5 research outputs found
The changing american jewish family in the 80s
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Religious participation and family values among American Jewish youth
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Jewish Deadheads: A Cultural Demographic Story
- Author
- Adams
- Adams
- American Jewish Committee
- Anderson
- Bachrach
- Barnes
- Berger
- Bleiweiss
- Bonilla-Silva
- Brodbar-Nemzer
- Burstein
- Fischel
- Friedmann
- Gans
- Ganter
- Garcia
- Gertner
- Gitlin
- Goffman
- Goldin
- Goldscheider
- Goodenough
- Hart Mickey with Jay Stevens and Fredric Lieberman
- Hattam
- Heilman
- Heymel
- Jackson
- Kessner
- Lee
- Lipset
- Loveman
- Nee
- Ramban
- Raphael
- Rogoff
- Scott
- Shenk
- Slezkine
- Svigals
- Werthheimer
- Wuthnow
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study
American Jewry at Risk: “A Time to Act” and the Prioritization of Jewish Education
- Author
- Andrea S Arbel
- Barry Holtz
- Barry Kosmin
- Barry Shrage
- Charles Silberman
- Colloquium on Jewish Education and Jewish Identity
- Daniel J Elazar
- David Finn
- Diane Ravitch
- Emeral Crosby
- Gary Tobin
- Geoffrey Bock
- Gerald Bracey
- Harold Himmelfarb
- Holmes Group
- Jack Wertheimer
- Jack Wertheimer
- Jack Wertheimer
- James Fraser
- James Guthrie
- Jay Brodbar-Nemzer
- Jonathan Krasner
- Jonathan Woocher
- Lawrence Steadman
- Marianne R Sanua
- Samuel Heilman
- Seymour Fox
- Seymour Fox
- Shaul Kelner
- Sidney Vincent
- Stephanie Coontz
- Theodore Hipple
- Walter Ackerman
- Wayne Feinstein
- Yanek Mieczkowski
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
The Impact of Religious Homogeneity on the Rate of Divorce in the United States
- Author
- Aldous Joan
- Blau Peter M.
- Booth Alan
- Bradley Martin
- Breault Kevin D.
- Brodbar-Nemzer Jay Y
- Burgess Ernest W.
- Call Vaughn
- Carlson Christopher
- Chaves Mark
- Coombs Lolagene C.
- D'Antonio William
- D'Antonio William
- Durkheim Emile
- Durkheim Emile.
- Durkheim Emile.
- Ellison Christopher G.
- Ellison Christopher G.
- Eshleman J. Ross
- Glenn Norval
- Glenn Norval
- Glock Charles
- Guttentag Marcia
- Hargrove Barbara
- Heaton Tim B
- Heaton Tim B.
- Iannocone Lawrence R
- Larson L. L.
- Lehrer Evelyn L.
- Martin Teresa Castro
- Ortega Suzanne T.
- Schumm Walker R.
- Shelton Beth Anne
- South Scott J
- Stacey Judith
- Thomas Darwin L
- Thomas Darwin L.
- Trent Katherine
- Turner Bryan
- U.S. Bureau of the Census
- U.S. Bureau of the Census
- U.S. Bureau of the Census
- U.S. Bureau of the Census
- U.S. Bureau of the Census.
- Wilson Bryan
- Wilson Margaret R.
- Wittberg Patricia
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study