2,362 research outputs found

    Heterobimetallic Complexes of Rhenium and Zinc: Potential Catalysts for Homogeneous Syngas Conversion

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    6-(Diphenylphosphino)-2,2′-bipyridine (PNN) coordinates to rhenium carbonyls in both κ^1(P) and κ^2(N,N) modes; in the former, the free bpy moiety readily binds to zinc alkyls and halides. [Re(κ^1(P)-PNN)(CO)_5][OTf] reacts with dialkylzinc reagents to form [Re(κ^1(P)-PNN·ZnR)(CO)_4(μ_(2-)C(O)R)][OTf] (R = Me, Et, Bn), in which an alkyl group has been transferred to a carbonyl carbon and the resulting monoalkyl Zn is bound both to the bpy nitrogens and the acyl oxygen. ZnCl_2 binds readily to the bpy group in Re(κ^1(P)-PNN)(CO)_4Me, and the resulting adduct undergoes facile migratory insertion, assisted by the Lewis acidic pendent Zn, to yield Re(κ^1(P)-PNN·ZnCl)(μ_(2-)Cl)(CO)_3(μ_(2-)C(O)Me), in which one of the chlorides occupies the sixth coordination site on Re. Migratory insertion is inhibited by THF or other ethers that can coordinate to ZnCl_2. Migratory insertion is also observed for Re(κ1(P)-PNN)(CO)_4(CH_2Ph) but not for Re(κ^1(P)-PNN)(CO)_4(CH_2OCH_3); coordination of the methoxy oxygen to Zn appears to block its ability to coordinate to the carbonyl oxygen and facilitate migratory insertion. Intramolecular Lewis acid promoted hydride transfer from [(dmpe)_2PtH][PF_6] to a carbonyl in [Re(κ^1(P)-PNN)(CO)_5][OTf] results in formation of a Re–formyl species; additional hydride transfer leads to a novel Re–Zn-bonded product along with some formal dehyde

    Market Campaigns : implications for Ford Motor Company

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    Transformations of Group 7 Carbonyl Complexes: Possible Intermediates in a Homogeneous Syngas Conversion Scheme

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    A variety of C−H and C−C bond forming reactions of group 7 carbonyl complexes have been studied as potential steps in a homogeneously catalyzed conversion of syngas to C_(2+) compounds. The metal formyl complexes M(CO)_3(PPh_3)_2(CHO) (M = Mn, Re) are substantially stabilized by coordination of boranes BX_3 (X = F, C_6F_5) in the form of novel boroxycarbene complexes M(CO)_3(PPh_3)_2(CHOBX_3), but these boron-stabilized carbenes do not react with hydride sources to undergo further reduction to metal alkyls. The related manganese methoxycarbene cations [Mn(CO)_(5−x)(PPh_3)_x(CHOMe)]+ (x = 1 or 2), obtained by methylation of the formyls, do react with hydrides to form methoxymethyl complexes, which undergo further migratory insertion under an atmosphere of CO. The resulting acyls, cis- and trans-Mn(PPh_3)(CO)_4(C(O)CH_2OMe), can be alkylated to form the cationic carbene complex [Mn(PPh_3)(CO)_4(C(OR)CH_2OMe)]^+, which undergoes a 1,2 hydride shift to form 1,2-dialkoxyethylene, which is displaced from the metal, releasing triflate or diethyl ether adducts of [Mn(PPh_3)(CO)_4]^+. The acyl can also be protonated with HOTf to form a hydroxycarbene complex, which rearranges to Mn(PPh_3)(CO)_4(CH_2COOMe) and is protonolyzed to yield methyl acetate and [Mn(PPh_3)(CO)_4]^+; addition of L (L = PPh_3, CO) to the manganese cation regenerates [Mn(PPh_3)(CO)_4(L)]^+. Since the original formyl complex can be obtained by the reaction of [Mn(PPh_3)(CO)_5]^+ with [PtH(dmpe)_2]^+, which in turn can be generated from H_2, this set of transformations amounts to a stoichiometric cycle for selectively converting H_2 and CO into a C_2 compound under mild conditions

    Hunting The Most Distant Stars in the Milky Way: Methods and Initial Results

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    We present a new catalog of 404 M giant candidates found in the UKIRT Infrared Deep Sky Survey (UKIDSS). The 2,400 deg2^2 available in the UKIDSS Large Area Survey Data Release 8 resolve M giants through a volume four times larger than that of the entire Two Micron All Sky Survey. Combining near-infrared photometry with optical photometry and proper motions from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey yields an M giant candidate catalog with less M dwarf and quasar contamination than previous searches for similarly distant M giants. Extensive follow-up spectroscopy of this sample will yield the first map of our Galaxy's outermost reaches over a large area of sky. Our initial spectroscopic follow-up of ∼\sim 30 bright candidates yielded the positive identification of five M giants at distances ∼20−90\sim 20-90 kpc. Each of these confirmed M giants have positions and velocities consistent with the Sagittarius stream. The fainter M giant candidates in our sample have estimated photometric distances ∼200\sim 200 kpc (assuming [Fe/H][Fe/H] = 0.0), but require further spectroscopic verification. The photometric distance estimates extend beyond the Milky Way's virial radius, and increase by ∼50%\sim 50\% for each 0.5 dex decrease in assumed [Fe/H][Fe/H]. Given the number of M giant candidates, initial selection efficiency, and volume surveyed, we loosely estimate that at least one additional Sagittarius-like accretion event could have contributed to the hierarchical build-up of the Milky Way's outer halo.Comment: 16 pages, 11 figures, emulateapj format. Accepted by A

    Solid-State High-Temperature Power Cells

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    All-solid-state electrochemical power cells have been fabricated and tested in a continuing effort to develop batteries for instruments for use in environments as hot as 500 C. Batteries of this type are needed for exploration of Venus, and could be used on Earth for such applications as measuring physical and chemical conditions in geothermal and oil wells, processing furnaces, and combustion engines. In the state-of-the-art predecessors of the present solid-state power cells, fully packaged molten eutectic salts are used as electrolytes. The molten-salt-based cells can be susceptible to significant amounts of self-discharge and corrosion when used for extended times at elevated temperatures. In contrast, all-solid-state cells such as the present ones are expected to be capable of operating for many days at temperatures up to 500 C, without significant self-discharge. The solid-state cell described here includes a cathode made of FeS2, an electrolyte consisting of a crystalline solid solution of equimolar amounts of Li3PO4 and Li4SiO4, and an anode made of an alloy of Li and Si (see figure). The starting material for making the solid electrolyte is a stoichiometric mixture of Li3PO4, SiO2, and Li3CO2. This mixture is ball-milled, then calcined for two hours at a temperature of 1,100 C, then placed in a die atop the cathode material. Next, the layers in the die are squeezed together at a pressure between 60 and 120 MPa for one hour at a temperature of 600 C to form a unitary structure comprising the solid electrolyte and cathode bonded together. Finally, the lithium-alloy anode is pressure-bonded to the solid electrolyte layer, using an intermediate layer of pure lithium. In one test of a cell of this type, a discharge rate of about 1 mA per gram of cathode material was sustained for 72 hours at a temperature of about 460 C. This is about three times the discharge rate required to support some of the longer duration Venus-exploration mission scenarios

    Integrated Microbatteries for Implantable Medical Devices

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    Integrated microbatteries have been proposed to satisfy an anticipated need for long-life, low-rate primary batteries, having volumes less than 1 mm3, to power electronic circuitry in implantable medical devices. In one contemplated application, such a battery would be incorporated into a tubular hearing-aid device to be installed against an eardrum. This device is based on existing tube structures that have already been approved by the FDA for use in human ears. As shown in the figure, the battery would comprise a single cell at one end of the implantable tube. A small volume of Li-based primary battery cathode material would be compacted and inserted in the tube near one end, followed by a thin porous separator, followed by a pressed powder of a Li-containing alloy. Current-collecting wires would be inserted, with suitably positioned insulators to prevent a short circuit. The battery would contain a liquid electrolyte consisting of a Li-based salt in an appropriate solvent. Hermetic seals would be created by plugging both ends with a waterproof polymer followed by deposition of parylene

    Additive for Low-Temperature Operation of Li-(CF)n Cells

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    Some progress has been reported in continuing research on the use of anion-receptor compounds as electrolyte additives to increase the sustainable rates of discharge and, hence, the discharge capacities, of lithium-poly(carbon monofluoride) [Li-(CF)n, where n >1] primary electrochemical power cells. Some results of this research at a prior stage were summarized in Increasing Discharge Capacities of Li(CF)n Cells (NPO-42346), NASA Tech Briefs, Vol. 32, No. 2 (February 2008), page 37. A major difference between the present and previously reported results is that now there is some additional focus on improving performance at temperatures from ambient down to as low as 40 C. To recapitulate from the cited prior article: During the discharge of a Li-(CF)n cell, one of the electrochemical reactions causes LiF to precipitate at the cathode. LiF is almost completely insoluble in most non-aqueous solvents, including those used in the electrolyte solutions of Li- (CF)n cells. LiF is electrochemically inactive and can block the desired transport of electrons at the cathode, and, hence, the precipitation of LiF can form an ever-thickening film on the cathode that limits the rate of discharge. An anion-receptor electrolyte additive helps to increase the discharge capacity in two ways: It renders LiF somewhat soluble in the non-aqueous electrolyte solution, thereby delaying precipitation until a high concentration of LiF in solution has been reached. When precipitation occurs, it promotes the formation of large LiF grains that do not conformally coat the cathode. The net effect is to reduce the blockage caused by precipitation of LiF, thereby maintaining a greater degree of access of electrolyte to the cathode and greater electronic conductivity

    Increasing Discharge Capacities of Li-(CF)(sub n) Cells

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    An electrolyte additive has shown promise as a means of increasing the sustainable rates of discharge and, hence, the discharge capacities, of lithiumpoly(carbon monofluoride) electrochemical power cells. Lithium-poly(carbon monofluoride) [Li-(CF)n] cells and batteries offer very high specific energies practical values of about 600 W.h/g and a theoretical maximum value of 2,180 W.h/kg. However, because Li-(CF)n cells and batteries cannot withstand discharge at high rates, they have been relegated to niche applications that involve very low discharge currents over times of the order of hundreds to thousands of hours. Increasing the discharge capacities of Li- (CF)n batteries while maintaining high practical levels of specific energy would open new applications for these batteries. During the discharge of a Li-(CF)n cell, one of the electrochemical reactions causes LiF to precipitate at the cathode. LiF is almost completely insoluble in most non-aqueous solvents, including those used in the electrolyte solutions of Li-(CF)n cells. LiF is electrochemically inactive and can block the desired transport of ions at the cathode, and, hence, the precipitation of LiF can form an ever-thickening film on the cathode that limits the rate of discharge

    MoO3 Cathodes for High-Temperature Lithium Thin-Film Cells

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    MoO3 has shown promise as a cathode material that can extend the upper limit of operating temperature of rechargeable lithium thin-film electrochemical cells. Cells of this type are undergoing development for use as energy sources in cellular telephones, wireless medical sensors, and other, similarly sized portable electronic products. The LiCoO2 and LiMn2O4 cathodes heretofore used in these cells exhibit outstanding cycle lives (of the order of hundreds of thousands of cycles) at room temperature, but operation at higher temperatures reduces their cycle lives substantially: for example, at a temperature of 150 C, cells containing LiCoO2 cathodes lose half their capacities in 100 charge/discharge cycles. The superiority of MoO3 as a cathode material was demonstrated in experiments on lithium thin-film cells fabricated on glass slides. Each cell included a layer of Ti (for adhesion to the glass slide), a patterned layer of Pt that served as a cathode current collector, a cathode layer of MoO3, a solid electrolyte layer of Li3.3 PO3.8 N0.22 ("LiPON"), and an anode layer of Li. All the layers were deposited by magnetron sputtering except for the Li layer, which was deposited by thermal evaporation. These cells, along with similar ones containing LiCoO2 cathodes, were subjected to several tests, including measurements of specific capacity in charge/discharge cycling at a temperature of 150 C. The results of these measurements, plotted in the figure, showed that whereas specific capacity of the cells containing LiCoO2 cathodes faded to about half its initial value after only 100 cycles, the specific capacity of the cells containing the MoO3 cathodes faded only slightly during the first few hundred cycles and thereafter not only recovered to its initial value but continued to increase up to at least 5,500 cycles

    The Most Distant Stars in the Milky Way

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    We report on the discovery of the most distant Milky Way (MW) stars known to date: ULAS J001535.72++015549.6 and ULAS J074417.48++253233.0. These stars were selected as M giant candidates based on their infrared and optical colors and lack of proper motions. We spectroscopically confirmed them as outer halo giants using the MMT/Red Channel spectrograph. Both stars have large estimated distances, with ULAS J001535.72++015549.6 at 274±74274 \pm 74 kpc and ULAS J074417.48++253233.0 at 238 ±\pm 64 kpc, making them the first MW stars discovered beyond 200 kpc. ULAS J001535.72++015549.6 and ULAS J074417.48++253233.0 are both moving away from the Galactic center at 52±1052 \pm 10 km s−1^{-1} and 24±1024 \pm 10 km s−1^{-1}, respectively. Using their distances and kinematics, we considered possible origins such as: tidal stripping from a dwarf galaxy, ejection from the MW's disk, or membership in an undetected dwarf galaxy. These M giants, along with two inner halo giants that were also confirmed during this campaign, are the first to map largely unexplored regions of our Galaxy's outer halo.Comment: Accepted and in print by ApJL. Seven pages, 2 figure
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