755 research outputs found

    Newburgh, Town of and CSEA, Town of Newburgh Unit, Orange County Local 836

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    In the Matter of the Fact-Finding between The Town of Newburgh, Public Employer, and The Civil Service Employees Association, Town of Newburgh Unit, Orange County Local 836, Employee Organization. Case No. M2005-177. BEFORE: Jay M. Siegel, Esq., Impartial Fact Finde

    West Hempstead Union Free School District and West Hempstead Education Association

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    In the matter of the fact-finding between the West Hempstead Education Association, employer, and the West Hempstead Education Association, union. PERB case no. M2009-352. Before: Jay M. Siegel, Esq., fact finder

    Quantum chemical prediction of the 13C NMR shifts in alkyl and chlorocorannulenes: correction of chlorine effects

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    Prediction of the 13C NMR shifts of sym-pentachlorocorannulene and decachlorocorannulene provided impetus for the development of a correction scheme based on a regression of experimental and quantum chemical data. A training set of 15 compounds (18 carbon signals) comprising carbons atoms bearing 1-4 chlorine atoms leads to an estimated error per chlorine atom of about 10-12ppm. Specifically, linear regression of the data obtained at B3LYP/cc-pVDZ leads to y=−3.77 + 13.11x, with R=0.982. Ultimately, experiment and theory converge for sym-pentachlorocorannulene and decachlorocorannulene, the former by correction of the theory, the latter by collecting the proper experimental dat

    An Auto-Associative Residual Processing and K-means Clustering Approach for Anemometer Health Assessment

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    This paper presents a health assessment methodology, as well as specific residual processing and figure of merit algorithms for anemometers in two different configurations. The methodology and algorithms are applied to data sets provided by the Prognostics and Health Management Society 2011 Data Challenge. The two configurations consist of the “paired” data set in which two anemometers are positioned at the same height, and the “shear” data set which includes an array of anemometers at different heights. Various wind speed statistics, wind direction, and ambient temperature information are provided, in which the objective is to classify the anemometer health status during a set of samples from a 5 day period. The proposed health assessment methodology consists of a set of data processing steps that include: data filtering and pre-processing, a residual or difference calculation, and a k-means clustering based figure of merit calculation. The residual processing for the paired data set was performed using a straightforward difference calculation, while the shear data set utilized an additional set of algorithm processing steps to calculate a weighted residual value for each anemometer. The residual processing algorithm for the shear data set used a set of auto-associative neural network models to learn the underlying correlation relationship between the anemometer sensors and to calculate a weighted residual value for each of the anemometer wind speed measurements. A figure of merit value based on the mean value of the smaller of the two clusters for the wind speed residual is used to determine the health status of each anemometer. Overall, the proposed methodology and algorithms show promise, in that the results from this approach resulted in the top score for the PHM 2011 Data Challenge Competition. Using different clustering algorithms or density estimation methods for the figure of merit calculation is being considered for future work

    Reading list of selected PASM-related publications

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    Prepared for a chapter to be published in the forthcoming Encyclopedia of Parallel Computing by Springer Publishing Company. The Encyclopedia will contain a broad coverage of the field and will include entries on machine organization, programming, algorithms, and applications. The broad coverage, together with extensive pointers to the literature for in-depth study, is expected to make the Encyclopedia a useful reference tool in parallel computing

    In Memoriam: Albert Hofmann (1906–2008)

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    Commentary on the life achievements of Albert Hofmann (1906–2008), one of UZH's most honored alumni

    Models and heuristics for robust resource allocation in parallel and distributed computing systems

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    Includes bibliographical references.This is an overview of the robust resource allocation research efforts that have been and continue to be conducted by the CSU Robustness in Computer Systems Group. Parallel and distributed computing systems, consisting of a (usually heterogeneous) set of machines and networks, frequently operate in environments where delivered performance degrades due to unpredictable circumstances. Such unpredictability can be the result of sudden machine failures, increases in system load, or errors caused by inaccurate initial estimation. The research into developing models and heuristics for parallel and distributed computing systems that create robust resource allocations is presented.This research was supported by NSF under grant No. CNS-0615170 and by the Colorado State University George T. Abell Endowment

    Officer Involved Shooting Statements: Wait

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    Examines information about shootings involving police officers and suggests that time be given to the involved officer before a statement is required

    Moodys Email From Jay Siegel Regarding Revised Silent Second

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