25 research outputs found

    Diskursus Kepemimpinan Pemerintahan Kontemporer

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    : This article outlines two things: first, the concept of leadership that includes the causal emergence of leaders and leadership requirements; and secondly, the concept of governance includes the debate whether or not the government and the various forms of contemporary governance. As a result, the government\u27s leadership in an area of government is determined by the capabilities possessed by every leader. Capability in question is the ability of the government in implementing the tasks according to the needs and interests of its people and the demands of a global society. It takes the ability of a leader to understand the aspirations of its people and read the trend of the times are constantly changing

    Hidrograf Satuan: Permasalahan dan Alternative Penyelesaian

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    Unit hydrograph is one of flood design method that commonly used in Indonesia. Problems emerge in the unit hydrograph application including high rainfall variability both time and space, lack of automatic rainfall data needed for unit hydrograph derivation. However, the output of the catchment system called hydrograph that represent all the phenomena in the system is available. So, effect of rainfall variability on unit hydrograph and the possibility to derive unit hydrograph based on hydrograph data without rainfall data need to be studied. Unit hydrograph derivation is done by using different rainfall input i.e. single station, rainfall catchment and inverse effective rainfall derived based on hydrograph alone. The resulted unit hydrographs are then used for design flood calculation. Results show that the resulted unit hydrographs vary among the different rainfall inputs. The difference in peak relative to unit hydrograph derived based on average rainfall for Bedog, Code and Winongo catchments could reach -18%, -30% and -11%, respectively. This result indicates that in the catchment studied, the rainfall variability is relatively high. However, the difference in flood peak is quite small, that is up to -12% for all the catchments. There is a trend that the station closest to the catchment centroid gives small bias in design flood relative to the design flood computed based on average rainfall

    Hubungan Budaya Lokal dalam Pelayanan Pemerintahan di Kabupaten Tana Toraja

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    : This study aims to determine and describe the application of the local culture in Tana Toraja district in recent times, especially in the Integrated Licensing Services Office and determine the factors supporting and hindering the implementation of the local culture in the service of the Integrated Licensing Services Office in Tana Toraja district. Data collection methods used were observation, interviews and document study. Then analyzed qualitatively. The results of this study indicate that the concept of regional autonomy in the implementation does not guarantee the existence of local cultural values, specifically in this study is Tallu bakaa (kinaa, toothpick ', Barani). Application of local cultural values Tallu bakaa, can not be applied to the maximum because the value is not fully understood by the personnel. Not all the apparatus also understand kinaa, toothpick 'and Barani, therefore the authors concluded that the application was only partially implemented according to the known fundamental. Local cultural relations in pela-ministry of governance in particular local cultural values Tallu bakaa, very supportive if properly understood and applied these values

    Kajian Variabilitas Curah Hujan Di Kawasan Lereng Gunung Merapi Dengan Uji Mann-kendall

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    Rainfall is one of hydrology components that may be affected by climate change. The change of rainfall pattern can cause much impact on many fields. Many researches about global and regional climate change projection have been conducted. However, research about local scale of climate change based on climate character in local area is still necessary for a better result. Area of this research cover southwest slope of Merapi Mount, Java Island, Indonesia. Automatic rainfall data records from 1989 until 2008 of nine rainfall gauges in Merapi Mount's southwest slope is available. Those data series this research is only adequate for climate variability analysis. The methods to detect trends in this research is non parametric test (Mann-Kendall test). The results show that at level of significance 5%, trend of rainfall in Mt. Merapi slope area is statistically not performing a specific pattern. Wet season occur every November until April while dry season occur every May until October. Neglect of trend signification, annual rainfall has decreace tendency. Rainfall amount in the beginning of wet season has increase tendency while rainfall amount in the middle of wet season and dry season have decreace tendency. Maximum daily and hourly rainfall also have decreace tendency.Spatially, annual rainfall and maximum daily rainfall increased from lower to higher elevation, from east to west and from south to north

    Studi Alternatif Pengendalian Banjir Sungai Tondano di Kota Manado

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    Tondano River, along with its tributary Tikala River, is very potential to cause flood in Manado City. There were three big floods occurred in 1996, 2000 and 2005. In order to mitigate the damage risk due to flood, the controlling effort that can be applied soon in the field is required through short term flood control plan using structural measures. The feasible alternative plans should be evaluated to define the best plan based both on the hydraulics point of view and their effects on the river uses. The study is carried out through the 5 year return period flood routing using the version 3.1 HEC-RAS software. The selected design flood hydrograph is obtained using Nakayasu Synthetic Unit Hydrograph method by elaborating design rainfall derived from partially series rainfall data frequency analysis of Tondano and Tikala watersheds. Flow simulation is conducted in steps by modeling the hydrograph from Tikala River as the lateral inflow. The first simulation is carried out using bank full capacity discharge to define the flood characteristic and the critical sections. The second simulation is carried out for the design flood hydrograph using unsteady flow calculation on each plan to study the hydraulics feasibility. The study conducted herein is elaborated on water surface profile and velocity due to the plans affectivity to carry-off the flood discharge safely as well as the effect on river uses. Based on the existing condition simulation, result shows two reach critical sections of the right bank and one reach critical section of the left bank Tondano River. The results of flood control simulation indicate that there are no significant differences on velocity among plans, but there are disparities on the capacity to carry off flood discharge safely with no overtopping. For the normalization plan, the overtopping is occurred along the critical section, whereas for both dike plan and combination of dike and normalization plan, no overtopping are occurred but the the critical sections are still existed. Revised plans for dike and combination of dike and normalization are equally effective in carrying off flood discharge securely, but have different effects on water utilization during low flow period. Referring to the study result, the best alternative is the revised dike plan

    Biologi Reproduksi Ikan Beseng-beseng (Marosatherina Ladigesi Ahl, 1936) di Beberapa Sungai di Sulawesi Selatan [Reproductive Biology Of Celebes Rainbowfish (Marosatherina Ladigesi Ahl, 1936) In Some Rivers Of South Sulawesi]

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    Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis biologi reproduksi ikan beseng-beseng di Sulawesi Selatan meliputi nisbah ke- lamin, fekunditas, diameter telur, indeks kematangan gonad, tingkat kematangan gonad, dan musim pemijahan. Lokasi pengambilan sampel meliputi Sungai Bantimurung, Sungai Sawae, Sungai Asanae, dan Sungai Jenae. Penelitian dilaku- kan selama satu tahun mulai Januari sampai Desember 2014. Pengambilan sampel ikan menggunakan alat tangkap se- ser. Sampel ikan yang tertangkap dipisahkan berdasarkan jenis kelamin dan diukur panjang total, bobot tubuh, bobot gonad dan fekunditas. Pengukuran panjang total ikan menggunakan mistar geser berketelitian 0,1 mm, sedangkan bobot tubuh dan bobot gonad menggunakan timbangan analitik berketelitian 0,01 g. Gonad diawetkan dalam larutan formalin 4%, untuk penentuan fekunditas, diameter telur, indeks kematangan gonad, dan tingkat kematangan gonad. Nisbah ke- lamin tidak seimbang pada setiap bulan dan fekunditas ikan berkisar antara 98-978 butir. Hubungan fekunditas dengan panjang tubuh ikan berkorelasi erat, sedangkan hubungan fekunditas dengan bobot tubuh berkorelasi lemah. Sebaran diamater telur bervariasi dan tipe pemijahan tidak serentak. Indeks kematangan gonad ikan jantan dan betina meningkat pada bulan Agustus, September, Oktober, November, Desember dan Januari. Ikan yang yang matang gonad ditemukan setiap bulan pengamatan dan puncak pemijahan terjadi pada bulan Desember

    Predicting response in mobile advertising with Hierarchical Importance-Aware Factorization Machine

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    Mobile advertising has recently seen dramatic growth, fu-eled by the global proliferation of mobile phones and devices. The task of predicting ad response is thus crucial for maxi-mizing business revenue. However, ad response data change dynamically over time, and are subject to cold-start situ-ations in which limited history hinders reliable prediction

    Pengawasan Mutu Untuk Mengurangi Tingkat Kerusakan Produk Pada PT Creativindo Promocipta

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    Quality is one of the important things variables when we produce any product. That's why we need to establish a quality inspection to support our production. This research is about quality control in PT CreativindoPromocipta. Quality control need to establish from the very first step of production till the product delivered to our customer. From this research, we could find out that each company having their own quality standard, so it's generally makes a different quality control policy in the same industry. PT CreativindoPromocipta using 100% inspection for their quality control strategy's, along 2006 we found that, there is product which having bad quality, so this company needs to refresh their policy. From this research too we could conclude that PT CreativindoPromocipta needs to applied 100% inspection policy from the very beginning of production process to maximize product quality