Education for Peace in the Light of NCF–2005


We live in an age of unprecedented levels of violence, with constant threats posed by intolerance, fanaticism, dispute and discordance. Ethical action, peace and welfare are facing new challenges. A strong need is being felt by educationists, philosophers, scientists and political leaders to rejuvenate the human values, which may bring long lasting peace on this planet. The purpose of education goes beyond the propagation of knowledge. Delor’s     report (1996) on learning to live together as the central pillar of education proposes that education must be geared to promote a culture of peace, tolerance, democratic values, human rights and duties among students. With the reality of the alarming increase in violence in school life, the National Curriculum Framework (NCF)–2005 strongly advocates education for peace at all levels of schools. In this backdrop the present paper tries to epitomise the concept of education for peace in the light of NCF–2005. In the final section, approach, strategies, activities and teacher’s role in education for peace in the landscape of school education are also addressed as envisaged in the NCF–2005. Keywords : Education, Peace, Human Values, Harmony, NCF–2005

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