9 research outputs found

    Education for Peace in the Light of NCF–2005

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    We live in an age of unprecedented levels of violence, with constant threats posed by intolerance, fanaticism, dispute and discordance. Ethical action, peace and welfare are facing new challenges. A strong need is being felt by educationists, philosophers, scientists and political leaders to rejuvenate the human values, which may bring long lasting peace on this planet. The purpose of education goes beyond the propagation of knowledge. Delor’s     report (1996) on learning to live together as the central pillar of education proposes that education must be geared to promote a culture of peace, tolerance, democratic values, human rights and duties among students. With the reality of the alarming increase in violence in school life, the National Curriculum Framework (NCF)–2005 strongly advocates education for peace at all levels of schools. In this backdrop the present paper tries to epitomise the concept of education for peace in the light of NCF–2005. In the final section, approach, strategies, activities and teacher’s role in education for peace in the landscape of school education are also addressed as envisaged in the NCF–2005. Keywords : Education, Peace, Human Values, Harmony, NCF–2005

    Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation — An Appraisal

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    Education aims at making children capable of becoming responsible, productive and useful members of a society. Knowledge, skills and attitudes are built through learning experiences and opportunities created for learners in school. It is in the classroom that learners can analyse and evaluate their experiences, learn to doubt, to question, to investigate and to think independently. The aim of education simultaneously reflects the current needs and aspirations of a society as well as its lasting values and human ideals. As aspiration and expectations of each generation vary with time, constant review of curriculum and evaluation system becomes an essential exercise. The main purposes of evaluation is to help the learners improve their achievement in scholastic areas and to develop life skills and attitudes with reference to the larger context and canvas of life. In keeping with the above, reforms in the examination system are often recommended, sometimes discussed and rarely implemented. Introduction of Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) is one of such reforms which have undergone a long journey. This article examines the concept continuous and comprehensive evaluation, its historical perspectives, its need and importance, its features and role of teacher in implementing CCE in the landscape of Indian school


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    Consciousness, knowledge, and understanding in Islam are a fundamental prerequisite for all Muslims to allow them to affirm, think, and behave under the principles of religion. Muslim women and girls have been seen for years as potential objects of modernization and modernity. Popular belief has arisen that, for a nation to be prosperous, girls need to be educated and will raise their nation from its broad range of social issues. Women's education was indispensable to the discourses that pursued to modernize emerging and Muslim societies. Muslim women thought it was just as important to educate girls as it was to educate boys, and that they acknowledged parental and marital influence over the rights of women to be educated and to work. As Muslim women move up the educational ladder, the role of religion as a predictor of academic achievement is dwindling. This emphasis on the experiences of educated Muslim women exacerbates the prevailing narrative of modernity that portrays women's education and gender equality as an expression of individual women's choice and free will against any patriarchal structures of family, culture, and Islam. Use qualitative approach This paper deals with the historical perspective of Muslim woman's education, their educational rights, curriculum development of Muslim education, and the importance of Muslim female educatio

    Post-Covid Challenges and Opportunities for Higher Education

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    All over the world, the Covid-19 pandemic has had a big impact on the higher education sector. It has also put a lot of pressure on the Indian system of higher education. As a result, all academic institutions and colleges now teach their students through online platforms, thus forcing the higher education sector of the country to move its base online. The present crisis should be used as an opportunity to devise new ways to improve education that everyone can use and understand. Many new types of learning, new ideas, and recent trends have resulted from the pandemic. As we move forward, the same may happen

    A Review on Tribal Literature Focus on Tribal Education With Special Reference to Tribal Women

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    Indian women, who had been respected in medieval India but instead were ignored many decades ago, are now receiving more attention. In India, considerable progress has been achieved in this area, but there is still much more to be done. Tribal society lags in terms of education and social and economic advancement, making it difficult for them to integrate into today's "men-dominated" world. Because of the co-relation and low adoption of educational technology, most people in tribal areas are backward. Tribal communities are secluded, isolated cultures that live in small groups. To some extent, this type of rural development education was attempted even before independence, as part of the community experts to develop the Programme. Education, on the other hand, has been restricted to a few sectors and projects, with extension services developed exclusively to conduct state or national-level plans

    Tribal Parents’ Attitude Towards Higher Education of Girls in Relation to Levels of Education and Their Socioeconomic Status in West Bengal

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    The study focuses on the attitude of parents from tribal communities in West Bengal towards their daughters’ higher education, in terms of levels of education and socioeconomic status. The level of education is low among scheduled tribes of India due to a lack of education awareness. The aim of this study is to examine the attitude of tribal parents towards the higher education of their daughters in relation to levels of education. The study is based on quantitative data. The primary data was acquired from 400 parents, through a random sampling technique, from specific tribal areas in West Bengal. The socioeconomic status of the parents is determined by three indicators including gender dimension, educational status, and geographical (rural and urban) location. The attitude of tribal parents is associated with the psychological behavior of tribal communities because the cultural practices of the communities determine their socio-economic status

    Attitude of Tribal Parents Towards the Higher Education of Girls in India

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    The paper focuses on the attitude of tribal parents regarding the education of girls. This review paper intends to understand the attitudes of tribal parents towards the education of girls in India and West Bengal, according to their gender, educational level, and socioeconomic position. We determined that tribal parents have a positive mindset for their daughters’ education. They realize the importance of education, however they cannot control certain situations, such as migration and the negligence of the girls towards their coeducation. The essential point in all these instances is that tribal parents in India desire to educate their daughters; the majority of them face severe challenges due to a lack of schools or lack of basic infrastructure within the area’s current schools

    Socio-Economic Realities of Muslim Dalits Women in India During Covid-19

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    Contemporary India is a primitive, patriarchal society of various feudal tribes. When we refer to caste in the political and economic structures of many cultures, we understand the apparent dichotomy between faith and the role of "one woman". Any theoretical understanding of gender equality and gender inequality must be deeply anchored in the field of social control. Dalit women, especially Muslims in India, are seen to be present at a crucial moment when they must overcome three barriers at once: class, race, and masculinity. These are the three hierarchical poles of the social constitution that are necessary to recognise the gender relations and inequality of Dalit women.  In Indian society, Muslim dalit women face unintentional discrimination based on caste, class, and gender. The "untouchables" must live only in shackles, have no domestic property, cook only in porcelain houses, wear only cast-iron clothing, and own no land. This has a long-lasting effect on the experience of the completely weak living conditions of the Dalits, especially women who cannot drink water from popular sources in the villages, become starving workers, engage in trafficking, or commit suicide. Dalit women significantly. Muslim Dalit women have been victims of sexual assault in rural India. The disadvantages of Muslim Dalit women are among the most notable exceptions; their disadvantages are never part of the battle for women in India. However, bourgeois feminism did not advance all the real issues of Dalit women by setting the feminist agenda. The additional bias against Muslim Dalit women due to their gender and caste is evident in the numerous successes achieved by the human development metrics of this group. In all aspects of human growth, literacy, and survival, Muslim dalit women are far worse off than Dalit men and non-Dalit women. This study aims to comprehend the larger connotations that connect Muslim Dalit women's social spaces to COVID-19. Another significant change in the lives of Dalits and their commercial feasibility is the consequence of the transition from a socialist to a democratic state that does not resolve the problems of social security. As a result, the capitalist class of modern liberation engages in sexual relations with Dalit families. The lives of Muslim Dalit female labourers are wrapped up in the obstacles posed by the Brahmanic economy, which is governed by the community. Muslim dalit women's domestic and foreign labour is deeply ingrained in many segments of the community. In conjunction with these social and political trends, the mistreatment of Muslim Dalit women is on the rise, as is subtle or extreme discrimination within Dalit households. As a result, this paper aims to elicit queries from Muslim Dalit women during the COVID-19 period

    Exploration of Digital Literacy Among Muslim Household Women in West Bengal, India

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    Digital literacy is the ability of an individual to locate, organize, evaluate, analyze and use the required information using digital technologies. It includes a working knowledge of several technologies and understanding of how it can be used. The main objective of the study was to explore the digital literacy of the Muslim household women from West Bengal. The present study also determines the type of device used by them, determining the usage purpose and examines the digital literacy skill.The study is Descriptive survey nature where purposive sampling techniques has been adopted for selecting the respondents from the study area of West Bengal. The total number of respondents were 103. As a research instrument investigator used two different tools- firstly Self-made questionnaire on the usage purpose. Secondly, Digital skill questionnaire developed by “Clinically validated Integrated Support for Assistive Care and Lifestyle Improvement: the Human Link –Vinci”. The data were analyzed with the help of descriptive and inferential statistics using SPSS software.The findings of the study reveals that there is significant relationship between the usage purpose of internet and the digital literacy.The highly significant relationship is found between involving in social networking sites for communication i.e., .937, which indicates that due to rapid increase of internet use through digital gadgets for communicating with different social networking sites has gradually empowered their digital literacy.The cause and effect level is high and the null hypothesis is rejected. Here digital skill is influenced by the factors of competency level, communication level, content creation level, ability to adopt safety measures and communication level.Therefore now days household women while maintaining the home tradition and culture parallel they are also maintaining track with the digital world as because some of them may have pre- literacy digital skill before their marriage or they may have learned after their marriage.