota kelompok) sesuai dengan tujuan mereka yaitu "dipandang" berasal dari kalangan menengah ke atas dan mereka dapat diterima oleh anggota kelompok maupun publik dalam lingkungan pergaulannya


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    Kemampuan beradaptasi dengan cara merespon permintaan pasar dan inovasi pengolahan kerajinan rambut palsu di Purbalingga menjadikannya mampu bertahan hingga 68 tahun. Sebagai modal keberlanjutan usaha, inovasi mencakup proses pelaku usaha mengakses ide kreatif dari berbagai sumber dan menerapkannya sesuai kondisi dan kebutuhan. Inovasi mampu memberikan nilai tambah melalui berbagai penciptaan alternatif produk rambut palsu. Secara empiris inovasi tidak hanya berasal dari keahlian yang diwariskan, namun juga dari kepekaan memanfaatkan ide dan pengetahuan baru dari sumber lain. Aliran inovasi memberikan ilustrasi asal sumber ide kreatif dan bagaimana ide tersebut sampai kepada pelaku usaha, sehingga mampu menghasilkan diversifikasi produk, perluasan jejaring pemasaran maupun perolehan bahan baku untuk efisiensi proses produksi. Tujuan penelitian ini berpa identifikasi aliran inovasi industri kreatif kerajinan rambut palsu. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif melalui pendekatan studi kasus. Wawancara mendalam dilakukan kepada 10 narasumber yang dipilih menggunakan teknik snowballing. Analisis kronologis perkembangan usaha diilustrasikan secara deskriptif dan spasial didukung teknik triangulasi menggunakan desk study. Temuan penelitian menunjukkan aliran inovasi kerajinan rambut palsu di Purbalingga tidak hanya bersumber dari pengetahuan yang diwariskan, tetapi juga pengetahuan baru dari interaksi dengan pabrik rambut palsu, pelatihan dan mitra kerja pemasaran. Perluasan perkembangan pasar hingga skala regional juga berperan terhadap aliran inovasi dan munculnya kerajinan rambut palsu di luar Purbalingga. Aliran inovasi juga terjadi antar pelaku usaha melalui interaksi dan pembelajaran sosial dalam hubungan keluarga,  tenaga kerja, dan kompetisi usaha

    Analysis of Relationship Among Stakeholder Pressures, Environmental Management Accounting Use, Strategy, and Innovation: an Empirical Evidence From Indonesia

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    As an increased awareness of a global issue regarding the environmental impact of business activity; this study aims to examine the relationship among stakeholder pressures, environmental management accounting use, strategy, and innovation. This study is performed by conducting the survey to management accountants and environmental managers of companies in Indonesia. The convenience sampling technique was used and resulted in 34% response rate. The hypothesis testing was conducted by using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with SmartPLS 2.0 software. The results are: (1) the stakeholder pressures have a positive effect on EMA use, (2) the prospector strategy has no positive effect on EMA use, (3) EMA use has a positive effect on process innovation, but not with product innovation, (4) the prospector strategy has a positive effect on process innovation as well as on product innovatio

    Pengaruh Prestasi Kerja, Pendidikan, Pengalaman Kerja, Pengenalan, dan Kesempatan untuk Tumbuh terhadap Pengembangan Karir Pegawai Negeri Sipil pada Kantor Dinas Ketentraman Ketertiban dan Satuan Polisi Pamong Praja Kota Denpasar

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    The purpose of this research is to analyze the effect of job performance, education, experience, recognition, and opportunities to grow simultaneously or partially on the career development of civil servants, and to find out which are the most dominant variables affecting the development of the career civil servants. Data collected through interviews, observation, document study, and questionnaires. The study population was a civil servant at the Office of Peace Order and Civil Service Police Unit of Denpasar. Samples taken in stratified random sampling as many as 61 respondents. Results of this study indicate that work performance, education, work experience, recognition and the opportunity to grow simultaneously influence the career development of civil servants, while the variable only partially Education, recognition and the opportunity to grow that have an influence on the career development of civil servants in which variables are the most dominant influence on the career development of civil servants is the recognition variable. The implications of this study that the increasing need for any career civil servants to introduce themselves to the officials of the authority that decides in employee career development and actively engage the career development of civil servants at the Office of Peace Order and Civil Service Police Unit for the presentation of the activities carried out in inside and outside the organization, both as participants and speakers

    Analisis Kepuasan Masyarakat Peserta Program Sarase Warga Sukowati (Saraswati) Terhadap Pelayanan Di RSUD Dr. Soehadi Prijonegoro Kabupaten Sragen (Studi Pelayanan Pasien Rawat Inap)

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    Society satisfaction is a condition where the service performance received is accordance with or greater than the people expectation of the public service. In order that the implementation of health service provider for poor people can run well and be optimum in improving the level of public health, the Government of Sragen held a regional health insurance program namely Sarase Warga Sukowati (Saraswati). The public health service providers in this study is RSUD dr. Soehadi Prijonegoro in Sragen Regency. The research methodology used was SERVQUAL to measure the satisfaction of Saraswati Program Member based on their expectation on the performance of service which is run by Parasuraman et al (1985). The type of research is descriptive analysis through quantitative approach by involved 90 respondents, namely the Saraswati Program Member which was hospitalized. Then the data analysis technique used Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) in form of gap analysis with compatibility level and cartesian diagram. The result of the study indicates that based on the service quality theory by Parasuraman et al in the dimension of service quality: tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and emphaty, the overall average dimension of compatibility level is amounted to 90,01% so that it is categorized as satisfying. While the analysis result of cartesian diagram indicates that the indicator of the ease of procedure, waiting room availability and the hospitality of medical personnels are categorized to A quadran so that the performance is less satisfying. Suggestions that the writer can give are to add customer service counters that explain the procedures and assist in completing the inpatient service facilities and provide optimum waiting room for television media facilities, as well as excellent training services on how to tidy, friendly and competent in patient positions; Service ethics and establishment of attitudes/ attitudes of service; Patient type tip; And service role play

    Penerapan Media Bermain Gambar Dalam Meningkatkan Membaca Permulaan Kelompok B Tk Dharma Putra Kedonganan Tahun Ajaran 2012/2013

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    This research has purpose to improve the creativity and study result of students in inception reading of group B of TK Dharma Putra Kedonganan Academic Year 2012-2013, which the total are 25 students. Design of this research is action evaluation (PTK) that runs in the cycle II. Learning media that is used is the picture playing media. Data collection is carried out by observation to find out the studying creativity level and the test method to find out the study result of the students, the result of inception reading learning test which was carried out in activities in the classroom. Data collected was analyzed descriptively qualitatively. Research result shows that the application of picture playing media to improve creativity and student\u27s study result. It is shown that the student\u27s study creativity level has an increasing from the pre cycle of 49% (less good), to cycle I for 70% (good enough) and cycle II for 74% (good). Children\u27s study completeness who have grade of 70 in pre cycle of 0%, in cycle I is for 44% and in the cycle II is for 100%. Based on the research finding it can be concluded that the picture playing media can improve the creativity and student\u27s study result, and its utilizing is socialized into the learning of inception reading in the Kindergarten school