191 research outputs found

    John Italos Seen by Anna Komnene

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    The historical work of Anna Komnene is one of the main sources which provides crucial information about John Italos. It is worth noting though that princess Komnene sketches in the Alexiad a portrait of this eminent Byzantine thinker that is anything but flattering. Despite the wide range of perspectives and diverse representations of the philosopher, it is actually quite difficult to find in her opus any comments or opinions of decisively positive nature. As a matter of fact, the final opinion regarding the famous “Consul Philosophorum” is formed solely on the basis of downright hostile statements. John Italos is not regarded as an outstanding figure, but rather as a controversial thinker that hardly deserves any recognition. While the present paper investigates the figure of Italos as shown in the Alexiad by Anna Komnene, its aim is to unravel those elements in the work that caused Komnene to express such an opinion about the philosopher

    Wsparcie przedsiębiorczości w ramach systemu pomocy publicznej w Polsce

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    The main goal of this paper is to identify the importance of public aid as an instrument of state influence on the economy and to discuss the role and the main conditions for applying the public aid on the regional level. In the article there are presented the issues concerning supporting of enterprise in economic policy with a focus on economic and regulation aspects of state aid. Early part of the paper is introducing the essence of state aid. In further deliberations much attention is paid to the state aid regulation with consideration of legal conditions. In the end, there are found general conclusions and recommendations

    Z ziemi do Hadesu i z powrotem, czyli bizantyńska satyra Timarion

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    Timarion albo Timariona przypadki przez niego opowiedziane, przetłumaczyli i komentarzem opatrzyli Przemysław Marciniak i Katarzyna Warcaba, wstępem poprzedził Przemysław Marciniak, Katowice 2014, ss. 120

    Scope of income independence of local self-governments situation of Western Pomeranian local self-government units in the nationwide comparison

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    Scope and importance of income independence of territorial self-government units  determines to a large extent their opportunities of development, as well as their real  possibilities to meet existing challenges. Income independence of local governments should, by definition, denote independence of local communities in establishing income sources for the local budget. Assessing the level of income independence is crucial in order to measure the actual scope of financial decisions which can be taken by self-government units. The aim of the paper is to assess the scope of income independence of local self-governments in Western Pomerania and to compare it with local self-governments in the other regions of Poland

    Pionierska Philosophie Byzantine Bazylego Tatakisa w edycji polskiej

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    Bazyli Tatakis, Filozofia bizantyńska, przełożył Sergiusz Tokariew, przekład skorygował i opatrzył posłowiem Marian Andrzej Wesoły, Kraków 2012, ss. 334

    A prospective observational study to determine the use of intra-operative respiratory rate as an indicator of the adequacy of post-operative analgesia - a pilot study

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    A research report submitted tot the Faculty of Health Sciences, University of the Witwatersrand , Johannesburg, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Medicine in the branch of Anaesthesia. Johannesburg, 2014Background: Post-operative pain is often undertreated, exposing patients to significant morbidity. The appropriate management of pain depends upon the accurate assessment thereof, however, this is difficult during general anaesthesia due to many confounders and thus intra-operative analgesia is administered according to multimodal “recipes” and changes in vital signs. Aim: To determine whether intra-operative respiratory rate in a patient under general anaesthesia is a valid indicator of post-operative analgesic adequacy. Method: The respiratory rates of 60 consenting adult female patients undergoing standardised general anaesthesia for elective breast surgery were measured. Post-operatively, each patient was assessed for the presence of pain using a Verbal Numeric Rating Scale (VNRS). Results: Spearman correlation coefficient of 0.62 was calculated between the intra-operative respiratory rates and post-operative VNRS scores. A ROC curve (with AUC equals 0.77) was plotted to test the validity of respiratory rate as a predictor for post-operative pain, with a VNRS score greater than three indicating unacceptable pain. The suggested cut-off point for respiratory rate to predict unacceptable pain is greater than or equal to 17 breaths per minute. Conclusion: The adequacy of post-operative analgesia may be predicted intra-operatively from the respiratory rate if patients are allowed to breathe spontaneously. This provides anaesthetists with a reliable, valid, affordable and easy method of titrating analgesia intra-operatively


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    Territorial self-governments of all levels (commune, county or region) perform services for the common good which, for obvious reasons, are conditioned by the financial system of the self-government units. The Constitution of the Republic of Poland states that common good services which cover the needs of the community are performed by self-government units as their own tasks. However, the level of diversification of the common good services assigned to self-government units, it changes over time. In addition, the self-government itself most often deals with the realization of the tasks given (within its own organizational structure or through the system of self – governmental financial agencies, own communal partnerships and those in which it has a stake). The self – government can also place orders with other business entities which have adequate means to meet the requirements. Such state of affairs creates a need to make analyses of the implementation systems of the duties assigned to the territorial self-government units in Poland. The analyses will indicate which tasks are the most expensive ones, and will show opportunities for their implementation by the subjects which are adequately prepared (within the procedure of ordering and subsidizing of the tasks). In the above mentioned context, the goal of this paper refers to basic questions related to the obligation of supplying common good services by the territorial self-government units in Poland. Another particular objective of the paper is to analyse the rules of support for common good ventures, when the aid is given from public financial resources


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    Introduction. Ailments of the lumbosacral spine are a more and more frequent problem of the modern society. They very often hinder everyday functioning or even make it harder and have a negative influence on the quality of patients' lives. Contemporary physical therapy applies many methods and forms of therapy to deal with spinal ailments. One of the most renowned types is the method of Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy created by Robin McKenzie. The aim of this thesis is to evaluate the McKenzie method's influence on the quality of life of patients with lumbosacral spine ailments. Materials and methods. The studies were conducted in the group of 50 patients with lumbosacral spine ailments. The patients were divided into two groups: treatment group (25 patients) and control group (25 patients). The treatment group was composed of patients treated with the McKenzie method for 3 weeks, whereas the control group included patients treated with kinesiotherapy and physical therapy according to the recommendations of the referring physician. The Oswestry Disability Index was used in order to assess the therapy results before and directly after the rehabilitation of every patient. Results. The average mean for the treatment group before the therapy obtained on the basis of the Oswestry Disability Index, was 54.96 (±12.677) and after the therapy was 10.800 (±9.713). The minimal value before the therapy was 32 and after the therapy was 0. The maximal value before the therapy was 78 and after the therapy - 46.The treatment using the McKenzie method had a significant influence (p<0.05) on the improvement of the quality of life of patients with lumbosacral spine ailments. After the therapy, the patients from the treatment group obtained relevantly lower results in the Oswestry Disability Index than the patients from the control group. Conclusions: 1. The McKenzie method therapy significantly improves the quality of life of patients with lumbosacral spine ailments. 2. The McKenzie method therapy is a more effective form of therapy when it comes to the improvement of the quality patients’ life with lumbosacral spine ailments than kinesiotherapy and physical therapy.Wstęp. Dolegliwości bólowe kręgosłupa lędźwiowokrzyżowego stają się coraz bardziej powszechnym problemem współczesnego społeczeństwa. Często utrudniają lub nawet uniemożliwiają prawidłowe funkcjonowanie człowieka oraz wpływają na obniżenie jakości życia pacjentów. Współczesna fizjoterapia wykorzystuje wiele metod i form terapii dolegliwości bólowych kręgosłupa. Jedną z nich jest metoda mechanicznego diagnozowania i terapii opracowana przez Robina McKenziego. Celem pracy jest ocena wpływu metody McKenziego na jakość życia pacjentów z dolegliwościami bólowymi kręgosłupa lędźwiowo krzyżowego. Materiał i metody. Badania zostały przeprowadzone na grupie 50 pacjentów z dolegliwościami bólowymi kręgosłupa lędźwiowo-krzyżowego. Pacjenci zostali podzieleni na dwie grupy: badawczą - 25 osób i kontrolną - 25 osób. Grupa badawcza była objęta 3 tygodniową terapią wg metody McKenziego. Grupę kontrolną stanowili pacjenci leczeni kinezyterapią i fizykoterapią. Przed rozpoczęciem terapii i bezpośrednio po jej zakończeniu u pacjentów w celu oceny efektów terapii zastosowano kwestionariusz Oswestry. Wyniki. Średnia wartość uzyskana dla grupy badawczej w kwestionariuszu Oswestry przed terapią to 54,96 (±12,677), zaś po terapii 10,800 (±9,713). Wartość minimalna przed terapią wynosiła 32, a po terapii 0, wartość maksymalna uzyskana przed leczeniem to 78, a po 46. Leczenie z wykorzystaniem metody McKenziego wpłynęło istotnie (p<0,05) na poprawę jakości życia osób z dolegliwościami bólowymi kręgosłupa lędźwiowo-krzyżowego. Po terapii osoby z grupy badawczej uzyskiwały wyniki w kwestionariuszu Oswestry istotnie niższe niż osoby z grupy kontrolnej. Wnioski: 1. Terapia metodą McKenziego poprawia istotnie jakość życia pacjentów z dolegliwościami bólowymi odcinka lędźwiowo-krzyżowego kręgosłupa. 2. Terapia metodą McKenziego jest skuteczniejszą formą terapii w aspekcie poprawy jakości życia pacjentów z dolegliwościami bólowymi kręgosłupa w odcinku lędźwiowo-krzyżowym niż kinezyterapia i fizykoterapia


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    I n t r o d u c t i o n . Ailments of the lumbosacral spine are a more and more frequent problem of the modern society. They very often hinder everyday functioning or even make it harder and have a negative influence on the quality of patients' lives. Contemporary physical therapy applies many methods and forms of therapy to deal with spinal ailments. One of the most renowned types is the method of Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy created by Robin McKenzie. T h e a i m of this thesis is to evaluate the McKenzie method's influence on the quality of life of patients with lumbosacral spine ailments. M a t e r i a l s a n d m e t h o d s . The studies were conducted in the group of 50 patients with lumbosacral spine ailments. The patients were divided into two groups: treatment group (25 patients) and control group (25 patients). The treatment group was composed of patients treated with the McKenzie method for 3 weeks, whereas the control group included patients treated with kinesiotherapy and physical therapy according to the recommendations of the referring physician. The Oswestry Disability Index was used in order to assess the therapy results before and directly after the rehabilitation of every patient. R e s u l t s . The average mean for the treatment group before the therapy obtained on the basis of the Oswestry Disability Index, was 54.96 (±12.677) and after the therapy was 10.800 (±9.713). The minimal value before the therapy was 32 and after the therapy was 0. The maximal value before the therapy was 78 and after the therapy - 46.The treatment using the McKenzie method had a significant influence (p<0.05) on the improvement of the quality of life of patients with lumbosacral spine ailments. After the therapy, the patients from the treatment group obtained relevantly lower results in the Oswestry Disability Index than the patients from the control group. C o n c l u s i o n s : 1. The McKenzie method therapy significantly improves the quality of life of patients with lumbosacral spine ailments. 2. The McKenzie method therapy is a more effective form of therapy when it comes to the improvement of the quality patients’ life with lumbosacral spine ailments than kinesiotherapy and physical therapy.W s t ę p . Dolegliwości bólowe kręgosłupa lędźwiowokrzyżowego stają się coraz bardziej powszechnym problemem współczesnego społeczeństwa. Często utrudniają lub nawet uniemożliwiają prawidłowe funkcjonowanie człowieka oraz wpływają na obniżenie jakości życia pacjentów. Współczesna fizjoterapia wykorzystuje wiele metod i form terapii dolegliwości bólowych kręgosłupa. Jedną z nich jest metoda mechanicznego diagnozowania i terapii opracowana przez Robina McKenziego. C e l e m p r a c y jest ocena wpływu metody McKenziego na jakość życia pacjentów z dolegliwościami bólowymi kręgosłupa lędźwiowo krzyżowego. M a t e r i a ł i m e t o d y . Badania zostały przeprowadzone na grupie 50 pacjentów z dolegliwościami bólowymi kręgosłupa lędźwiowo-krzyżowego. Pacjenci zostali podzieleni na dwie grupy: badawczą - 25 osób i kontrolną - 25 osób. Grupa badawcza była objęta 3 tygodniową terapią wg metody McKenziego. Grupę kontrolną stanowili pacjenci leczeni kinezyterapią i fizykoterapią. Przed rozpoczęciem terapii i bezpośrednio po jej zakończeniu u pacjentów w celu oceny efektów terapii zastosowano kwestionariusz Oswestry. Wy n i k i . Średnia wartość uzyskana dla grupy badawczej w kwestionariuszu Oswestry przed terapią to 54,96 (±12,677), zaś po terapii 10,800 (±9,713). Wartość minimalna przed terapią wynosiła 32, a po terapii 0, wartość maksymalna uzyskana przed leczeniem to 78, a po 46. Leczenie z wykorzystaniem metody McKenziego wpłynęło istotnie (p<0,05) na poprawę jakości życia osób z dolegliwościami bólowymi kręgosłupa lędźwiowo-krzyżowego. Po terapii osoby z grupy badawczej uzyskiwały wyniki w kwestionariuszu Oswestry istotnie niższe niż osoby z grupy kontrolnej. Wn i o s k i : 1. Terapia metodą McKenziego poprawia istotnie jakość życia pacjentów z dolegliwościami bólowymi odcinka lędźwiowo-krzyżowego kręgosłupa. 2. Terapia metodą McKenziego jest skuteczniejszą formą terapii w aspekcie poprawy jakości życia pacjentów z dolegliwościami bólowymi kręgosłupa w odcinku lędźwiowo-krzyżowym niż kinezyterapia i fizykoterapia

    Health education of blood donors on HIV viral infections

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    The phenomenon of HIV today is not only a medical problem but also a social one. Due to the pathways of infection, everyone can get infected for us. Currently, there is a steady increase in HIV infection in the world. Convincing people about the lack of danger and the non-characteristic symptoms of infection or their lack, causes that many people do not realize that they are infected. Knowledge about the situations in which we can be infected and the possibility of transmission routes of these viruses can contribute to reducing the number of new infections. The aim of the work was to get to know the state of knowledge about the society about HIV / AIDS and to indicate the role of health education in the fight against infectious diseases. The study included 100 people. The quantitative method was used for research, while the sociological questionnaire was used as a research technique. The analysis of the empirical material shows that the state of knowledge about HIV infection requires education among the population. What's more, the public will be happy to take part in professional training on HIV / AIDS threats. The research shows that trainings should take place periodically, cover various social groups with the cooperation of many non-medical environments. It should be remembered that multisectoral cooperation is a prerequisite for the success of any health improvement program