97 research outputs found

    Does the Unified Protocol Really Change Neuroticism? Results from a Randomized Trial

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    Background Neuroticism is associated with the onset and maintenance of a number of mental health conditions, as well as a number of deleterious outcomes (e.g. physical health problems, higher divorce rates, lost productivity, and increased treatment seeking); thus, the consideration of whether this trait can be addressed in treatment is warranted. To date, outcome research has yielded mixed results regarding neuroticism\u27s responsiveness to treatment, perhaps due to the fact that study interventions are typically designed to target disorder symptoms rather than neuroticism itself. The purpose of the current study was to explore whether a course of treatment with the unified protocol (UP), a transdiagnostic intervention that was explicitly developed to target neuroticism, results in greater reductions in neuroticism compared to gold-standard, symptom focused cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) protocols and a waitlist (WL) control condition. Method Patients with principal anxiety disorders (N = 223) were included in this study. They completed a validated self-report measure of neuroticism, as well as clinician-rated measures of psychological symptoms. Results At week 16, participants in the UP condition exhibited significantly lower levels of neuroticism than participants in the symptom-focused CBT (t(218) =-2.17, p = 0.03, d =-0.32) and WL conditions(t(207) =-2.33, p = 0.02, d =-0.43), and these group differences remained after controlling for simultaneous fluctuations in depression and anxiety symptoms. Conclusions Treatment effects on neuroticism may be most robust when this trait is explicitly targeted

    Haste or Speed? Alterations in the Impact of Incentive Cues on Task Performance in Remitted and Depressed Patients With Bipolar Disorder

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    A variety of evidence suggests that bipolar disorder is associated with disruptions of reward related processes, although the properties, and scope of these changes are not well understood. In the present study, we aimed to address this question by examining performance of patients with bipolar disorder (30 depressed bipolar; 35 euthymic bipolar) on a motivated choice reaction time task. We compared performance with a group of healthy control individuals (n = 44) and a group of patients with unipolar depression (n = 41), who were matched on several demographic variables. The task consists of an “odd-one-out” discrimination, in the presence of a cue signaling the probability of reward on a given trial (10, 50, or 90%) given a sufficiently fast response. All groups showed similar reaction time (RT) performance, and similar shortening of RT following the presentation of a reward predictive cue. However, compared to healthy individuals, the euthymic bipolar group showed a relative increase in commission errors during the high reward compared to low condition. Further correlational analysis revealed that in the healthy control and unipolar depression groups, participants tended either to shorten RTs for the high rather than low reward cue a relatively large amount with an increase in error rate, or to shorten RTs to a lesser extent but without increasing errors to the same degree. By contrast, reward-related speeding and reward-related increase in errors were less well coupled in the bipolar groups, significantly so in the BPD group. These findings suggest that although RT performance on the present task is relatively well matched, there may be a specific failure of individuals with bipolar disorder to calibrate RT speed and accuracy in a strategic way in the presence of reward-related stimuli

    The personalized advantage index: Translating research on prediction into individualized treatment recommendations. A demonstration

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    Background: Advances in personalized medicine require the identification of variables that predict differential response to treatments as well as the development and refinement of methods to transform predictive information into actionable recommendations. Objective: To illustrate and test a new method for integrating predictive information to aid in treatment selection, using data from a randomized treatment comparison. Method: Data from a trial of antidepressant medications (N = 104) versus cognitive behavioral therapy (N = 50) for Major Depressive Disorder were used to produce predictions of post-treatment scores on the Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression (HRSD) in each of the two treatments for each of the 154 patients. The patient's own data were not used in the models that yielded these predictions. Five pre-randomization variables that predicted differential response (marital status, employment status, life events, comorbid personality disorder, and prior medication trials) were included in regression models, permitting the calculation of each patient's Personalized Advantage Index (PAI), in HRSD units. Results: For 60% of the sample a clinically meaningful advantage (PAI≥3) was predicted for one of the treatments, relative to the other. When these patients were divided into those randomly assigned to their "Optimal" treatment versus those assigned to their "Non-optimal" treatment, outcomes in the former group were superior (d = 0.58, 95% CI .17-1.01). Conclusions: This approach to treatment selection, implemented in the context of two equally effective treatments, yielded effects that, if obtained prospectively, would rival those routinely observed in comparisons of active versus control treatments. © 2014 DeRubeis et al

    Multi-drug resistant Acinetobacter infections in critically injured Canadian forces soldiers

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Military members, injured in Afghanistan or Iraq, have returned home with multi-drug resistant <it>Acinetobacter baumannii </it>infections. The source of these infections is unknown.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Retrospective study of all Canadian soldiers who were injured in Afghanistan and who required mechanical ventilation from January 1 2006 to September 1 2006. Patients who developed <it>A. baumannii </it>ventilator associated pneumonia (VAP) were identified. All <it>A. baumannii </it>isolates were retrieved for study patients and compared with <it>A. baumannii </it>isolates from environmental sources from the Kandahar military hospital using pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>During the study period, six Canadian Forces (CF) soldiers were injured in Afghanistan, required mechanical ventilation and were repatriated to Canadian hospitals. Four of these patients developed <it>A. baumannii </it>VAP. <it>A. baumannii </it>was also isolated from one environmental source in Kandahar – a ventilator air intake filter. Patient isolates were genetically indistinguishable from each other and from the isolates cultured from the ventilator filter. These isolates were resistant to numerous classes of antimicrobials including the carbapenems.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>These results suggest that the source of <it>A. baumannii </it>infection for these four patients was an environmental source in the military field hospital in Kandahar. A causal linkage, however, was not established with the ventilator. This study suggests that infection control efforts and further research should be focused on the military field hospital environment to prevent further multi-drug resistant <it>A. baumannii </it>infections in injured soldiers.</p

    Expression profiling of hypothetical genes in Desulfovibrio vulgaris leads to improved functional annotation

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    Hypothetical (HyP) and conserved HyP genes account for >30% of sequenced bacterial genomes. For the sulfate-reducing bacterium Desulfovibrio vulgaris Hildenborough, 347 of the 3634 genes were annotated as conserved HyP (9.5%) along with 887 HyP genes (24.4%). Given the large fraction of the genome, it is plausible that some of these genes serve critical cellular roles. The study goals were to determine which genes were expressed and provide a more functionally based annotation. To accomplish this, expression profiles of 1234 HyP and conserved genes were used from transcriptomic datasets of 11 environmental stresses, complemented with shotgun LC–MS/MS and AMT tag proteomic data. Genes were divided into putatively polycistronic operons and those predicted to be monocistronic, then classified by basal expression levels and grouped according to changes in expression for one or multiple stresses. One thousand two hundred and twelve of these genes were transcribed with 786 producing detectable proteins. There was no evidence for expression of 17 predicted genes. Except for the latter, monocistronic gene annotation was expanded using the above criteria along with matching Clusters of Orthologous Groups. Polycistronic genes were annotated in the same manner with inferences from their proximity to more confidently annotated genes. Two targeted deletion mutants were used as test cases to determine the relevance of the inferred functional annotations

    Differential Requirement for c-Jun N-terminal Kinase 1 in Lung Inflammation and Host Defense

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    The c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) - 1 pathway has been implicated in the cellular response to stress in many tissues and models. JNK1 is known to play a role in a variety of signaling cascades, including those involved in lung disease pathogenesis. Recently, a role for JNK1 signaling in immune cell function has emerged. The goal of the present study was to determine the role of JNK1 in host defense against both bacterial and viral pneumonia, as well as the impact of JNK1 signaling on IL-17 mediated immunity. Wild type (WT) and JNK1 −/− mice were challenged with Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, or Influenza A. In addition, WT and JNK1 −/− mice and epithelial cells were stimulated with IL-17A. The impact of JNK1 deletion on pathogen clearance, inflammation, and histopathology was assessed. JNK1 was required for clearance of E. coli, inflammatory cell recruitment, and cytokine production. Interestingly, JNK1 deletion had only a small impact on the host response to S. aureus. JNK1 −/− mice had decreased Influenza A burden in viral pneumonia, yet displayed worsened morbidity. Finally, JNK1 was required for IL-17A mediated induction of inflammatory cytokines and antimicrobial peptides both in epithelial cells and the lung. These data identify JNK1 as an important signaling molecule in host defense and demonstrate a pathogen specific role in disease. Manipulation of the JNK1 pathway may represent a novel therapeutic target in pneumonia

    Neuroticism And Individual Differences In Neural Function In Unmedicated Major Depression: Findings From The Embarc Study

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    BACKGROUND: Personality dysfunction represents one of the only predictors of differential response between active treatments for depression to have replicated. We examine whether depressed patients with higher neuroticism scores, a marker of personality dysfunction, show differences compared with depressed patients with lower scores in the functioning of two brain regions associated with treatment response, the anterior cingulate and anterior insula cortices. METHODS: Functional magnetic resonance imaging data during an emotional Stroop task were collected from 135 adults with major depressive disorder at four academic medical centers participating in the EMBARC (Establishing Moderators and Biosignatures of Antidepressant Response for Clinical Care) study. Secondary analyses were conducted including a sample of 28 healthy subjects. RESULTS: In whole-brain analyses, higher neuroticism among adults with depression was associated with increased activity in and connectivity with the right anterior insula cortex to incongruent compared with congruent emotional stimuli (all k $ 281, all p , .05 familywise error corrected), covarying for concurrent psychiatric distress. We also observed an unanticipated relationship between neuroticism and reduced activity in the precuneus (k 5 269, p , .05 familywise error corrected). Exploratory analyses including healthy subjects suggested that associations between neuroticism and brain function may be nonlinear over the full range of neuroticism scores. CONCLUSIONS: This study provides convergent evidence for the importance of the right anterior insula cortex as a brain-based marker of clinically meaningful individual differences in neuroticism among adults with depression. This is a critical next step in linking personality dysfunction, a replicated clinical predictor of differential antidepressant treatment response, with differences in underlying brain function

    Abnormal deactivation of the inferior frontal gyrus during implicit emotion processing in youth with bipolar disorder: Attenuated by medication

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    Previous neuroimaging studies of youth with bipolar disorder(BD) have identified abnormalities in emotion regulation circuitry. Using data from the Longitudinal Assessment of Manic Symptoms Cohort (a clinical sample recruited for behavioral and emotional dysregulation), we examined the impact of BD and medication on activation in these regions. Functional neuroimaging data were obtained from 15 youth with BD who currently were unmedicated with a mood stabilizer or antipsychotic (U-BD), 19 youth with medicated BD (M-BD), a non-bipolar clinical sample with high rates of disruptive behavioral disorders (non-BD, n=59), and 29 healthy controls (HC) while they were shown task-irrelevant morphing emotional faces and shapes. Whole brain analysis was used to identify clusters that showed differential activation to emotion vs. shapes across group. To assess pair-wise comparisons and potential confounders, mean activation data were extracted only from clusters within regions previously implicated in emotion regulation (including amygdala and ventral prefrontal regions). A cluster in the right inferior frontal gyrus (IFG) showed group differences to emotion vs. shapes (159 voxels, corrected p<.05). Within this cluster, U-BD youth showed decreased activation relative to HC (p=.007) and non-BD (p=.004) youth. M-BD also showed decreased activation in this cluster relative to HC and non-BD youth, but these differences were attenuated. Results were specific to negative emotions, and not found with happy faces. IFG findings were not explained by other medications (e.g. stimulants) or diagnoses. Compared to both HC and a non-BD sample, U-BD is associated with abnormally decreased right IFG activation to negative emotions